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You’ve been waiting for this for so long, you spammed her every time she posted “an opening slot” to become her sweat rag, you were willing to give up everything, your car, savings, apartment, you didn’t care about anything else - only to live the rest of your life in her servitude.

And when she finally placed you inside her armpit, you literally broke into tears and cried out of happiness, you didn’t even care that her sweat tasted disgustingly, in your mind it was the most divine substance you could swallow, it was by far the happiest moment of your life.

You kept licking and kissing her armpit while she was texting and giggling to herself, every giggle sounded like heaven.

After a few minutes she looked at you with a smile and raised her sunglasses, you smiled back, still on your knees.

“Mrs. Bar, just wanted you to know that this is amazing, I promise you I’ll be the best sweat rag you ever had, you don't need anyone else anymo-“

Her arm closed on you, a layer of thick disgusting sweat engulfed you as her soft skin pushed you from all sides, you were shocked, desperately gasping for air but swallowing armpit sweat, squirming and trying to swim out of her armpit.

You felt her flesh vibrating as she’s laughing from outside, it was just a muffled sound, you kicked and squirmed harder, trying to let her know you’re about to die, believing that she will open her arm and let you breathe.

But it never happened, you drowned in her armpit like nothing, you weren’t even there for more than an hour, she didn’t care the slightest about your life.

When she finally opened her armpit again, she took a look at your lifeless body, your legs were crushed from the pressure, she couldn’t help herself and just burst into laughter again, thinking how pathetic your last moments probably were.

(Probably obvious but felt like I should mention that the ending scene collage is 100% AI made, sadly she didn’t upload a photo of herself bursting into laughter with her armpit slightly exposed 😂)



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