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Made a meme about how I feel at the moment, the backlog is long and important but instead of finalizing the existing content I’m drifting off to new ideas I have.

I think I pledged to too many projects in parallel, not even mentioning my life’s main job and all that, it’s like most of my brain cells and free time are solely dedicated to the new interactive story and the special collaboration I’m working on there, also maintaining the stream of one post per day, so I can’t get myself to continue existing projects without the feeling of not giving them the continuation they deserve.

Not an excuse and I know some of you are waiting for those stories, some are even mad (hopefully not too much though), so I also made this post to let you know it’s not forgotten, and that I’m sorry about it 🙏

Right now everything that is scheduled is great content (in my opinion) but doesn’t proceed with anything mentioned in the meme, I really hope that after I’ll finally publish the interactive story I’ll have the capacity I need to work properly on 10+ parts stories, these stories always need a special kind of focus that I currently can’t find.

Hope you still enjoy the daily content and thank you all for the patience and support, I promise the new interactive story will be worth it! 




You do you friend