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A commission for Last_of_workers

Turner was walking down the hallway at school when he passed by class 2-C, which was the classroom of his rival Alek. So like normal, he pressed his ear against the door to eavesdrop on them in hopes of overhearing something from his rival.

That’s when he heard Alek talking with his class about having a big costume party at his house. Turner clenched his fist, how dare he throw an epic party without inviting his rival, it was utterly disgraceful.

Turner turned away from the door. If that was how it was going to be, Turner would throw his own party. He pulled out his phone and messaged his Genshin Impact cosplay group. He told them he was throwing a party at his house and they were all invited.

After sending his invites out, Turner went home to touch up his costume. In the cosplay group, Turner cosplayed Venti. Which was perfect for him, he was small and slightly feminine-looking, and he loved the clothes Venti wore.

Before the party started he went out to the store, bought a bunch of drinks and snacks, then when he got home he made an epic playlist of music from the game. After that, he ran to his room to get changed.

He started with the tights, then the blouse. Then came the shorts that go up to his upper waist followed by the cloak. Then to finish it up, Turner slipped on his shoes, got his wig on, and secured his hat to the wig so it wouldn't fall off.

He then applied a bit of makeup to hide some pimples he woke up with that morning. As he finished, the first person had arrived and rang his doorbell. He excitedly ran down to answer his door. When he opened it he saw Luke and Ariel.

They had arrived first because of Ariel’s disability. She had been in an accident that left her unable to walk, so she often arrived early since sometimes her wheelchair could get stuck, but tonight she was early for a different reason.

She cosplayed Sandrone, and as a special touch, she has a prop that she made to go on her wheelchair that looks like the modified Ruin Machine that Sandrone has. With it, it looks like the machine is carrying her around and it’s super cool.

Luke was cosplaying Signora, he was a bit embarrassed about wearing a female costume, but he likes doing it because it goes with Ariel’s costume, and anything she does he’s there with her in support even when it comes to cosplay.

Turner helped them in and probed his front door open so everyone else could let themself in. Turner then walked over to the stereo and started the music. Then he was off to the kitchen to dump some chips in bowls and get the red solo cups and soda out so people could help themselves.

As he was in the kitchen she heard a few other people arrive. He walked out holding several bowls and started to place them around for everyone to eat from. As he walked around he noticed Cohen, Imani, Jenna, and Beckham had arrived.

Beckham was cosplaying Paimon, which was actually quite funny, the tallest person in the group cosplaying one of the shortest characters, who wouldn't love that? Beckham was talking to Jenna who was looking great in her Sustainer of Heavenly Principles cosplay.

Cohen and Imani were posing in the corner talking to Ariel and gawking over the improvements to her ruined machine prop. Imani was rocking her Yae Miko cosplay, and Cohen was looking badass as a gender-bent Raiden Shogun.

Turner greeted them and complimented their costumes, and they reciprocated by doing the same. Turner went over to his television, turned it on, grabbed his controller, and started up Genshin Impact. He told everyone they were free to come over and take turns if they wanted.

Turner played for ten minutes and handed the controller off to Beckham, then stood up. It was about this time the remaining guests started to arrive. First was Kirstin dressed as Hu Tao and her younger niece who was new to cosplay and the group dressed as a super adorable Qiqi.

Then came Dustin and Willow. Dustin wasn’t technically a member of the cosplay group, but Willow his girlfriend was, and she’d been trying to get him interested in it. So she picked out his costume, which happened to be Miss Hina, which Dustin didn’t know.

Turner kept his laughter to himself as he greeted them. He told Dustin he looked great and looked over at Willow who was wearing her newest costume, which was Itto and Turner couldn't believe how good she got it to look, she looked not only like him, but it was hard to tell she wasn’t a man.

After them were Markus and Zariah. Zariah was dressed as Arlecchino and Markus was dressed as Furina which wasn’t his normal cosplay, and in fact, it was Zariah’s old cosplay. Turner asked about it, and Markus turned bright red and said it had ripped at Zariah’s house, so he borrowed this one.

Turner shrugged and said it looked good on him, and that seemed to be enough to make him feel better about cosplaying a girl. Turner looked around and it seemed almost everyone was there, only one person hadn’t arrived, well more likely hadn’t come in yet.

Turner walked out of his house and looked around the corner. There Itzel sat nervously trying to work up the courage to come in. Itzel was a super smart but shy girl, she was actually a few years younger than him, but her love of books and her intelligence got her into the same grade as him.

Of course, she was a shy nerdy girl, so she was a natural outcast. Turner had noticed one day that she always sat alone, so he went over to talk to her, that’s when she saw her stickers from Genshin, and the two began to chat about the game, ever since they’d been friends.

Turner greeted her and helped her find her way inside. Once she was through the door, Turner closed the door and the real party began. A few people pulled out their friends and started to play Genshin on their phones, while others took pictures together and talked.

About an hour in, Turner snuck into his kitchen without anyone noticing and pulled out a pair of binoculars. He used them to look down the street at another house. This house happens to be owned by Alek, his rival.

Alek and all his friends were looking like they were having a good time, but not as good of a time as Turner and his friends, although Alek’s party looked a bit more lively than his, and that couldn't stand, Turner wouldn’t be outdone by his rival in any way.

He was about to leave and go back to his party, but he saw someone doing something strange in Alek’s house. It was some girl dressed like Maleficent and she seemed to be doing some sort of act. Turner watched for a moment and then saw a bright light burst out of the house.

It passed through everything as it moved towards Turner, and before he could really react it had reached his house and passed through him and everything else around him. The light blinded Turner for a few seconds, and when it was gone she felt different.

Turner looked down at herself. Everything seemed normal, although her costume looked better than she remembered. As Turner looked at herself she heard someone from the living room ask what was going on. So she ran in there.

Everyone was looking at Ariel’s ruined machine prop because it was suddenly talking, moving, and trying to protect Ariel who also strangely looked more realistic. The confusion about Ariel’s wheelchair turning into a real robot was broken by Beckham freaking out about being small.

Everyone looked at her, not only had she become tiny like Piamon, but she was floating. Kristin, making light of the situation, looked at her and said she was the living embodiment of emergency food, which caused Beckham to get triggered and insist she wasn’t emergency food.

After that everyone calmed down, it was clear everyone had turned into a real version of their costume. Everyone was asking how it was possible and Turner remembered the light, she then explained how she watched it come from another house and after it hit they all changed.

Several people from the group were happy with the change, while others were wondering how to change back. Everyone decided to take a few minutes to look over their changes and then group abc up to figure out what to do.

Turner grabbed a drink and went out to her backyard. She sat down on the porch and looked up at the sky which was quite lively at the moment. Turner saw what looked like an Iron Man suit, an angel, several supermen, and a transformer that vehicle form was that of a plane flying around.

Clearly whatever was going on was widespread, and considering it hadn’t been reversed, Turner suspected that whatever the cause was, wasn't likely to happen again. She looked down at herself, she really didn’t mind it though. Venti was an awesome character and was a cute femboy.

She didn’t mind looking like him. Turner then noticed something. Her chest was sort of pushing out. Turner placed her hands up and pushed on it, and she was surprised to find something was underneath her shirt there and it was quite sensitive.

Turner pressed around them for a moment before she realized what it was. She jumped up and nearly screamed out loud about turning into a girl. Turner was so confused, if she had indeed turned into a real version of Venti why was she a girl?

Turner walked inside and met up with everyone else. She looked around the room, the room was now filled with girls, several of whom were men before, but in their cases, they were wearing female costumes, luckily none of them seemed to notice Turner had turned into a girl.

The group chatted for a bit, and someone showed off that they actually had abilities. That got everyone else to try out theirs. Suddenly no one cared that they had transformed, or that they were now female.

The group spent the rest of the night training out abilities, summoning their weapons, and having little battles outside to test them out. The following day as Turner cleaned up his house he texted Alek and asked what happened. Alek, who was now a real Bowsette, explained everything.

It turned out a friend of his was some sort of witch and transformed everyone for several blocks. Then she vanished, so everyone who was changed was stuck as they were. Turner shared that info with her cosplay group and looked down at herself.

This was her new body, which wasn't inherently bad, only a bit embarrassing. Turner was basically a god now as well, which was really cool. She still has no idea why her costume despite being a male turned her into a girl, but in the end, she was super cute, had powers, and was still a version of her favorite character, now all she had to do was rub it in the face of her rival when they met at school again.




Wow this is just incredibly cool thank you so much Riley I'm just incredibly happy to read this story... I have so many thoughts in my head right now... I'll try to get them all out so please don't be offended that my comment may be too long So we can see the wonderful possibilities of magic by the incredibly subtle impact on reality, but magic also has a minus... It is literally an element... Like gusts of wind... Magic is not endowed with either reason or will (although sometimes it may seem that this is not so) so sometimes it’s not very often, but it may be that what you get from magic is not exactly what you expected... Kind of like Turner... other than that, he received the power of a god in any case, so it’s unlikely that he will be particularly complain a lot Additionally, I would like to cancel how well you managed to combine this series with the original... I honestly did not expect anything like this so I sincerely thank you for this And one more thing... The thing is... How should I put it... In the original 15 stories, it was felt that this miracle had happened... A local event that would change the world for the better (there were essentially no villains there. .. Even Cliff is not exactly a villain, but rather a neutral character... she doesn’t do any blatant evil... She just achieves her goals) now... It seems to me that such a massive change can have multiple negative consequences... Let me clarify that I’m telling you I’m not blaming you or asking you to change anything, I’m just expressing the thoughts that are spinning in my head... Also thank you for immediately introducing us to all the characters that will appear in this story, it’s really very nice Anyway, thank you so much for this story, it's incredibly cool, I'm looking forward to reading more