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She was probably the most beautiful girl you’ve dated so far, you really wanted to impress her, so you mentioned random achievements and successful moments.

The high score SATs, the engineering degree you got with distinction, the fact that you became a team lead a few months ago after working in the company for just one year, but she just nodded and her eyes drifted, she even yawned once and didn’t even bother to apologize.

You tried several times to encourage her to speak about herself but she just sighed and suggested that you continue.

You started having low self-esteem, something in her aura just demeaned you, you even stuttered, it didn’t happen since elementary school.

 I get the feeling that you aren’t interested, it’s ok”, you said with a weak voice.

“Nah, it’s not that”, she said calmly and sipped from her wine.

You waited for her to share more, you started having a feeling of choking, “s-so what is it?” You asked with a worried expression.

She sighed, and started having half a smile, it was the first time she gave you any kind of smile since the date started.

“What?” You asked again, dying to know what exactly is the problem.

“It’s just that I look at you
 all I can see is a bug”, she said casually and sipped again.

“A b-bug?” You asked, confused.

“Yeah I mean, look at you”, she giggled, you started blushing, “you can barely even breath in front of me”.

You scratched your head embarrassingly, you felt like your face was burning in shame.

“I.. I don’t understand, what have I done wrong? I have a degree, I have a very good j-“

She cut you mid sentence by laughing, she shook her head, “honey, you are foot slave material”, you were shocked, how can she say something like that with so much confidence, “maybe even a footrest”, she laughed and sipped again.

You wanted to bury yourself, you’ve never been so humiliated in your life, no one was ever that mean to you.

Every muscle in your body wanted out, you wanted to go home and hide beneath your bed and cry, but your brain just didn’t let you do it.

“Anyway, it won’t work”, she said and finished her wine, “usually I say thanks for the date but this was a complete waste of my time”, she said arrogantly.

“W-Wait”, you stuttered reluctantly.

She looked at you with questioning bored eyes.

“You are wrong”, you said without the slightest of confidence.

“Sure honey, good luck with your next date, maybe someone will agree to enslave you eventually”, she started walking outside.

You quickly placed a 100$ bill on the table and followed her.

“What do you mean? I don’t understand, why would someone enslave me?” You asked, on the verge of crying, you walked outside of the restaurant and she ordered herself a taxi.

“You really want to know?” She asked with a smug face.

“Y-Yes”, you replied, tears started filling your eyes.

She placed a finger on your chest, “because this isn’t your real size, you are fake, you are worth less than the oxygen you breathe, I’m not even sure I would have you as a foot slave”, she said with a satisfied smile, a taxi stopped next to her.

She went inside, you stood there, frozen, you felt like she’s seeing into your soul, she was like a goddess or something, even with all of your amazing achievements in life - next to her you felt like absolutely nothing, you bent down and held the taxi door.

“S-Show me”, you begged her.

She sighed and shook her head, “pathetic
” She gave you another arrogant look, “get in”.

She looked at the taxi driver, “the shrinking center”, she said.

You didn’t know what you were doing, this is crazy, your face was pale, you felt like you were being lured by a huge magnetic force and nothing can stop it, you just had to impress her, your whole life had no meaning without it.

She looked at you arrogantly, you already felt small just from her gaze.

“I’m not going to feed you”, she explained calmly, “I’m not even going to talk to you, you will live only to serve me and get nothing in return”.

You wanted to say something but you just couldn’t, you nodded, soaked in cold sweat.

She sighed in satisfaction, then raised her foot and removed her heel, “and eventually, some day, your life will just end by that”, she pointed at the ball of her foot.

You gasped silently in fear, her eyes paralyzed you.

“And it will be the best day of your life, because that’s what you’ve always been, ashes, your natural place is among the dirt beneath me”

You nodded again, you felt like you’re gasping for air, only now you realize that your penis almost ripped your pants, you never had such an erection, it was like all the blood in your body was there right now.

The taxi stopped, she got out and you followed her, you literally walked behind her, scared and helpless, you wanted to run, you felt like you’re under a spell.

You sat down and signed everything, you used your credit card to pay for it, and as you were about to put it inside of your wallet her hand reached to you.

“I will have that”, she stated, you looked at her like you’re the most pathetic thing in the world, “you no longer need these things, they better off with me”

You gulped and placed the credit card in her hand, she smirked and placed it in her purse.

You followed the employee to the shrinking room, looking back, seeing her for the last time in your wrong size, and walking in.

You laid on a bed and closed your eyes, when you opened them again, you were laying there naked, tiny and helpless. You saw tiny clothes next to you and quickly wore them on, you looked around, it was terrifying.

An employee, now a giantess, placed an aquarium in front of you, you looked at her and started shaking, what the hell have you done, how did it happen, you stepped inside and she closed it after you.

She went out and handed it over to your date, she just smiled her arrogant smile and laid her eyes on you, like you were a trophy of sorts.

“Hmm”, she moaned in satisfaction, holding your glass cage, you belong to her now, she took you to her home.


When you entered, you couldn’t help but notice that there were more aquariums like that scattered around, but they were all empty.

She placed you on the table and went to shower, she came back without makeup, it’s like she washed down her arrogant expression as well, she sat down on the sofa and sighed, just like a normal mortal human being, then started checking the papers she got from the shrinking center, and your credit card.

She browsed her phone for a while.

“Nice, it wasn’t bluffing”, she said in satisfaction.

You placed your hands on the glass, trying to make a sound, but you were so shocked and terrified that nothing came out.

She sighed and stretched, and just went to bed, leaving you like that.

You were confused and panicked, is she going to just starve you? This is why all the other cages are empty?

You couldn’t sleep, you just sat in a corner all curled up and shaking, slowly digesting that you threw away your life in a glimpse of an eye just because a hot girl thought you were better as a bug.


The next day, she just casually opened your aquarium and picked you up, she walked with you outside to her backyard like you weren’t even a living thing, she sat down and dropped you next to her feet, then sighed and looked sideways.

She didn’t need to order you, you knew exactly what to do, you fell on your knees and started licking her sole, trying to satisfy your thirst and hunger by swallowing her foot sweat.

You felt just like you felt in your date, you were at her feet, trying to impress her by shoving your head between her toes, but she gave you no reaction.

You licked as hard and fast as you could, you pushed yourself as far as your body allowed, and then she yawned, just like in your date, she was unimpressed.




Love it


When I finished writing it I thought it’s going to be the best story of this month, now that this month is finished I understand it wouldn’t even make it to top 3 đŸ«ą you’ll see


I thought this story was good man


I also think it’s good, that’s why it also have an epilogue today :)