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You’ve waited years for Sofia to accept foot slaves again.

It was hard to explain why, but something in her mesmerized you, she was cruel unlike any other but she never posted crush or vore videos.

When you saw her post and all the dead skin on her foot, you wanted to be a part of it, you wanted to help her prepare for her sister’s wedding, you couldn’t explain it, but you loved her and felt like you really know her, after following her social media channels for years.

So you didn’t think much about it, you went to the closest shrinking center and shipped yourself over in a sealed box as she requested, prepared to spend the next years as a foot slave.

She never held slaves permanently, she always freed them eventually, saying it’s a chore to keep them alive, her posts had comments from guys who actually were her foot slaves once, which was rare and crazy.

It was express shipping and you should have been there in less than a day, and you surely got somewhere, you could tell you are not in the van anymore, and there was a woman talking outside, but you couldn’t hear what she was saying.

You waited patiently for the box to be opened but it just didn’t happen, and then the box was raised up on its side, causing you to slide and hit the wall. Shortly after the box was thrown somewhere, you hit another wall hard and moaned in pain.

You had no idea what’s going on, you started to panic, you scratched the cardboard and shouted for help, but no one could hear you, you were in the dark, desperate, waiting for Sofia to somehow find and save you.

After days, you perished miserably inside the box, you tried to understand what happened, who stole you from Sofia, or if she missed the box or anything, but you never got an answer.

(2 Twitter posts in main photos, don’t miss it)



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