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Just a short disclaimer before the story starts, I have no problem with Israel. I only wrote this story since I think it’s a realistic scenario considering how much Bella Hadid hates them, for no good reason too. People are dumb and affected by the media far more than they should.


Bella Hadid was always an extreme anti-Israel activist, she had group of friends who were constantly on the hunt for Israelis traveling abroad, every time they found one they would drug him then torture him for days until they finally crushed them for fun in various ways.

What started as a hobby became an international phenomenon once she posted on shrunken-bounties.com

She offered 3,000$ bounty for any Israeli brought to her, 3,500$ if he served in the Israeli Army, she wanted them to be brought to her alive.

It changed everything, and no matter how much Israel tried to remove the bounties the website did nothing about it, and Israelis became easy money across the globe. It was mayhem.

The saddest part was that even Israeli girls who needed the money would trick their friends to shrink then just shipped them to Bella to claim the prize, it was just too easy.


As someone who served in the army, you were completely terrified to leave the country, you felt like you could trust no one, and you were right.

Eventually it was your neighbor, she came by to offer you some cookies she made, you were hungry that day so you haven’t put much thought into it, you ate them later and shrunk, she got through the back entrance and started looking for you.

(All translated from Hebrew)

“Hey, Roy! I know you’re here, you better just come out and show yourself, I won’t harm you I swear”, she called in the house, you hid beneath the sofa and watched her feet as she stepped and moved stuff around.

“Roy come on, make it easy for me”, she sighed, then you saw her knees touching the floor and her iPhone’s flashlight turning towards you.

You gasped and started running back.

“Oh here you are”, she said with a smile, then got up and moved the sofa until you were exposed, you had no chance of getting away, she bent down and picked you up, looking at you with a smile, “wonderful”, she said to herself as she placed you inside a tiny cage she came with.

“Sh-Shir! Come on! Don’t do this!” You shouted.

“Oh be quiet”, she shook the cage a little and sneaked out back to her apartment, she placed you on a desk next to her computer.

You sighed and looked around, there were plenty of cages but they were all empty, it scared the shit out of you, you held the bars and screamed at her, “y-you’re going to crush me?! You some kind of a sadistic streamer?!”

She facepalmed herself and laughed, but just kept tapping her keyboard, you turned to look at the screen and your heart dropped, she sent a message to Bella Hadid on Instagram.

(Hey, got you another one, young, just finished his military service, he was a soldier in special forces, I want 5k for him)

You quickly turned back to Shir, “h-how can you do this?! Y-You fucking… traitorous bitch!”

“Oh give me a break, it’s just business”, she said and pushed your cage away.


It all happened so fast, she placed a small oxygen dispenser inside your cage and sealed it with a cardboard box. You sat at the corner all curled up, still digesting it’s happening to you.

You slept and woke up a few times from bumps and noises from outside, you tried to think what will you do, a friend showed you a video few months ago of Bella and her friend biting off someone from both sides, the videos were horrific but she kept getting cheers and likes from all the Israel haters across the globe, people actually funded her expenses just to keep doing it.

You thought to yourself if that’s how you’re going to end up, brutally murdered by a bunch of giantesses? the box moved again, you had no idea how long it’s been.

“Thank you”, you heard a voice from outside, and a door was getting closed. The box started to open, you stood up, ready for a fight, but a blinding light made you cover your eyes and step back.

“Oh! Another one! Bella this is the one we paid 5k for”, her friend called, you slowly saw her silhouette.

“Let me see him”, Bella said and got closer, you could see her colossal face getting near.

“Wonderful, and we verified his identity?” She asked, pleased.

Her friend scanned you with her phone, “let me check… yeah, his name is Roy Gilboa, he served in special forces, Diamond unit, nice”.

“He killed anyone?” She asked.

“Umm.. no, it isn't being mentioned here”.

“Meh, I don’t get it, how come we never get the fucking fascists with blood on their hands?! I paid 5k for this fucker!” She was mad.

“The audience don’t know, we can just say that he did, no one believes them anyway” her friend suggested.

“Ok, let’s do that”, Bella said and sighed in anger, “write that he killed 5 kids or something, I don’t care”

Your eyes finally adjusted and you could see the room, it was some kind of a bedroom, Bella’s friend was sitting in front of the desk that you are on, the wall on the left was maybe hundreds of cages one on top of another, you’ve never seen anything like it, the cages were small and filled with people, probably other Israelis, hundreds of them.

“Prepare him, I’ll change for a swimsuit”, Bella said and walked out of the room.

Her friend opened the cage.

“H-Hey! Stay away from me, fuck you!” You screamed and held the bars at the corner, your English was pretty basic, she started laughing.

“God I love your accent, it’s so original”, she held and snapped you out of the cage without any effort, you squirmed in her hand.

“I will not be slave!” You shouted at her.

“That’s ok, we don’t have room for more slaves anyway”, she replied calmly, you weren’t sure you understood what she said but you didn’t like the way she talked, she approached some kind of black plate.

“What are you doing?!” You kept fighting, she pushed you on the plate, pressing you using her fingers, it was covered in some kind of strong glue, she pressed your hands and legs firmly until you couldn’t move.

“Ok, you can keep screaming if you want, feel free to do it in Hebrew, it’s better”, she said and placed a big camera on the bed, it started recording, very close to you.

You tried to move your head and look at what's going on but you couldn’t see much. Bella got back in the room, you could see her standing next to the bed, wearing a swimsuit now, her huge butt was far above.

“Roy thought he could do anything, killing poor kids, now it’s time for me to deliver justice”, she talked to another camera.

“I killed no one! Fuck you!” You shouted, trying to get free with all of your powers but it was impossible, they ignored you and her ass started descending towards you slowly, only now you realized what’s happening.

You squirmed helplessly, shouted, tried to somehow break free but then *SPLASH*, it was like a mountain of fat just landed on top of you, for a second you couldn’t move or breath and then the fat got hard as a rock and *CRACK* your entire body was pulverized under the pressure.

“Ok that’s perfect”, her friend said and stopped all of the recordings, “the premium supporters are going to love it”, she added.

Bella giggled, “ok, just get an alcoholic tissue to wipe him off my ass”, she stopped for a moment and took a look at the cages next to the wall, “then get out some of them, I want my feet licked”.

(The collages aren’t from this particular story, but they set the tone regarding Bella’s current life)



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