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On the first day of being Rose’s insole, you regretted deeply, you cried and squirmed under her foot, when she finally removed her foot you cried and screamed for her to take you out, but she ignored you with an indifferent face and went on with her day.

Every morning she just sat down and shoved her beautiful smelly foot right on top of you, pushing you into her insole. You had to suffer the terrible pressure for hours upon hours, you felt that your entire body was being flattened in time, like it’s adapting, or maybe it was just your imagination.

Every day was a nightmare, you couldn’t get used to it, the pain was overwhelming, you almost always passed out and woke up later still under her foot. It drove you insane.

You quickly lost any track of time, you even stopped begging her every time she removed her foot, you were just happy and relieved you could breathe again.

Even as the air was still suffocating and the smell burned your nose, it was better than the constant struggle of breathing under her foot.

As more and more months have passed, your mind started to go blank, you realized you are not thinking about anything anymore, it scared you, you even felt like your bones slowly being flattened, you had the state of mind as an object, sometimes you thought for days that you are actually an insole until you snapped out of it and screamed, reminded that once you were a human being just like Rose.

You couldn’t tell if a year or a decade has already passed or if time goes by so slowly. Sometimes you watched Rose just before she was using the shoe, her face was always indifferent, she never smiled at you, never said anything to you.

All the feelings of despair, depression, anger on yourself for doing this, it was all gone, now your feelings were only void.

Your personality slowly deleted, almost every memory slipped away from your mind, you felt nothing, you were just an insole, with no desires nor needs, you survived by drinking her foot sweat and grime and unawarely reached absolute acceptance of your new role in life.


You were laying inside her shoe after another long day, soaked in her foot sweat, just laying there and staring up at her ceiling from all the way down, barely even blinking.

She suddenly came and picked up the shoe, she flipped it over her table and shook it a little, making you fall on the wooden surface.

You were shaking, shocked, you felt like you’ve been in this shoe forever, the air was clean, too clean, it burned your throat from how pure the air was now compared to who knows how long. The fresh air on your skin felt unrealistic.

You slowly raised your head and looked at Rose, she was calmly drinking something warm.

“Hi”, she suddenly said, taking a sip from her warm drink.

You gulped, trying to say something, “h-h-h… hi…” you replied, stuttering helplessly.

“Our date begins now”, she announced.

“Mmm”, you nodded, trying to remember what’s happening, it felt like a dream, a date? Why?

“So, tell me about yourself, what’s your name?” She asked, but her eyes were drifting to her drink and she took another sip, like she didn’t care about this.

You tried to answer, but it’s like it slipped out of your mind, you remained silent.

Rose sighed, “ugh, it’s Billy, your name is Billy”, she said impatiently, “you aren’t good at dates huh?”.

“Y-Yes, Billy, t-thank you”, you blushed, tried to smile, she wasn’t looking at you, she was looking at the television behind you, sipping from her drink, she was so beautiful, perfect in every single aspect, you didn’t know how beautiful she is when you see her from a proper angle, you could only remember her when looking at her from inside a shoe.

You couldn’t remember what brought you here, but you were happy being out of the shoe and just standing here in front of her.

“So, Billy, what have you been doing lately? What do you do for a living?” She asked, then giggled to herself.

“I… I’m your insole, I mean, I was? uhh..”

She laughed, you didn’t understand why.

“Ok, forget that, why did you want to date me so much?”

You gulped, a vague shadow of memory of you wanting to date her came to mind, from how long ago? You wanted to know.

“How long has it been?” You asked, your voice slowly coming back to normal.

“I’m asking the questions, why did you want to date me so much?” She asked in a firm tone.

“Because…  I like you”, you paused, “umm, I think you are beautiful, R-Rose”.

She smiled and looked down, then sipped from her drink again, “wow, you remember my name and you didn’t remember yours, it’s flattering”, she giggled, you also smiled, she looked so good this way, “so why do you think I’m that beautiful? What do you like about me?”

“I think… I think everything.. your eyes, your nose, beautiful and perfect, yes”, you nodded in excitement.

“Haha my nose?” She touched it, “so creepy lol”.

You remained silent, just nodded.

“But what about my feet though? You spent so long with them, don’t you think they are beautiful?” She asked.

You nodded again, “they are also beautiful Rose, I think everything about you is perfect, yes”.

She smiled in satisfaction and placed her foot on the table just in front of you, she looked at you and at her foot, “yeah, you are right, I also think they are perfect”.

The familiar smell of foot sweat hit your nose again.

“Go ahead tiny Billy, feel free to worship it, I can tell you want to”, she suggested with a smirk.

“I.. I do?…” You nodded, a bit confused, you stepped forward and started kissing her sole, worshiping this beautiful goddess sounded like a natural thing to do.

“I think this date goes well, definitely worth 3 years of your pathetic life, right?”

It didn’t sound right, you stepped back, “t-three years?” You asked, slowly digesting how long you were used as an insole.

“Plus a few months, more or less, don’t know”, she sighed with a smile, “but you’re officially my property, like you always wanted, claimed you a while ago, thought you should know, not that it matters, right?”

“I’m.. property?” It was too much to digest all of a sudden.

“Yeah, but you want that, you’ve always wanted to become mine, you begged me to own you”, she explained with a smile.

“I did?”

“Yep, you’re a pathetic excuse for a man, remember? You were better off as a foot slave, I did you a favor”

“Oh”, you didn't know what to say, it might be true, she sounded confident in what she said, maybe you just don’t remember, “ok.. Rose…”

“Please don’t call me by my name anymore, you should refer to me as goddess, because that’s what I am”

“Y-Yes goddess, you are right”, she was truly a goddess, you were nothing compared to her, were you always this small? You couldn’t tell.

“Perfect, what a wonderful date we had, we both know our places now”, she smiled and finished her drink, placing it beside you.

“Yes?” You asked.

“Yes, I’m a living goddess, I deserve everything, I get all that I want, you are lucky of even breathing the same air as me”

“R-Right, and me?”

“Well, you are my little absolutely obedient foot slave, you belong to me, you are the luckiest tiny guy in the whole world”

“Wow”, you felt so lucky, you smiled, you were happy to finally remember what you are.

“Yes”, she caressed her foot, you looked at it and followed her hand with a pathetic smile on your face, “and you get to spend the rest of your life treating this gorgeous perfect foot, the highest cause to be alive, amazing right?”, she said and giggled, full of herself, arrogant.

“What about the other foot?” You asked.

“It already has someone, you’ll get to know him soon, he’s also very lucky, go on tiny Billy, you can lick my foot, you earned it”, she laid back and looked at you with a smug smile.

“T-Thank you so much goddess!” You said excitedly and went forward quickly, licking her sole, enjoying the amazing perfect taste of her foot sweat, truly believing that there’s nothing else in this world, this is your goddess and her sweat is a blessing, you are blessed for even touching it with your tongue.

“You’re welcome, little foot slave, try to lick harder while your goddess relaxes herself”, she laid back and kept watching TV, you eagerly licked and savored every little drop of foot sweat, and every little piece of dead skin, it was truly divine.


After a long joyful treatment of her foot, she picked you up casually and walked to her room, then opened a relatively big cage and dropped you inside.

“Steve, I’ve brought you a friend”, she said, tapping the bars a few times then stretching and going away.

You saw someone standing up and walking towards you, he looked oddly familiar but you couldn’t tell how, you were pretty sure you never met anyone but Rose so far.

“H-Hi”, he told you.

“Hi, uh, I’m Billy”, you replied.

“Steve… hmm, Billy? I feel like I know you, maybe because we are both servants of goddess”

“Yes, I have the same feeling”, you replied and nodded.

“It’s nice to finally have some company, we were just me and goddess for a very long time”, he said, smiling awkwardly.


You had no idea, but it was Steve, your childhood friend.

6 years ago Rose found him in college just after they let her know she can’t continue the degree, she took her frustration out on poor Steve by using him as an insole.

Just like you, she used him until she could claim him as property, then figured out that he lost his entire personality and memories, he became a blank page for her to draw on and she made him her tiny worshiper.

She really wanted another one so she made that silly Facebook post and fate wanted it to be you, it actually worked out for her.

It amazed her how easy it is to brainwash someone after he was used as an insole for so long.

You and Steve were certain that you are the luckiest guys on earth, dedicating your lives for the feet of a perfect goddess, and maybe you were lucky, but in reality you were wasting away you lives for the sick pleasure of a megalomaniac narcissist beautiful young woman who couldn’t even get a degree and finish University in a respected way.

On top of all that, she got everything you both owned, in your case it wasn’t much but Steve’s assets were definitely something that released her from any financial problem in the foreseen future.

She could enjoy her life while you both craved to serve her day in and day out, worshiping and truly seeing her as a goddess.




I love the identity death here, easily one of my favorite stories.


Ma this was so good amazing story and details that you for your hard work