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12Animefan21 1st commission for May 2024

Christian walks in through his front door and shuts the door. He tosses his keys onto a table nearby, kicks his shoes off leaving them by the door, and heads over to his couch. He had just returned from the flowmarkt.

Christian had found this cool-looking book, and he got it for an amazing price. Christian sat on the couch and laid his legs across the other cushions, then he pulled the book out of the bag and tossed the bag on the floor behind him.

The book was dark purple and had all kinds of fantasy-type runes actually carved into it. Christian opened it up and flipped to the first page. The cover of the book didn’t actually have a name on it but on the first page it had in big bold letters, “Melody the catgirl”.

Christian started to read it and it was a surprisingly wholesome story about a cat girl named Melody who lived with her mother, and together they ran a cafe called Purrfect Pastries. The story starts with Melody getting out of bed and getting ready for the day.

As Christian became focused on the words in the book, he failed to notice the runes on the front of the book start to glow. The part about Melody getting ready was just a way to describe the character but it was a pretty cute way to do so.

It started with Melody sitting at her vanity and brushing out her long purple hair, and making sure not to hit her cat ears with the brush because they were super sensitive. The runes on the book glowed and sent and cast some sort of spell that ran up Christian’s arms and to his head.

Suddenly his hair began to grow out. It grew all the way to his lower back and then turned purple, just like Melody’s, and then two purple cat ears appeared on top of his head. Christian was too focused on the book to even notice and continued to read.

Once Melody brushed her hair out, she opened a jewelry box she had. She pulled out a cute little collar with a bright golden bell. She wrapped it around her neck and rang the bell. Melody let out a little smile.

The collar was a gift from her father, who was no longer with them, but when he gave it to her, he told Melody that every time it rang, he’d come to watch over her. The book cast another spell, and just like the story, a cat collar with a special bell appeared around Christian’s neck.

In the story, Melody applied some mascara to make her eyelashes look thicker and plucked a few loose hairs around her eyebrows. She then looked at her face in the mirror. She was on her way to work so she didn’t need a lot of makeup today, not that she needed it.

She was super cute already, her face was soft, and she was small and pointy. Once again the book transformed Christian to look like Melody, completely changing his face from a clearly male-looking one to the soft and cute one described for Melody in the book.

Melody got up from her vanity and headed to her closet. She dropped her nightgown to the floor and looked at herself naked in the mirror attached to her closet door. Melody placed her hands on her breasts, she couldn't believe how big they’d gotten.

She then moved her hands down to her waist. She’d gotten a lot slimmer since she stopped eating all those cat treats, next up was her butt, it wasn’t super big, but all the exercise she does running around serving people all day has made it super firm.

Melody then looked at her tail, it was very long and purple just like her hair. Much like her ears, it’s very sensitive, and most of the time she hides it under dresses to keep customers from touching it while she’s working.

Melody smiled at herself and said she was looking really good. She then walked over to her closet to pick out her clothes for the day. While Christian began to read what she was deciding to wear, the box did its thing and transformed him using all the details just mentioned in the book.

So now he had a long purple tail, decent-sized breasts, a slim waist, and a nice firm butt. Still, somehow he had no idea of any of this. In the story, Melody pulled out a black strapless bra and a black pair of frilly panties.

Melody put her legs through the panties and pulled them all the way up, sitting them comfortably around her waist and slightly pressed against her vagina. She then grabbed the bra,m wrapped it around her chest and hooked it.

Melody then grabbed one of her favorite purple dresses. It went down to her thighs and had long sleeves, but the shoulders were completely exposed other than the straps that kept the dress up. Once it was zipped up, Melody grabbed a pair of black ankle socks and a pair of heels.

She was now dressed for the day. Now she was off to meet her mother downstairs for work. Christian continued to read about her day, all while the book made the finishing touches on turning Christian into a real-life Melody.

Christian’s clothes completely changed to match Melody’s outfit. The dress, bra, panties everything she was wearing Christian now had on. Then there was the biggest change, Christian’s crotch had gotten a bit smaller and flatter, making Christian a girl just like Melody.

Still somehow Christian didn’t notice, perhaps because the magical book wasn’t ready for her to see the changes. Christian continued the story. Melody made herself breakfast and then headed downstairs to the cafe.

Her mother was already behind the counter getting the kitchen ready, so Melody greeted her then walked over and opened the store so customers could come in. Then for the rest of the day, Melody ran around taking orders, making drinks, and bringing food from the kitchen to tables.

It was a lot of work, but nothing she couldn’t handle, and for the most part her customers are regulars and are super nice, and make it all worth it. At the end of the day, the store closes and Melody’s mother heads upstairs to make them dinner while Melody cleans up the cafe and closes.

About an hour later Melody locks the cafe and heads upstairs. Her mother was in the kitchen and told her dinner would be done in a few minutes. So Melody goes and sits on the couch to relax for a bit.

There was a book nearby so Melody picked it up and read a few chapters. It was a strange story about an enchanted book. Apparently, it had a different story for each person who held it, and it was currently turning some dude named Christian into a cat girl.

Christian was a bit taken aback reading that. It had to be a coincidence right? Christian flipped the page to continue reading Meloy’s story, but there weren't any more pages. The story had just suddenly ended.

Christian looked over the book and dropped it onto her lap. This was so strange. It didn’t look like any pages were ripped out, so was that supposed to be the ending? That made no sense. Christian looked up from the book and sighed, she wanted to know what happened next.

Suddenly Christian felt a hand on her shoulder and it startled her. Her tail shot up and she hissed. She looked back to see an older cat woman smiling at her. She had no idea who this was, but she looked a lot like an older version Of Melody from the book.

Before Christian could ask any questions about who she was, how she got here, and how she was a real-life catgirl, the woman told her dinner was done and to get her tail in there and eat it while it was nice and hot.

Christian nods for some reason. She didn’t know why, but she felt safe around this woman and trusted her. So she stood up to follow her to the kitchen. That’s when Christian realized she was no longer wearing pants.

She looked down and saw her legs were completely exposed and that she was wearing heels and a dress. It took a few minutes to process, but then Christian loudly yelled, asking why she was wearing a dress.

Her mother turned towards her and said she always wore dresses, as they made her look super cute. Christian then slowly raised her hands up to her chest, she wasn’t just wearing a dress, she had breasts, was she a girl now?

Everything was starting to click in her mind, and as soon as she reached her hands up to her ears she confirmed it, Christian had turned into Melody the catgirl, and she was now living her life. Was that why it stopped suddenly because she was meant to live the rest of it out?

Then what about that last part of the book, where it said Christian was turning into a catgirl? Melody turned towards the couch where she left the book, and it was just an ordinary book now. Had she really bought an enchanted book that wrote a story about her to change her body and her reality?

Melody’s mother cleared her throat and asked Melody once again to come eat. Melody swung her head back towards her and that’s when the bell around her neck rang out. Suddenly Melody felt calm and relaxed.

Melody was now a cute cat girl who worked full time at a cafe as a waitress which was owned by her family. She had a wonderful mother who loved and cared for her, and loved her very much, and if she ever got scared or sad, a simple ring of the bell and her father was there with her.

Everything was going to be okay, nothing about this was bad, right? After all her old life she just worked and came home to an empty house to do stuff like read books. This was an exciting new opportunity in life for her. One the enchanted book knew she needed, so she could be happier.




Hmm, I can’t remember a single transformation scenario like this, and for this alone the story deserves an A+ rating, and that’s not even mentioning the story itself, which is also very good, in general I like everything!


Wow, this has turned out beautifully, you have realized my wish perfectly. I love it. Now there's just one thing left to say, where can I find this book?


I'm glad you enjoyed it. But it's true, Riley realized my basic idea perfectly.