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last_of_workers's 1st commission for May 2024

Greyson Hartman was just an average guy, nothing special about him whatsoever. He always pictured a nice calm normal life where he fell in love with a nice woman, had a couple of kids, and lived happily ever after.

Of course, things got a bit bumpy along the way, especially after he discovered the woman he fell in love with was actually a witch. They got into quite a bit of magical shenanigans when they were younger.

Then before they knew it, they were married with their first baby on the way. Now sixteen years later, Greyson had a fifteen-year-old daughter, a five-year-old daughter, a one-and-a-half-year-old daughter, and a very pregnant wife.

To make things even more chaotic, all of them were able to use magic, and more often than not, they used it on Greyson. Here’s how a day in the life of Greyson Hartman, house husband and father to a group of witches goes.

Greyson wakes up early in the morning to his wife Aradia mumbling about being cold. She turns to Greyson and sticks her hand out and turns him into a thick blanket, then covers herself with him. This was very much a common occurrence every time she got pregnant.

She’ll randomly turn him into random things, ranging from clothing, blankets, and sometimes food, and there were even a few times she turned him into a pregnant woman like her just so he could understand how he was feeling.

Greyson having no affinity for magic is powerless to do anything about it. The only thing that saves him is an artifact his father-in-law gave him the night he got married. He said it had helped him plenty of times and would be useful in the future.

Greyson had no idea at the time, but when his wife got pregnant the first time, he experienced his first time being transformed. That’s also when Greyson learned what the artifact does. Every hour it tests his physical form, and if anything is irregular, it reverses any spells put on him.

So basically after an hour, no matter what he was transformed into, he should turn back to normal. Of course, the artifact is old, so sometimes it doesn’t work right away, and sometimes Greyson gets stuck for a couple of hours or even days.

Once and if the artifact returns him to normal he heads off to find his youngest daughter May. She was only one and a half, but she was already able to use magic, although she had almost no control over it.

Which meant that from time to time, she would accidentally turn her father into something. Some of the things she’s turned him into include, a pacifier because she couldn't find hers, a lollipop because he told her no more sweets, and even a cute stuffed lamp to cuddle.

You’d think being a lollipop and being licked would be the worst, but the artifact didn’t turn Greyson back for two days. She tossed him around, got him completely dirty, and even dropped him in the toilet, and thanks to how their magic works, he was able to smell, taste, see, and hear everyone.

Today May had actually turned him into a set of blocks. So Greyson had to patiently watch as she built towers with him and knocked him over. Luckily after an hour, he turned back to normal and put her in her playpen where she couldn't cause any trouble.

It was then on to his five-year-old Janet. She has much better control over her power than her little sister, but because she’s so young, she doesn’t have a sense of responsibility and always wants to play and do fun things.

So she doesn’t like being told playtime is over, and in response, she’ll often turn him into things to play with. Most of the time it’s dolls, but sometimes it can be stickers, a coloring book, and one time a ball of slime, which wasn’t fun because she got him stuck to everything.

Today it was another doll, a Barbie doll. Greyson was a small seven-inch plastic woman with blonde hair and a hard plastic body. Janet then dressed him up in the prettiest clothes she could find. Then her mother called her and Janet tossed Greyson into her toy box.

That’s where he sat for three hours before the artifact turned him back to normal. Greyson got out of the toy box and let out a sigh of relief. Greyson then went off to the kitchen. It was around noon, which meant his wife was off working, and had dropped the two youngest ones at daycare.

So that left the remaining child, his fifteen-year-old daughter Harriet. She came walking in and Greyson greeted her, to which he scoffed at him. He then offered to make her something to eat, and she whined at him that she didn’t need him to pamper her, she was capable of taking care of herself.

He tried to tell her he didn’t think she couldn’t but he was her dad and wanted to do things for her, but she was in that rebellious teenager phase, and she had little respect or understanding about these things. Greyson knew she really didn’t mean anything by it, and one day it would change.

Until then he was still going to take care of her and love her, and likely do things to annoy her, like offering to drop her off with her friends. Harriet rolled her eyes and accused him of wanting to spy on her and her friends.

She then said if he wanted to see that she could make good choices and doesn’t need to be treated like a child, that Greyson could come with her and hang out with them. Greyson was a little confused, he didn’t think he was serious, but she was.

The thing is she had a different idea of how he’d be joining them. Before he knew it, Greyson was turned into a cute anime girl keychain, one of those milfy characters with a sexy body and big breasts. Harriet then attached him to her purse and left the house.

Because the artifact doesn’t work every time, Greyson had to bounce around his daughter's purse for four hours and watch as she and her friends at the mall, movies, and even the library. Eventually, Greyson turned back and snuck out of the library without saying anything to Harriet.

Maybe it was to avoid her turning him back into a keychain, but he told himself it was to not embarrass her, which was true to an extent. Greyson called a taxi and went back to his home to start cooking dinner for his family, and you know his other house-husband duties.

When he arrives, he encounters the final, but biggest challenge that comes with his magical family. His sister-in-law Matilda. Matilda was the older sister of Aradia, and she hated Greyson. Why? Because he’s an ordinary person and not a powerful warlock.

She thinks her little sister married Greyson in an attempt to spite their parents and their lineage. So for many years, she’s been trying her hardest to get rid of Greyson by purposely turning him into things to degrade and humiliate him.

Well, that’s how it is nowadays, it actually started with her trying to just get rid of him by turning him into a worm. Luckily the artifact turned him back before that bird got to him. Then when she learned he would turn back after an hour like her father, she decided to just humiliate him.

So from then on it was things like doormats so people would step on him and clean their feet on his face, and another time it was a public toilet, which he got stuck in for two days, and really doesn’t like to think about.


This time however she had come up with something very gross and humiliating. She turned Greyson into a condom, and once he was the little rubber cock cover, she teleported home where a very hot guy with a massive cock was waiting.

Matilda made her clothes vanish and then crawled up next to him, then she unwrapped Greyson and pulled him over the guy's cock. Greyson felt himself being stuffed, which was actually quite amazing, but being filled with a cock wasn’t something he liked the idea of.

That wasn’t the end of it. As soon as Greyson was all the way on the man's cock, Matilda started to go down on the guy, and in turn, going down on Greyson. Greyson was forced in and out of her vagina for hours.

Greyson felt the guy cum inside him several times, but they didn’t stop until Matilda cummed, and as soon as she removed herself from Greyson he turned back landing on the guy. Greyson went to yell at her, and the guy she was fucking was also confused.

Matilda just teleported them both away, and Greyson was back in his kitchen. Then one by one, his wife and daughters walked in. He looked towards the kitchen and sighed. He still had to make dinner for his family.

He walked over to the stove and turned it on. Then he felt something strange going on with his butt. He went to the bathroom and checked it out, and he had cum dripping out of his butt, likely because it was in him when he was a condom.

He cleaned himself out and went back to the kitchen and was surprised. Harriet and Aradia had started dinner, and Janet had started setting up the table with help from May. Greyson looked at them all and smiled.

This was his family, it was a bit rough and crazy at times, but he loved them, and he knew they loved him. He walked over to Aradia and kissed her on the lips and asked her how her day was. She went on to talk about having an amazing day.

Greyson then went over to Harriet and asked her how her day went, you know after he snuck away. She looked a bit embarrassed as she apologized for that, and sheepishly thanked him for not making a scene when he left.

Greyson patted her on the head and said it was okay, and then he said dinner smelled great and he couldn't wait to taste it. That made her smile, but mostly because Greyson showed her that he did trust her to do things on her own.

He then went over to the table and chatted with his youngest two. Janet had a wild tale about her day that involved climbing a mountain and riding a unicorn, and May talked about a friend she made that day.

Greyson told her that it was wonderful, and offered to help them with the plates and silverware. They accepted and the table was set in no time and they all sat patiently together until the other two came over with dinner.

After everyone got their plates filled and sat to eat together, they talked a bit before everyone turned toward Greyson and asked him how his day was. Greyson thought about it for a moment, then said he had a good day, and nothing out of the ordinary happened.




Thank you Riley for another wonderful story, I think it might have been a little difficult for you, but you brought it to life early for which I am truly grateful, you were able to execute my idea really well