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Everything went in slow motion, you froze in terror as you examined the metal chastity belt on your pelvis, holding your penis hard and preventing it from moving at all.

By instinct, you sent both hands and tried to pull it down, squirming like a mad man.

Only then you hear Janine’s laughter, you look at her and see her pointing at you, “Alma, you gotta see this!” She called and Alma crawled to you with a confused face.

She noticed the chastity belt and placed a hand over her mouth.

You looked at her in terror and continued trying to take it off, rolling all over and dragging your back against the floor.

“Oh my god”, Alma said and slowly joined Janine’s laughter, they both laughed so hard they leaned on the floor, their laughter booming so intense it hurt your tiny ears.

“T-T-Take it off! Take it off!” You screamed towards Alma, but her eyes were closed and she laughed too hard to hear.

Janine laughed and raised her legs up, hanging you from your collar again, you choked and held it with both hands, dangling around, then landing on Alma’s living room’s carpet as she rolled sideways.

“Love it when they freak out like that!” Janine said as her laughter slowly faded.

You held your collar and desperately tried to take it off, looking at Alma for help.

Alma finally stopped laughing and looked at you, then at Janine, “it can be taken off though, right?” She asked with a smile.

Janine shrugged, “of course not, that’s the whole point”.

You shrieked and started crying loudly, Alma gulped and scratched her head embarrassingly.

“Here comes the tears!” Janine announced happily, then raised her leg and got you hanged from the collar again, at least you were able to lean over her sole to keep breathing.

Janine brought her phone forward, “Alma come, let’s record this moment”, she said happily.

Alma awkwardly drugged herself closer to Janine.

“Raise your foot, and smile girl! Your slave finally knows his place!” Janine said happily, Alma followed her and raised her foot too, then faked a gentle smile.

Janine took a selfie, like they are taking a pic with an animal, then laughed, “So Guy, how does it feel knowing you will never get a boner again?” She asked and you realized she’s recording it in her phone, it’s a video.

You held the collar with both hands, “A-Alma, h-help!” You said in a choked voice.

“Ah ah ah, answer the question, bug”, Janine said with a giggle, shaking her foot, causing the collar to tighten on your neck more firmly.

“Let’s take him down, he struggles to breath”, Alma said with a worried expression, she seemed helpless.

“Don’t worry, he will make it”, Janine said dismissively, “Guy, you came for the last time in your life, how does it feel?”

“T-Terrible! Okay?! W-Why did you do it! P-Please take it off!” You shouted shakily.

She closed her eyes and took a pleasured breath, taking pure satisfaction from your misery, she really is sadistic.

She stopped recording and lowered her foot, looking at Alma, “isn’t it amazing? Having so much control over someone?” She asked in a dreamy voice, Alma just gulped, then slowly nodded.

“You know what I love the most? The fact we knew him all those years ago”, Janine kept talking, ignoring your squirms next to her foot as you kept trying to take off the chastity belt.

“What do you mean?” Alma asked.

“Hard to explain, but knowing his life from before, I can still remember how hard he learned for exams and all that, it was all for nothing, he will live the rest of his life licking foot sweat and some day he will probably get squished under your foot by accident, gosh, it gives me goosebumps”, Janine giggled and licked her lips, Alma blushed and scratched her head, not sure what to say.

“You think I’m weird?” Janine asked and laughed.

“Uhh… it just sounds a bit cruel, you know?” Alma said with a faint smile.

Janine caressed her hair with both hands and looked sideways, then dragged her foot backward and you with it, “cruel? Maybe, I don’t know, he’s a male, they were all born to entertain us”, she said and it seemed like she genuinely believed it, “Paul, the foot slave I squished yesterday by accident? I feel like he was blessed to be mine all those years, honestly, you have no idea how lost and pathetic he was on his own, at least with me he had a purpose, to make me happy”.

Alma coughed her throat, hearing about someone getting squished seem to disgust her.

“Umm… y-yeah, I guess… Jan, can we move to the sofa? I feel weird being on the floor, and maybe we can set Guy free for today?”

“Not a chance”, Janine said with a smile, then stood up, you started shaking as you looked up and saw her colossal form towering all those miles up, you watched the chain being dragged as she took a step to the sofa, you were drugged by your neck with it.

Alma looked down at you, blushing, as you dangled and dragged on the floor, following Janine’s foot as she recklessly moved it forward, then sat down on the sofa and leaned back.

Alma went after her and sat down too.

Janine raised her feet to the table, hanging you and dropping you on the glassy surface, then snapped her fingers, “bug”, was the only word she needed to say to make you crawl to her sole and lick like a dog.

Alma raised her feet to the table as well, then sighed, “umm, so what will you do now that you don’t have a foot slave?” Alma asked casually, trying to change the subject and perhaps make Janine forget about torturing you for a moment.

Janine sighed and looked at her phone, “I definitely need a new one…” she said tiredly, stretching her toes and making your collar pull your neck back, you coughed out some foot sweat.

“I got some leads, there’s some loser who keeps asking me to go out with him”, Janine said, staring at the screen, “wanna see him? I sent you his profile”, she said and Alma’s phone rang with a notification.

Alma leaned forward and picked up her phone, she smiled, “oh wow, he’s an athlete”, she said with awe.

“These make the best foot slaves, when you get to tame them properly”, Janine said in a chilling tone.

“Oh, really? Well, I mean, that makes sense, they got the stamina”, Alma replied, “hmm, but how do you get them to shrink? You got a mutated shrinking virus or something?”

Janine chuckled, “what? Lol, of course not, it’s insanely expensive, why would I need that??” Janine asked and looked at her.

“Oh, but he’s probably vaccinated, so even if you go on a date with him, how will he end up tiny?” Alma asked, actually intrigued, “I mean, between us, that’s what my sister do”

Janine laughed, “wait, Hannah? She’s an enslaver too? Lol, she’s so unlike you!”

“Heh…” Alma chuckled forcefully.

There was an awkward silence, only the sound of your pathetic licks at Janine’s sole could be heard.

“If I tell you my secret, will it stay between us?” Janine asked quietly.

Alma nodded.

“So I have this trick that never fails me, we date, I get him a little drunk, but just a little, yeah?” She talked excitedly, like sharing a secret she’s super proud of, Alma looked at her and listened closely, nodding for her to continue.

“When we are in bed, I stop them just before they penetrate”, Janine giggled, “I tell them I need a proof I can trust them, they usually say they will do anything, so I tell them I happen to have a cure that reverse the shrinking virus”

“Wait, what?? Do you have something like that??” Alma asked gullibly.

“No silly of course not, but if they don’t believe me I start to act up, like they don’t trust me so why I should trust them, it’s a bit different every time, but men are men, they all submit eventually when their balls hurt enough”, she said and started laughing, Alma forcefully joined her.

“Anyway, I tell them to get shrunken for me, as an ultimate proof of trust, and send them away from my apartment, then I ignore them”, Janine kept sharing.

“Ignore them? I don’t understand, it doesn’t make any sense”, Alma said in a confused voice.

Janine made an arrogant smug smile, “yeah? It usually takes a week before they are shrunken at my doorstep, saying they are sorry for not believing me, that they’d do anything to earn my trust, blah blah blah…”

“Oh my god, seriously? And what then?”

“Well, I give them my ‘cure’”, Janine said and laughed, “then when they realize it’s not working, I laugh in their faces, saying they will never be free again, and welcome them to their new life as my foot slaves”.

“Wow, that’s.. hardcore”, Alma said slowly.

“It’s actually so much better than drugging them, because some of them still thinks that it’s part of a test and try to impress me”, Janine made a pleasured sigh, “seriously Alma, nothing gives me more pleasure than that, seeing someone so madly in love with me licking my feet and beg me to grow him back, thinking I actually have a way to do that”, she said and burst in laughter.

Alma giggled and slowly checked on you.

“But not a word about this Alma, I never shared it with anyone”, Janine said assertively, “if the word gets out I won’t be able to seduce more foot slaves”.

“Of course, your secret is safe with me!” Alma promised.

Janine smiled and leaned forward, detaching the string from her toe ring and letting it fall next to you, then she pushed her foot and pressed you down with her sole, twisting it against your face.

“Uhhhh… Jan?” Alma asked and sent a hand a bit forward, like she wanted to help you but stopped herself.

“Oh I’m just telling Guy goodbye, I got to go visit my aunt”, Janine replied. Then lifted off her foot and placed it on the floor, you moaned in pain and remained flattened on your back.

Janine took a few steps forward but then stopped next to your fancy terrarium, she held it with both hands and picked it up.

You looked at her in shock, that’s your home!

“So I’m taking it, right?” Janine asked with a smile.

“Oh, right”, Alma answered confusedly.

“My cousin will be happy, he’s shrunken for two months and still doesn’t have a proper place to be in, he’s going to be fine with this five stars hotel, they don’t make those anymore”, Janine said and looked at you, “thanks Guy, enjoy your new home”, she laughed and turned her eyes to the small metal cage she brought earlier, you looked at it and sobbed in panic.

Alma gulped and froze as she watched Janine taking it away.

The moment Janine closed the door Alma jumped to you, quickly removing the collar from your neck.

“Holy shit are you okay?!” Alma asked in a high pitched tone.

“N-No!” You caressed your burning neck, it got so bruised from all the dragging Janine did to you, you coughed miserably, “w-why did you let her take my home?!” You asked in tears.

“I… she… she said something about that yesterday but I didn’t think she’d do that… uhh… if I said anything she’d know I’m bluffing”, Alma said, and her face got even blusher.

“A-And this!” You said miserably and held the chastity belt, “y-you got to help me remove it! There’s got to be a way!” You begged.

Alma slowly got her fingers to you, she held it and tried to find a way to open it, twisting you over and over in an attempt to find a locking system, “oh my… it looks like a one way lock I’m not sure I can do-“


Alma gulped and released you, you fell back to the glass and there was a *DING* sound as the metal belt hit it, “ugh”, you made a frustrated noise and pushed yourself up, “what if they will invent a cure soon?! You must find a way to fix it!” You pointed angrily at Alma.

She made an annoyed expression, “hey! Guy! I don’t ‘must’ do anything!” She replied in anger, “y-you wanted this! Remember??? You wanted a day getting tortured by Janine! Well, guess what! This is what it looks like!” She pushed you back with her finger, you looked up at her and gulped, it’s the first time you saw her getting angry.

She took a deep breath and closed her eyes, “sorry, look, I’ll try to search for a way to fix it online, but you need to prepare yourself for the fact it won’t be possible, and yes, you might end up staying tiny”, she said coldly, like lecturing a kid.

Tears started flowing out of your eyes and you started crying, “Alma h-how can I?? T-This is madness, I can’t believe this is happening…”

She made a compassionate expression and sighed, she got up and went to the kitchen, you held your head and cried miserably.

Alma came back and placed a plate of water and some food in front of you, she opened her mouth to say something but just froze and shut it, then went away and opened her laptop, probably studying.

After crying for a while you started drinking and eating, struggling to believe the best day of your life ended like that, all you have now was Alma, you lost everything else.

Even the option to grow back to normal at some point in the future was taken away.


End of part 8



Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2024-01-08 13:29:56 I'm just in love with this story, also in love with the denial, and the progressive hostility.
2023-12-31 08:14:37


Thanks, I'm going to try publish new parts more frequently here, this series is a bit harder for me to write since I didn't made a draft to begin with like other multi-parted stories I do.


in my opinion Good Care might be your masterpiece.