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“So let me get this straight… You stole a forbidden book from your magical academy and you want to use me, your loving and supportive boyfriend as a test subject for it?” Jase said a little nervous about the idea.

“You make it sound awful when you put it that way, but again It’s a forbidden book of magical kinky spells, and you know more than anyone how kinky we already are, imagine if we use magic, especially these magical spells.” Ellen said smiling.

Jase smiled back. “I guess you’re right. As long as you're confident and know what you're doing, let’s try one out.” “Sweet, hold on while I find one.” Ellen flipped through the book looking at different spells. Then she stopped and started to read in-depth about one.

“Oh, this one sounds fun. Jase hopped on the bed.” Jase nodded, then climbed up. “So let’s see. I just point at the target, say the spell, followed by what I want to connect it to. Sounds easy enough.” Ellen pointed at Jase.

“Uh… so what spell are you using?” Jase asked, wanting to prepare himself. Ellen just ignored him and started to cast the spell. ᛒᚤ ᛉᚤ ᛔᚮᚡᛂᚱ, ᛌᚮᚿᚿᛂᛌᛐ Þᛁᛍ ᛔᛂᚱᛍᚮᚿᛍ ᛒᚢᛐÞᚮᛚᛂ ᛐᚮ I don’t know a random glory hole?”

“Huh? What’s that about a glory hole?” Ellen closed the book and laughed. “Well if it worked you’ll find out eventually.” Jase tilted his head. “So why did I have to climb onto….” Jase’s face turned bright red and his jaw dropped.

“My… My ass…” “Oh, so it does work.” “What… what did you... Do to me? Something… something’s in… my ass…” Jase was getting redder by the second and he was now squatting on the bed and holding his ass.

“There sure is, and you’re going to love what it is. See, the spell allows the caster to connect a hole on the person the spell is being cast on, to any other type of hole in the world. So I chose to connect your ass directly to a glory hole somewhere in the world.”

“WHAT! So… so the thing in my ass… is a cock? A man's real cock?” Ellen smiled and nodded. “Issint that great, now you get to spend some time having your ass fucked, and you’ll never know when it’ll be over or when the next one will appear”

Jase fell forward onto his stomach and instantly put his ass up. He was beginning to drool. “It’s not… It’s so big… and it’s fucking me… so hard.” Jase grabbed the bedframe and held it as he started to rock back and forth.

“I don’t know, it seems to me that you’re enjoying it. Maybe I can help make it better.” Ellen climbed up on the bed behind Jase. “What… what are you doing?” “Well, your ass is being fucked, but you’re not getting the full experience so I’m going to help make you feel like a bottom.”

Ellen grabbed his hips and pulled his ass up to her crotch. She then began to thrust her crotch back and forth into his ass at the same time the cock that was magically in his ass thrust in and out. “OH… FuCk… It’s… It's like you’re fucking me… in my ass….”

“Yeah? It sure looked like it. Do you enjoy it more like this?” Jase turned his head to the side and with one eye gave her a look that confirmed she was right. “Good, now allow your magical mistress to pleasure you.”

Ellen continued to thrust her crotch into his ass, all while she unbuttoned his shorts and slipped the front of them down. She then moved his underwear out of the way and grabbed his very stiff cock. “My, you sure are hard, I never knew you liked anal this much, or having a cock inside you.”

 “Shut… Shut up…” Jase said with his face as red as his hair and smiled covered in his own drool. Ellen just chucked and kept thrusting and rubbing her crotch against Jase's ass. Eventually the cock from who knows where finished, and started to fill Jase's ass with its cum.

“It’s cumming… The cock is cumming inside my ass?” Jase’s hold pulled up and he let out a loud moan, then his own cock started to shoot cum out. “AHHHHhhhh… Huff… Huff..” “Oh, done already? Oh well, I’m sure it’ll happen again before long.”

Jase flipped around so he was on his back. “What are you going to leave me like this? Once wasn’t enough? I already have cum dripping out of my ass….” Jase turned bright red. Ellen smiled. “Another customer already?”

Jade nodded. “Well, have fun with that. I have some duties to attend to at the academy before I get in trouble.” Jase reached his hand out. “NO WAIT…” Ellen used her magic and disappeared before his eyes.

“Dammit… She’s really going to leave me here to get fucked over and over again… I really hope the place this glory hole is located isn't that popular….” Hours later Ellen used her magic to return home and check in on Jase.

“Hey babe I’m back. How was your day? More importantly, how active was that butthole of yours.” “Ellen? Thank… goodness you’re… back… I… think there’s… something wrong… with this… spell.” Ellen was confused as to why she was hearing someone with a high-pitched voice.

She turned towards her bed. There sat what looked like a girl. She had medium-length red hair, and a small pair of breasts, and was only wearing underwear. “Uh… Who are you and why are you basically naked on my bed? Where is Jase?”

The girl who was already bright red looked her in the eyes. “I… I am… Jase…” Ellen raised an eyebrow, no way this girl was Jase, sure she had the same hair and eye color and did sort of look like him, but she had breasts.

Jase may be a bottom, but he was still a man and had a cock. Ellen looked down at her crotch and she saw something poking out the front of the girl's underwear. “Wait… Is that a bulge? You have a penis?”

The girl nodded. “Of course I… have a penis… I’m… I’m a man…” “You sure don’t look like one…” “That’s… because that damn spell you cast on me, I think… I think every time a man cums in my ass… I become more and more feminine.”

Ellen looked at Jase. “So.. you’re Jase? That’s crazy! You’ve gotten so much smaller, and look at your hair, it's so long, and then there’s those small breasts.” Ellen was gawking over the side effect of her spell while Jase sat there quietly because another cock had entered her ass.

“Please… don’t look… It’s embarrassing… Please… change… me... OOooOOhhhhh” Jase suddenly leaned back. The front and back of his underwear suddenly oozed cum. Ellen looked down at it, not only were they soaked, but the ed around him was covered in a puddle.

She also noticed the bulge in his pants shrinking down. She could tell his dick was still fully erect despite cumming, but it had still shrunken down, meaning the spell was currency taking away his manhood.

“Damn, Jase… How… How many cocks have you taken since I left…” Jase, now able to focus a bit since his ass was currently empty, looked at her. “I... I don’t know… It’s been really busy… I lost track after seventy…” His eyes opened wide, a clear induction of a new dick.

Ellen was still a bit confused about the whole situation and watched as Jase got fucked again and had yet another cock cum inside him. This time making his breasts get bigger. “Stop staring at me Ellen and do something… Please!”

“Oh right.” Ellen lifted her hands and snapped her fingers. Suddenly Jase’s underwear was gone, the bedsheet underneath him was clean and he didn’t have any cum on his, just the bit that the last cum left in his ass.

“Well… That wasn’t what I meant… but being clean is nice… Now can you stop this spell and turn me back to normal?” “Yeah sure, let me just grab the book and look through the pages.” Ellen uses magic to make the book appear.

She began to flip through it until she got to the page with the spell on it. She reread the page and then got a concerned look on her face as she flipped through the next several pages. “Uh there might be a problem…”

Jase looked at her. “Wha… what is it?” Ellen looked at him and let out a nervous smile. “There doesn’t seem to be any information on how to reverse the spell…” Jase felt his eye twitch, followed by another cock shoved up his ass. “WHAT DO YOU MEAN!”




... Wow, wow, this is cool... I read somewhere on the Internet the idea that “every person has his own fetish, but until a person tries them, he does not realize that he has them, so it is necessary to experiment with this as much as possible to understand what exactly you like"... I think that Jase found them from their fetishes... As for the result... Probably Ellen should have read the instructions for the spell more carefully

Riley Gendreau

Yeah, no one ever thinks it through first, but to be fair if they did we wouldn't get stories like this C: