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After about 5 years of marriage, and almost 6 since they got a poor tiny Cambodian home to serve Violet’s fantasies, he died after she pushed him too hard when using him to masturbate.

It actually saddened her, like she broke her favorite toy, she threw him in the toilet like he was a used tampon.

Terry actually was relieved, since she got him home it felt like all she cared about was to torture and humiliate the poor thing, it’s like she was addicted to the rush of power it gave her.

Few days later, they sat in the living room, Violet sadly looked at her feet, she sighed.

“Terry, do you think we can buy one?” She said with a sad tone.

“Vi you can’t be serious…” he said desperately.

“Terry bear, pleaseeee”, she begged with cute wide eyes and voice.

“We are talking about enslaving a human being, Vi that poor Cambodian life was hell here”

She made an angry face and laid back, crossing her arms like a kid who got denied from having candy, “how can you say that?” She complained.

“He was crying almost every day, it was a nightmare to see how miserable he is”, he tried to be reasonable, “and now you talk about buying one from an enslaver? Someone normal just like me”

“But he’s not normal if he’s tamed and tiny”, she tried to excuse.

“Of course he is, how do you think they get them? They are not from third world countries, they are from here”

“What? But everyone here is vaccinated”, she seemed surprised.

“There’s no way you are that innocent”, Terry was genuinely surprised, Violet watched him and listened closely, “they trick them of course, convince them to go to shrinking centers or something”

“But how??” Violet eyes sparked.

“I don’t know, but evidently it happens, shrinking centers are operating and most taken tinies never come back to grow back, haven’t you seen the news story a few weeks ago? The statistics are terrible, and most of them are being sold”

“Wow”, Violet looked back at the TV, but she couldn’t wear off her excited smile.

There was a short silence as they both watched TV.

“And that’s without mentioning the mutations”, Terry said.

“Mutations? What?”

“Yeah, mutated shrinking virus that gets you shrink even if you are vaccinated”

Violet almost jumped from excitement hearing that, “w-what??? How do they get it?!”

“No idea, black market and shit, they made a news story about that too not long ago, professional enslavers use it all the time, kidnapping people like that, it’s a tragedy”

“Oh my god, so the tinies even speak English”, she replied.

“What? Of course they do, I’m telling you that it could even be me, they are ruthless, don’t you remember Harper?”


“The one worked with me, he was probably shrunken and kidnapped by an enslaver, together with his roommate, who knows how they ended up”

Violet mistakenly moaned when she heard that, then quickly covered her mouth with her hands.

Terry looked at her confused.

“Sorry, I must go to the bathroom”, she quickly walked to the bathtub, her mind was racing, just imagining Harper as her shrunken slave got her wet, she couldn’t help herself, she thought about him worshiping her feet all fragile and small, she closed her eyes and started moaning, touching herself, trying to succumb the moans so Terry wouldn’t hear.

*Knock Knock*

“Vi? Is everything ok?” Terry asked from outside after a while.

“Hmmm?? Yes, I’m ok babe”, she said and coughed her throat.

“Are you crying? Did I say anything wrong?” He asked.

“What?” She said and then thought of it for a second, it can be her opening, “yes, to be honest, what you said about you can get shrunken and enslaved, it scared me”

“Oh, I’m sorry, it was just hypothetical, don’t worry, I’m aware of the risks, I’m careful”, he replied.

“Ok babe, I’ll come out in a sec”, she said, but she couldn’t stop thinking about it, having someone equal to her reduced to a shrunken slave who sees her as a goddess, who worships her in a language she can understand, someone who owns stuff and is successful.

Someone with dreams, ambitions, hopes, all gone in order to give his life away to serve her.

Someone like Terry.

It gave her such a rush knowing it’s possible.


It’s been 7 months since that day, Violet and Terry were sitting in the backyard, drinking coffee together, talking about life.

Violet kept smiling, kept looking at Terry as he was drinking his coffee.

“What?” He asked, smiling back.

“Nothing”, she replied, sipping from her cup of coffee as well.

“You look at me funny”, he said.

“Can I ask you a personal question?” Violet asked in a shy way.

“Of course you can”, he said and looked at her with confused eyes, she was acting weird.

“Remember that we talked about Harper, being kidnapped and all that?”

“Hmm.. yeah, I guess, what about it?”

“What would you have done?”

“What do you mean?”

“If some girl, I don’t know, somehow shrinks and kidnaps you”, she blushed.

“Oh, it depends”, he shrugged, sipping again from his coffee.


“How does she look?” He started laughing, trying to change the subject with a joke.

“Come on, be serious, she looks good ok?”

“How did she do it? I’ll never go to a shrinking center”

“You said there’s this mutation thing”

“Mutated shrinking virus?”

“Yeah, this, she got it in your food or whatever, it doesn’t matter, you shrink and she makes you a foot slave, just like the one I had, what would you do?”

Terry moved uncomfortably in his chair, “honestly Vi?”

She nodded.

“After seeing the miserable life that Cambodian slave had with you, I don’t know”

“What do you mean?” She leaned forward, interested.

“He gave you everything he had, he never even complained, he was absolutely obedient, still you never treated him fairly and he ended up dying a terrible death”, he touched the back of his neck, blushed, he never mentioned it before.

Violet just smiled, her eyes sparked, she loved watching him talking about it like that.

“After seeing all that I’ll probably won’t play along, I rather just die with some dignity”

She looked disappointed, “what, so if someone like that will catch you, you’ll just let her kill you?”

“Ugh, Vi I don’t know, what’s up with those questions?”

She played with her open boots, caressing her toes, “just curious is all”, she said, looking down.

“Babe, can I be honest with you?” He asked.

“You know you can”, she raised her head back.

“I hated the way you treated him, it saddens me to this day, he did nothing wrong”, he looked down, regretful and ashamed, also watching her feet, “and for what? What did you gain out of it? I can’t stop about how miserable he was, I should have helped him”.

“Hah”, she chuckled and made a sore face, “I’m sorry that you don’t think that my satisfaction and fun aren’t important enough”, she placed her cup on the table and crossed her arms, looking sideways.

“Vi, more than a person’s life? Come on”, he didn’t want to hurt her.

“Like duh? By far more important, are you kidding me? My pleasure should be more important to you than a kindergarten full of kids”, she said in anger, not looking at him.

He couldn’t take it anymore, he stood up, “I can’t believe that’s what you’re thin-“ he suddenly felt a sharp headache, he held his head and his cup of coffee fell and broke on the floor.

Violet finally turned back to look at him, smiling like an excited kid, her eyes shining.

“What the fuck”, he mumbled, stepping back, he quickly checked his left arm and it was completely numb, “Vi call a doctor, I’m having a heart attack”, he sat down on the ground and then laid on his back.

Vi slowly stood up, giggling gently, “oh it’s not a heart attack babe”, slowly stepping to stand near him.

He started coughing, looking at her confused.

She bent down and looked at his eyes from up close, with a wide satisfied and arrogant smug smile, “you’re about to shrink for me”.

As she said those words Terry’s eyes widened in fear, he looked at the spilled coffee on the ground, then looked back at her, frozen in terror.

She looked at him excitedly as the shrinking effect hit, he tried to shout for help or move but he couldn’t, he kept shrinking until he was just as the same size as the tiny Cambodian they’ve found all those years ago.

Terry shakily stood up, still shocked, looking at Violet’s beautiful face and just can’t even comprehend how big she is compared to him.

She smiled and waved in front of him, “hi”.

“V-Vi, what’s happening, why?”

“Wait, I’ve bought you some clothes”, she said cheerfully and entered the house for a moment.

Terry was breathing in panic, looking around, slowly digesting what his wife did to him.

She came back with white tiny clothes and dropped them on the floor.

Confused, Terry started wearing it on.

“That’s your tiny worshiper clothes, I’m no longer your wife, I’m your goddess, you are my slave, my ashes to my feet, you live only to serve me”, she chanted with a huge smile, she clearly practiced those words in her mind before.

Terry waved and jumped, trying to call out to her but she didn’t care and didn’t bend down to listen.

She placed her opened boots in front of him, ״go ahead, kiss”, she commanded.

Terry stepped back and away from her foot.

Violet kept watching him and giggled.

He turned around and started running, but Violet effortlessly pinned him down with her boot’s sole, pressing him just a little, but the pain was unbearable, he screamed and begged for mercy.

Violet looked at him from above, enjoying the rush of power she has now.

“Do you understand your place or should I just do it?” She asked playfully, placing the boot above his head, pressing gently as he squirmed and screamed.

“Tiny little step, and you’re a splashed pulp”, she said and tapped his head a few times, “you said you’d rather die no?” She laughed.

Terry stopped squirming, he laid down and cried like a baby.

“When I release my grip, you throw yourself at my toes and beg me for mercy, otherwise babe - I’ll start crushing your limbs, one by one”, then she raised her foot and placed it behind him.

Without even thinking about it, Terry jumped and started kissing his ex-wife's toes, begging her in tears.

Violet moaned and sat down, slowly opening her boots, “are you ready?” She giggled as she removed the first boot.

“V-Vi, please, you’ll take me to a shrinking center after that, it’s just a joke, right?”

In return she placed her sole in front of him, “you know what to do”.

It had a layer of sweat, dirt and dead skin all over, Terry was shaking, he reluctantly kneeled in front of her foot and started licking with tears, scared and terrified knowing that she could squish him at any moment, he never imagined it to be so disgusting and humiliating, he almost couldn’t do it.

“Ahh… oh my god…” she moaned, “my pathetic tiny slave”, she said in pleasure, pushing her sole a bit harder to his face, “beg”, she ordered.

“What do you want me to say? Please Violet just tell me it’s a joke or something, you want to have fun it’s ok, just tell me it’s not a permanent thing”, he cried.

“Ah… it’s so much better when I can actually understand what you say”, she sighed, the smile can’t get off her face, she tapped his face with her sole again, he gave it a kiss, crying in fear, then got to his knees and started kissing, begging her not to enslave him.

“Ahhh… fuck…” she moaned and placed her hand on her crotch, then looked to the sides and pulled her underwear down.

“n-no, NO, VIOLET NO” Terry screamed and tried to escape but Violet nonchalantly picked him up, she got him closer to her mouth and gave his whole body a slow lick, he couldn’t stop crying and begging.

“Squirm a lot ok?” She said while breathing heavily, ignoring his pathetic cries, then got him down and started thrusting him inside of her, moaning, almost screaming in joy, it’s the best day of her life, she couldn’t believe she hasn’t done it years ago, his misery made her feel like a majestic goddess, she didn’t even care about losing a husband for that kind of pleasure, it was a no brainer to her.

Once she had an orgasm she just threw him aside, then laid on her back, smiling and closing her eyes.

Terry coughed, crying, he crawled next to her ear, “V-Vi it’s.. it’s ok, you had your fun, right?” He said in fear, she didn’t reply, “you’ll take me to a shrinking center now, right? I’m your husband” he stuttered.

She let out a satisfied sigh.

“Bug, go to my feet and worship your goddess, or we go on another round”, she ordered.

Scared, he started running to her feet.

She was surprised by how quickly Terry adjusted to his new role in their mutual life, in a matter of days he was reduced to an obedient foot slave who treated her as a goddess in a desperate attempt to be kept alive.

(Attachment for an extra mini comic)




Amazing work friend.I have an idea you ever thought about a paraplegic slave to a giantess?