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*Over Cruelty - this story is awful, but it’s just to emphasize the cruelty of the bounty hunters concept, I’m giving you a friendly warning, it’s not for the faint of heart*

FYI - This story also has 2 different endings.


You heard noises from the kids’ room, it was the middle of the night, confused, you got off your bed and started walking in the hallway.

It was cold, a window was open, you closed it, “kids?? Is everything ok?” You called, but no one replied. For some reason you were still dizzy, everything was a bit blurry, you slowly opened their door, it was dark but you saw a tall silhouette which freaked you out, you hit the light button.

“W-What the fu-“

“Don’t move”, an Asian woman said coldly, you looked around and your kids were nowhere to be found.

“Here”, she said, holding her hand forward, she had a tiny squirming figure between her fingers.

“I’ll squish his head, stay where you are”, she said and you slowly realized what’s going on, it’s one of your kids in her hand, then you noticed that the other 3 are trapped with an upside down glass on the desk next to her.

“B-But what do you want? Please, take whatever you want, just leave us alone”, you said, holding your head in pain.

“My wife will be here any minute”, you lied, trying to scare her, it didn’t seem like she had a gun, probably just something to shrink males down.

“I know she’s out of town, just stand there and wait until you shrink”

“S-Shrink?!…” you gasped, checking your body.

“I drugged you all in your sleep, the kids shrink faster, just don’t move”, she squeezed a bit harder with her fingers, you raised your hands.

“Ok! Please! Don’t harm them!” You shrieked, you just stood there and looked at her, she was wearing knee high leather boots, then you slowly felt like they are growing bigger, the shrinking started, you looked up at her, she was getting farther and farther away, it seems like from just 2 meters between you, there are now miles of floor separating between the two of you.

“Good”, she said, bent down and placed your kid on the floor.

You started running towards him, “Liam! Liam, run to me!” You shouted.

The Asian stranger hummed to herself while opening the long boots zip, exposing her legs and then pulling out her feet, Liam was still laying there on the floor, perhaps unconscious, he was so far away.

Then she casually dragged her foot toward him, her heel still on the floor and the ball of her foot was just above him.

You started waving while running, “NO! NO STOP!”

“What? Sorry I can’t hear you”, she started flattening her foot.

You ran as fast as you could, then you hit one of the ceramic openings in the floor and fell down, you quickly raised your head and saw her foot descending on him and pressing him to the floor.


You couldn’t believe your eyes, she squished him without any hesitation, like she was squishing a random bug, you couldn’t digest the cruelty.

“Oops”, she smiled a little and giggled, “I think I just squashed a little bug”, she slowly raised her foot and exposed his remains, his tiny figure still stuck to the ball of her foot.

“WHY!!!” You screamed and cried, hitting the floor, why would anyone do that to you, you’ve done nothing wrong.

“I suggest you keep running, there are more kids here”, she raised the glass and took one more kid out, like they were snacks or toys, then placed him on the ground, it was Tom, your eldest.

“TOMMM!!!” You screamed and waved, quickly standing up and running to him, ignoring the pain from falling earlier, “RUN!!!” You shouted while running.

You saw that he’s watching the bloody pulp on the floor with fear, then looking at you and running.

“Oh look at you bugs, running so fast”, she took half a step forward and her foot landed on Tom.


“NO!!! NO NO NO!!!” You screamed while crying and kept running.

The Asian giggled to herself and smeared her foot on the ground, you could hear more cracks with her laughter booming from above.

She turned around and picked the other 2, then placed them on the floor, you didn’t stop running.

“Oh these two are pretty small, I can use just my big toe”, she said casually, raising her foot up again.

“Gary! Timmy! RUN!!!” You screamed, they both started running towards you, her foot remained above them.

You reached Gary, the youngest, you hugged him and turned your head to Timmy.


You only saw her big toe, twisting back and forth.

“D-Daddy, who is this? What does she want from us?!” Gary cried, you didn’t know what to say.

The Asian stranger sighed, smiling, tapping her big toe on the floor, exposing horrors, you hugged Gary harder and covered his eyes.

Then she sat down, propping her feet in front of you both, exposing the bodies and remains of three of your kids.

“Now start licking my foot sweat, or I’m squishing the little one as well”

“G-Gary, sit down and cover your eyes, just count to 1000 ok?” You told him in tears, your whole body was shaking, you looked at her with tears, still can’t believe this is happening.

Gary sat down and started counting, you slowly approached her closest foot and found a spot without blood, only disgusting smelly foot sweat, you got your tongue out and started licking.

“Good boy”, she said and caressed her neck, “Stacy sends her regards”

Stacy?.. what? Which Stacy? You couldn’t understand the meaning of it, you kept licking, swallowing horrible foot sweat, coughing and crying miserably.

*CLICK* [Check attachment - “Bounty Pic”]

You turned around, there was an iPhone laying over the wall, its lenses in your direction.

“180… 181…” Gary was counting.

Then you were reminded, Stacy, your ex from high school, the one you broke up with, using a text message, she sent this Asian here? What the hell is happening, there is absolutely no way Stacy is that cruel, she was crying just from seeing a stray cat dead on the road.

“Ok, I think that does it”, she sighed and picked you up, you just bowed your head down in defeat and cried.

She started walking towards her iPhone and picked it up, then tapped a little and it started ringing.

“Oh I almost forgot”, she said playfully and took a few steps to where she stood before.


You heard the terrible sound from far below.

“No!!” You screamed in a sore broken voice, “why!… why…” she ignored you and twisted her foot, still humming to herself like she hadn't just crushed a poor innocent toddler. You cried uncontrollably in her hand.

“Hello?” A young woman asked over the phone.

“Stacy?” The Asian woman asked.

“Y-Yes… who is this? It’s late”, she replied.

“Hi, I’m Leigh, from shrunken bounties, check the platform please I uploaded a photo”, she said smiling.

Stacy coughed her throat a little, “oh you got Steve for me?” It sounded like she sat down on her bed.

“Yes, check the phone, I’m also claiming the bonus”, she said happily.

“Oh-Oh my god, no, what have you done, fuck”, Stacy said in disgust and started coughing.


“H-His kids, you crushed his kids?!” She shrieked in a high pitched tone, now completely awake.

“Umm yeah”, she replied like it’s obvious, you were too broken and devastated to say anything.

“The bounty says bring Steve alive, bonus is to scare him and make him shit his pants”, she held you up and sniffed, “and I definitely did it”.

You didn’t even notice that.

“B-But the kids, I never meant for them to die! Oh my god…” Stacy gasped and started sobbing.

“Girl, I don’t care, I’m claiming the bounty whether you like it or not”, she took out a small capsule with holes and shoved you inside, “I’m bringing him to you, prepare the prize in cash”

“Ok…” Stacy cried over the phone.


I wrote 2 different endings from here:


Ending 1:

You screamed inside the capsule as she shoved it inside her purse, sealing you in darkness, you screamed and screamed until you passed out.

The next thing you know, a huge hand grabbing the capsule.

“How could you do this?…” Stacy asked, her voice shaking.

“Where is the money?” The Asian asked nonchalantly.

Stacy sighed and pointed at the table, there were bills folded in each other and a strap, the Asian walked and picked it up, counting it quickly and walking out.

You started crying inside the capsule, reminded of what happened earlier.

Stacy sighed and walked with you to the living room, then opened the capsule and made you fall on her glass table.

You kept crying miserably, “Stacy why!… oh my god why…” it’s been so many years since you saw her, she is a woman now, not just a girl anymore.

“Look, I’m really sorry about your kids, I never asked for this, I just wanted you”

You sobbed, on all fours.

“You went on with your life so casually after ditching me like I was nothing, you never even apologized, got married, had kids… four of them!…”

“B-But”, you tried to say something, but you had nothing to say. You were broken, physically but especially mentally completely broken.

She sighed and placed her feet on the table next to you.

“Let’s just forget about it, ok? You are my foot slave now”

“W-What?…” you couldn’t believe she just said it.

“Yeah, you are not a real person anymore, just forget that you ever had kids, ok?”

You sobbed as her foot got closer, until the sticky disgusting surface touched your face. You didn’t know what to do, so you just took your tongue out and started licking your ex’s foot, trying to somehow accept your awful fate, all you wanted was to grieve and rest.

“Good boy, welcome to your new life Steve, I promise I’ll be a good owner as compensation for what happened”

You nodded desperately while licking.

“As long as you stay obedient, of course”.

[Attachment - Stacy Ending]


Ending 2:

You screamed inside the capsule as she shoved it inside her purse, sealing you in darkness, you screamed and screamed until

“AHHHHHH” you jumped in your bed, covered in sweat, panicked, the whole sheets were wet, you touched your whole body to make sure you are ok, you ran to the kids room and opened it, they were all there, sleeping.

You started sobbing, checking them one by one, kissing their heads.

“Dad?” Gary asked.

You fixed his blanket, sobbing, “everything is ok Gary, go back to sleep”

“Dad, why are you crying?” Liam asked, you went to hug him too.

“Nothing boys, it’s ok, sleep tight”, you kissed his head and fixed his blanket.

You were shaken, you went back to your bedroom and checked your phone, you entered Stacy’s profile on Facebook, looks like she just got engaged, she seemed happy, you were thinking about sending a message but your hands were shaking.

You checked if you still have her number, you pressed it and called.

It was ringing.

“H-Hello?…” she asked in a sore voice.


“Umm.. Steve?.. What's going on? What time is it?”

You started crying, “I’m sorry!.. I’m so sorry!.. please don’t place a bounty on me”, you begged in tears.

“Honey, who is this?” Another sore voice over the phone, talking to her.

“Someone from high school, I don’t know”, she told him, it sounded like she got out of bed and walked out of the room.

“Steve, what the hell are you talking about?”

“I know, I know I was awful!… I should have break up with you face to face- no, I should have never broke up with you“

“What are you talking about? Are you drunk or something?” She started giggling, “what bounty? That coconut snack?”

You slowly realized that it was really just a dream, the girl over the phone has no idea what you want from her.

“I’m… I’m just sorry ok? I really, really sorry, you deserved so much better, I’m happy to see you got engaged, I’m wishing you all the best”

“Umm.. ok… are you sure you’re ok?”

“Y-Yes.. yes I’m sorry.. have a good night Stacy…”

“Hmm, good night Steve”.

You hung up the phone.

Stacy looked at her phone puzzled and sighed, “how could he know?” She mumbled, then entered her profile in shrunken-bounties.com and removed the bounty she placed on you. She walked back to bed and hugged her fiancé.


Which ending did you like better?

Might be cheesy but I prefer ending 2, it helps me sleep better at night.




Ah fuck, it’s today, I was worried about this day 🫣


The cruelty is good!


Haha good but let’s just say that after writing it I took a few days break 😅


I love when they become lifelong slaves thank you