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You went with a friend to a vacation in Sinai’s peninsula, a nice resort, you planned on diving the next day.

You went to sleep in different beds, you were excited towards tomorrow, finally some fun after you’ve been in a long lockdown because of the pandemic.


“Josh! Josh wake up!”, you were pushed again and again, slowly opening your eyes, “Josh!” It was Aaron, your friend.

“W-What..” you mumbled.

“We were shrunk!..” he said in panic, “there’s someone in the room!” He whispered.

You opened your eyes, you and Aaron were on the room’s desk, the mirror was behind you, you checked yourself, realizing you are maybe 3 or 4 inches tall.

“O-Oh no”, you said in fear, looking around, the room was huge, there’s an open suitcase on the floor, it doesn’t belong to you nor Aaron, someone sneaked into the room and shrunk you both.

“It’s a young woman, in her 20s, she ignored me, we must figure out a way to escape”, he said in tears.

“Fuck…” you stood up, noticing that you are dressed with tiny clothes, you were wondering how did she dress you after you shrunk, it means she drugged you both not only with shrinking virus.

You looked around the desk, “Aaron we got no way to get down from here, oh my god, we are about to become slaves”, you held your head, looking at her suitcase, there were some small keychain cages inside.

Aaron gasped in shock as well, “we must escape somehow, I can’t do this”, he started crying.

Suddenly the bathroom’s door opened up, a beautiful young woman went out, she wore a sexy swimsuit and a robe, you both went silent and just watched her.

“Ha, looks like the bugs are stirring”, she said casually, she had a British accent, she was smirking at you both, the most arrogant smirk you’ve ever seen.

Aaron raised his hand, “p-please miss, we aren’t looking for any trouble”, he stuttered, she probably couldn’t even hear it, she picked up her iPhone from the bed and stood in front of the desk you were both on.

She said something, you couldn’t listen, you just stared at her, it was marvelous, her smooth beautiful body towering all the way up to what felt like far in the sky, then her voice boomed again.

“I said kneel, shrimps”, it was said in a mean vicious tone, it was clear that she’s recording you both, probably as a joke.

“Please, don’t do this”, Aaron started crying, “s-say something”, he told you.

You snapped out of your shock and raised your hands, “we have families, my wife is pregnant”, you shouted.

“Last chance, KNEEL to your new goddess”, she said and flushed her robe a little.

Aaron was shaking, he looked at you confused and scared.

You looked back at the stranger, “look, can w-“


She stomped her foot next to you, blood sprayed just in front of you, you went silent immediately, froze in terror, slowly looking at your left, seeing her whole leg and eventually her foot.

It landed just where Aaron was, she crushed him without any hesitation, you could see his hand popping out from beneath her sole, it was like he’s a bug, and so are you, just a tiny helpless bug compared to her, it meant nothing for her to do that.

When you snapped out of the shock you realized that you already fell to your knees, you bowed with your head all the way down and broke into tears.

She started giggling, “so do you accept me as your goddess?” She asked mockingly.

You almost immediately nodded as hard as you could.

“So kiss my foot, show me your obedience”, she ordered, you peeked up, she was still holding her iPhone, she was biting her lower lip in satisfaction, pressing her foot a bit harder, more small cracks could be heard.

You miserably crawled towards her foot, trying to avoid poor Aaron’s remains, and then kissed her big toe, shaking and terrified.

“You call that a kiss?” She giggled.

You closed your eyes and pushed your face harder, kissing as passionately as you could.

“Good boy”, she raised her big toe and tapped your head a few times, she finally locked her iPhone and placed it on the desk, then placed her foot back on the floor.

You pathetically looked at the red pulp where Aaron was, his body wasn’t there, it was probably still stuck to her sole.

“Sorry for being so hardcore, it’s for the likes”, she said with a smile, you gulped, still terrified to your bones, “come, I need to shower again, I think you should too”, she started giggling, then reached with her hand and grabbed you.

You shrieked and embraced yourself in fear as she picked you up, sure she’s about to crush you with her hand or something, but it was gentle. She walked back to the bathroom and removed her robe, hanging it with her other hand, then stepping inside the shower and placing you down, right next to her foot and then opened the stream.

She sighed with a big smile, water flowed over her body and down, it was like heavy raining, it washed you, she raised her foot and started scrubbing Aaron’s body off.

“You guys were closed?” She asked.

“N-No goddess”, you shook your head so she could see, she nodded with a smile, “I’m all yours goddess”, you added and started kissing her wet foot.

She sighed again with pleasure, “good boy, once we are home I’ll find you a good buyer, don’t worry, you are going to have a good life of divine servitude”, she said and tapped your head with her big toe a few times again, every tap sent chills down your bones as you were scared she might slip and crush your head.

When she placed her foot down you continued kissing it, realizing that you can forget everything from your previous life, they are over, just like Aaron.

You kept your head bowed down and totally obeyed, doing your best not to give her any reason to smash you like that.

“And by the way thanks for paying for this room for me, I think I’ll extend my stay by a week or two”, she said and laughed as she closed the water stream.



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