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You were a successful businessman with a luxurious penthouse overlooking the city. You had everything you could ever want, but you were lonely.

With the pandemic making the world go into turmoil, you had to close many of your businesses and just stay in lockdown inside your penthouse, keeping all of your money secured in your many saving accounts.

It was hard and the mental cost was too high, you had to go outside and see other people, so you casually went to groceries stores, trying to conceal the fact that you are rich so you won’t be targeted by greedy women who would try to get close to you just for hope you contract the shrinking virus and they get control of your assets.

One day, you met a young woman named Amy at the grocery store. She asked for help choosing cereal, you were joking about something and she giggled, your hands touched and your heart was beating like it hadn't in a long time, you kept talking on your way to the cashier, you were so happy to finally talk to someone face to face.

She was beautiful, charming, and seemed genuinely interested in you.

“Oh no”, Amy mumbled, checking her purse, “my wallet…”

“What happened?” You asked from behind her.

“Ugh, I forgot my wallet, I’m sorry I’ll have to come back later”, she told the cashier.

“Oh, no worries, it's totally fine, let me pay for it”, you said with a smile, happy to have an opportunity to help her.

“No no, I can’t let you pay for it”, she tried to insist but you just gave your credit card to the cashier.

“Seriously, it’s nothing, don’t worry about it”, you nodded.

“Thank you…” she said, letting you pay, then waiting for you while you paid for your own groceries.

“You didn’t have to do it”, she said.

“I know, I wanted to do it”, you said and she giggled, “umm… do you have plans for today?” You asked, a bit embarrassed.

“Depends", she replied.

“Oh”, you said, a bit disappointed, “on what?”

“If you’ll take me on a date”, she said and started laughing.

“A-Ah, wow, y-yeah”, you scratched your head awkwardly.

“What happened?” She asked, leaning closer.

“Well it’s just that I haven’t gone anywhere but groceries stores for the last few years, since the pandemic and all that.. you know..”

“Oh you’re doing a lockdown thing?” She asked, surprised.

“I hope it’s ok with you, these are rough times, I’m waiting for a cure to be invented before I go back to normal”

“I see”

“But I’m living upstairs, if it’s ok with you, we can sit for a coffee, I would love that to be honest”, you suggested, praying that she will say yes.

“Hmm”, she paused for a moment and checked her phone.

“It’s ok if it’s too sudden, I’ll understa-“

“It’s ok, sure, I have the rest of the day off to be honest”

“I-It’s great! It’s from here”, you showed her the way and you entered the building, then the elevator, and your home.

“W-Wow Kevin, what a house! Haha, no wonder you’re in a lockdown, I would also prefer to stay here all day”

You paused for a moment, you were pretty sure you hadn't introduced yourself but she just said your name, maybe she saw it somewhere when she entered.

“Thanks.. actually my sister designed the place..” you said, saddened.

“She did an excellent job, why the face?”

You sighed, “she.. passed away a few months ago… I couldn’t be with her”, you wiped off a few tears, Amy immediately hugged you.

“Oh, I’m so sorry to hear it”

“She was the only family I had left”, you said, then stopped, “oh, I’m so sorry if I’m over sharing”

“Of course not! It’s totally fine!” She said, placing her purse on the sofa and looking around.

You also sat down, “thanks Amy, it’s been a long time since I had company here”, you said, looking at her, she kept walking around, checking out different furniture, it started getting a bit weird.

“Is everything ok?” You asked.

“Oh, sure! Just admiring the place is all”, she giggled.

“You want a tour?” You suggested.

“Oh I would love a tour!” She clapped her hands.

You showed her around, entered every room, the bathroom, she commented about everything, she really liked the bathtub, complimenting your sister for having such a great taste, when you showed her the bedroom you started feeling unwell, you sat down on the bed for a moment and started heavily breathing.

“Hey, are you ok?”

“S-Sorry, I don’t know what’s that”, you said as you felt your face going numb, you started realizing what’s happening, you looked at her with a terrified expression.


You couldn’t respond, you started having the feeling of falling down, the room started getting huge, Amy too, she looked at you with a worried expression, it made you a bit calm to see that she’s not laughing at your expense.

You ended up perhaps 2 inches tall, sitting on the bed, shaking from the cold and fear.

“Oh no! You got infected!” She exclaimed, reaching her hand to you, “I really hope it’s not me”, she said with a blush.

You climbed her hand, she got you closer to her face, you gulped, “t-that’s ok, please call my doctor, the number is in the living room”

“Of course”, she said and walked there, taking out the phone from her bag and checking out the number, it was ringing.

“I guess he’s not available, is there anyone else to talk with?” She asked after a while.

“Not really, he should be available 24/7 for me”, you said, disappointed.

“I’m sure he will get back to you”, she hung up and sighed, “I’m not sure what to do now, I guess I should stay here, right?”, she said, laying back a little.

“T-Thanks Amy I really appreciate it”, you said and nodded.

“I can be your caretaker if it’s ok with you, it’s actually my profession”, she suggested with a smile.

“Oh really?”

She took out a caretaker license from her purse and showed you, “yeah, that’s what I did for the last year, me and my friend are taking care of 4 tinies at the moment”.

You felt so lucky right now, “w-wow Amy that’s amazing, maybe you all can move here?” You suggested it excitedly.

“Really? Would it be ok with you?”

“Yes! It sounds amazing to be honest, I’ll have their company, and I’m sure your friend is as nice as you!” Your heart was beating so fast.

“You’re right, it does sound amazing, here, I happen to have a contract right here”, she took a look at her purse and got a folded page, she placed it on the table, then also a pen that could be used in your size.

You started reading it, it seemed like a normal caretaking contract, and it had some links for added information, Amy looked at you with a smile.

“I think you’re going to like John, he’s about your age, a very nice person”, she said and nodded.

You smiled and signed your details on the contract, she quickly grabbed it and placed it inside her purse, then closed her eyes and sighed a very long and slow sigh, “ahhhhhh…..” like she’s taking every bit of oxygen out.

You looked at her, the pen was still in your hand.


She smiled differently and opened her eyes, her whole aura changed completely, “finally…” she said, even her voice was different.

“Amy you’re scaring m-“ *THUD*

Her foot landed in front of you, her sole less than a cm away from your face.

“Kevin, be a good boy and give my beautiful sole a good, long, LICK”, she said with the most vicious smile you’ve ever seen in your life.

Your eyes started filling with tears, you couldn’t believe she fooled you like that, what the hell did you just sign.

She caressed the sofa’s fabric in great pleasure, “no more work, no more thinking about money, I’m filthy rich”, she sighed again in satisfaction, “that’s right, I own everything, including you”

“A-Amy plea-“

“I’m not Amy, it’s Kiara”, she said and took a syringe out of her purse, “that pathetic hug we had earlier? I stabbed you with a shrinking virus”, she explained and threw the syringe back.

You were devastated, you couldn’t even talk, your chest was burning with the feeling of betrayal.

She laid back even more and pushed your face with her sole, “lick, on your knees”, she commanded, “you are mine, do as I said”.

With tears, you kneeled in front of her foot, placed your hands on her sole and got your face closer, slowly taking your tongue out and using it to lick the sticky surface.

The smell was repulsive, you’ve never been so humiliated before, your tongue got covered in her foot sweat.

“Mmmmm…” she closed her eyes again, savoring the feeling of your humiliation.

“You see, I did my research, read about your lockdown situation, about your sister, the fact that you had no one, it was all perfect”, she explained as you licked her foot, “I followed you for weeks now”

Your mind was racing, you started thinking if you ever saw her before but you couldn’t remember.

“There’s no friend, no tinies, I got my caretaker license just a few days ago”, she stopped to laugh, then switched to her other foot.

You gulped an ounce of foot sweat from the previous foot and then moved on to lick this one.

“I'm going to take such better care of all of this”, she gestured at the house, “it was wasted on you”, she started laughing her evil laugh again.

You had nothing you could say or do, you’ll have to bow your head down and play along.

After a few more licks she picked you up, looking at you close, you covered yourself with your hands.

“P-Please, ok, you won! There’s no need for this! I’ll do whatever you say”

“Oh, you don’t understand”, she said with a smile, “you’re not staying”, she added.

“W-What? Please Amy - Kiara, I won’t do you any troubles”

“I can’t take any risks, you’re not staying, and I can’t leave any evidence”, she started licking her lips, you opened your eyes in terror, “besides, I took everything from you, it seems only fair that I’ll take your protein, vitamins, the calcium from your bones…”

“GAAHHHH” you screamed, and started squirming like crazy in her hands, “n-no! NO!”

She giggled gently, your pathetic efforts to escape amused her, she started pushing you in her mouth, you placed your hands over her teeth.


She closed her mouth on you, “mmmmm….” She moaned in pleasure as you kicked everywhere, doing everything to get out but her tongue always playfully returning you inside.

You managed to break through and escape from within her lips just with your upper body, taking a big breath in, she wasn’t in the living room, “NO! HELP! SOMEONE HE-“

Her finger tapped your head and pushed you back inside easily, you held her tongue, kicking everywhere, but she used her tongue to push you back, then her throat flexed and you got swallowed inside.


“Ahhhhhh….” She released a satisfied sigh again, like she just drank a cold glass of water on a hot day, then just remained laying there with her eyes closed and a smile.

She just turned a billionaire from being a casual average young woman, and she did it all by herself using her wits and brilliant mind.

(Ending Scene as attachment)






Really awesome, so cruel that he also get to become part of her