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It’s been a few days and there was no sign of Alma’s sister, you thought they just forgot about it and you didn’t want to ask Alma about it in order not to bring it up again.

You weren’t sure what you’re thinking of it, you had no idea she has a sister who’s also an enslaver, what if one day she will just give you to her or something? It bothered you.

It was an ordinary day, you licked between her toes while she was drinking her morning tea, the tv was in the background, some morning hosting show, you haven’t slept much so you were pretty tired.

You tapped her middle toe twice, she finished another sip from her tea, then bent forward, “hey, what is it?” She asked with a smile.

“Hey, sorry for disturbing you-“

“It’s ok”, she giggled, “we’ve been through this, you know it’s ok”

“Thanks, I’m just a little tired, can you place me back in the aquarium so I’ll catch some sleep”

She made a worried face, “is everything ok?”

“Yeah, it’s nothin-“

*DING* - the apartment’s doorbell cuts you mid sentence.

Alma made a confused face and got up, slowly approaching the door and opened it.

“Surprise!” A woman’s voice you’ve never heard before.

“Sis! I thought you wouldn’t make it!” Alma said happily

“Haha I told you I’ll visit before leaving town”, Hannah replied.

“Come, you want tea?” Alma asked, then you saw them walking in, you gulped, watching them from the sofa.

“Still a tea fan? Coffee, black please”, Hannah said, then she dropped her car keys on the table, you heard painful moans, you narrowed your eyes to take a closer look at her keys.

She had 2 small keychain cages attached to it, it was so small and yet there was a shrunken person in each, you gasped in fear and went to the corner of the sofa, trying to hide from her.

“So where’s your foot slave?” Hannah called while stretching, still in the living room while Alma went to the kitchen.

“Oh my god, right, wait”, Alma made a light run back to the living room, she looked at you with a smile, “Hannah, Guy, Guy, Hannah”, she introduced you to each other.

Hannah bent down to take a closer look at you, “hah, he looks rather good considering he’s a foot slave”, she giggled, you held your side insecurely.

“Guy isn’t really a foot slave”, Alma said and went back to the kitchen. You looked at her in fear while she’s leaving the living room, why does she leave you with her?!

“What do you mean? Doesn’t he lick your feet?” Hannah called and sat down on the sofa, her eyes fixated on you, slightly smiling.

“He does! But I don’t force him, I told you, he likes it”, she called back from the kitchen, you heard the water starting to boil.

“Oh really?” Hannah said and started opening her boot, then taking out her foot and sniffing the air, making a disgusted face and stretching her leg in your direction.

“Go on then, let’s see how much you like it”

The smell was horrific, even worse than Janine’s feet the other day, but you still approached, gasping for air, then kneeled in front of her sole and started licking it.

So much thick disgusting foot sweat, it got in your eyes, you wiped it off, when you were so close you noticed that her sole have so many tiny bite marks, every dead skin cluster was partly eaten, it’s clear that her slaves work hard constantly.

“Oh, you’re using him”, Alma said, holding 2 cups in her hands.

“Yeah, kinda pathetic, but I guess it’s something”, she said in a non impressed tone.

Alma placed the cups on the table and also sat down, “pathetic? What do you mean?”

“It’s a bit slow, and not hard enough, but I guess that’s because you go so soft on him, if Paul or Matt were licking my feet like that I would whip them”, Hannah explained, you tried to pick up the pace and lick harder before she puts some ideas in Alma’s head.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about, it feels great”, Alma said, holding her tea cup and taking a careful sip.

“Here, let me show you, place your feet on the sofa”, Hannah said, reaching towards her car keys and brutally picking it up, then she opened one of the cages and shook it, a poor thin and beaten shrunken guy fell on the sofa.

Alma gulped, “what? No Hannah you know I’m not doing this”, she scrunched her toes.

“It’s Paul, do you really care for him?” Hannah said in a mean voice and grabbed her cup from the table.

Paul slowly got up, shaking and hurt, he was so cramped inside that small cage, she dropped her car keys back on the table and you heard a loud moan from her other slave, then your eyesight was blocked by Hannah’s foot as she placed it back and snapped her finger, you quickly started licking again.

You always fantasize about your owner being cruel like that, but now after seeing Paul and Matt, you were scared to your bones of ending up like that, you’ve never seen anyone so miserable.

“I don’t know sis, I’m not comfortable with this”, Alma said, holding her nape.

“Paul!” Hannah commanded, “lick Alma’s foot”.

You gulped another ounce of Hannah’s foot sweat, then you started hear loud cries.

“A-Alma! P-Please I’m begging you, help me!” It was probably Paul, you had to see this, you started licking the side of her foot, peeking at the scene.

Paul was on his knees in front of Alma, crying with his hands up, “she is killing me!” He shouted, Alma seemed extremely uncomfortable.

Suddenly Hannah pulled her foot from you and placed it on top of Paul, pinning his head hard into the sofa using her big toe.

“How dare you talk without permission? And to my sister no less? That’s a month of being insole”, she said but she didn’t even seem really angry.

“Ugh, please sis, it’s so unnecessary, if I let him lick my feet will you consider not punishing him?” She still held her nape, she was blushing, then her eyes drifted to Paul.

“And Paul, honestly it’s hard to feel sorry for you, no one ever hurt Hannah like you did, cheating on her with her friend, she has a right to treat you like that”

“B-But she cheated on me firs-“

Hannah’s toe pushed his face harder into the sofa.

“Ok, 2 months as an insole, one more word and it’s going to be a year”

He broke in tears and cried, you took a few steps back, afraid she might return her foot and hit you.

And she finally released her grasp and stretched her foot forward again.

Paul crawled helplessly towards Alma’s closest foot and started licking.

“Pick up the pace worm”, Hannah commanded with half a smile, Paul acted like a demon got into him, he stormed her foot, you couldn’t believe your eyes when you saw how fast he climbs to her toes and licks there.

Hannah was right, you were nowhere near this level.

“What are YOU waiting for?” Hannah looked at you, you snapped out of your shock and quickly went back to licking her foot.

“Hannah no, ok stop, Paul stop”, she kicked him away from her foot, “sorry”, she added and stood up, “Hannah this is not cool”, she picked you up and opened your aquarium, “sorry Guy, don’t know if you enjoy it or whatever, but no, that’s not happening”, she placed you inside, you were so relieved that she took you away.

“What happened??” Hannah asked, looking at her with a confused face.

“That’s not me, sorry Hannah, they all look miserable I can’t handle it”, she took a closer look at Mat who was still inside the keychain cage, “they can’t even stand inside, this is so awful”, she said in a choked voice and turned to Hannah.

“I don’t judge you ok?” Alma added in defense, “it’s your thing and you enjoy it, you’re my sister and I love you, it’s just extreme for me”

“Ok Alma, come on, relax”, Hannah gestured to the spot next to her, then looked at Paul, “go to my feet”, he started running the second she finished the command.

“A-And don’t use him as an insole ok? It sounds terrible”, Alma pleaded.

Hannah sighed, “ok Alma
 you use your foot slave I use mine ok? Bring me Matt”, she told her, Alma picked up Matt’s cage carefully and brought it to Hannah, she opened the cage and shook it, causing Matt to fall next to her other foot, he stretched in pain and quickly started licking her sole.

“Come, bring Guy, he can lick your feet or whatever, I didn’t mean to startle you”, Hannah said in an apologetic tone, “just wanted to have some fun”.

“Ok”, Alma opened your aquarium again and picked you up. you remained silent, afraid to make anyone mad, seeing how sensitive the situation is, she placed you on the sofa and sat down.

“Wait, Guy is it ok? You said you were tired”, Alma said with a smile, looking at you.

“I-It’s ok! No worries haha”, you chuckled embarrassingly, quickly heading to her sole and sticking your tongue out.

Alma sighed, “I think you scared him”, she whispered and you could hear it.

“Jeez Alma, you don’t have to be cruel, but this is embarrassing, you treat him more nice than I would treat a normal human being”, Hannah replied.

Alma just nodded silently.

You looked to your right and saw Paul and Matt kissing and licking throughout Hannah’s feet, then she casually flattened one of them and pressed Paul for no reason, he moaned in pain and she just continued playing with her toes on top of his head.

“Let them work and let’s talk for a bit, I haven’t seen you in months”, Hannah said with a smile.

“Yeah you’re right”, Alma said and scrunched her toes.

You continued licking, you didn’t have an erection this time, you were too scared and worried, you just wanted Hannah to go
 she had an unsettling aura.

You felt like you should keep your head down and do everything they say until she leaves.



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