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It’s been a few days since your life changed upside down, it broke your heart to see how happy and thrilled Leona is, she kept reading online tips and methods on how to train you better.

She taught you how to remove and eat off her dead skin, clapping and cheering while you chewed the first piece, then moaning when you struggled to swallow it.

She enjoyed everything, your suffering, your begs, your cries, you couldn’t understand how just a few days ago you were still madly in love and now all she cared about was her sexual satisfaction.

She bought you a cage and placed it near her bed, she was on dating apps, chatting with random men.

“To be honest I could have you as a foot slave forever, I’ve never had so much fun, but I’m not getting younger and I should move on and have kids”

She said as you sat miserably inside your cage and she tapped her iPhone, you got closer to the bars.

“I'm begging you, please, you are being unreasonable, I love you, you can’t throw everything we had away just for some money, are you even hearing yourself?” you pleaded.

She yawned, then giggled, tapping faster on her phone.

You sighed and went to the corner, sitting and falling asleep.


During the next few days Leona went on various dates, you were scared that she’s going to find a new partner and get rid of you, she forced you to lick her feet every time she got home from a date.

“So the last guy was kinda cute, reminds me of you when we first met”, she shared, talking casually like you were still her normal sized husband, “but I don’t know, wish I could just clone you lol”, she giggled.

She sighed and scrunched her toes, “wow, can’t wait to feel your bones break under my foot”

You froze in terror, your tongue still stuck to her sole.

“Gosh, it’s going to be sooo fun…”

You stepped back from her foot, then you just started running in the opposite direction.

She started laughing, “what are you doing? You have nowhere to go”, she didn’t even bother to chase you, “babe don’t be stupid, get back here and please me”.

You ignored her and kept running.

“I'm starting to lose my patience”, she said irritatedly, you were still running to the entrance, “ok, you asked for this”

She stood up and you shrieked, trying to run faster, she took just 3 steps and pinned your body down with her big toe, pressing hard, you screamed in pain.

“You are lucky that you are cute”, she said from above, “otherwise I would’ve just popped your head now”.

You squirmed and tried to crawl away but she just pressed harder, you couldn’t even get air inside your lungs.

“Can’t you understand that you are just a tiny bug now? The only reason you are still alive is because I’m having fun, take that away and you’re a stain under my foot, just like our neighbor, remember how you cleaned him off?”

You stopped squirming and just remained laying there, she removed her foot and you took a big breath, then started sobbing again.

“Good boy”, she smiled, “now get back to your position, there’s a dead skin near my pinky I want you to eat”

She walked back and sat down, propping her feet forward and waiting.

With tears, you walked back, realizing that you are doomed and you better just serve her as best as you can.


After 5 weeks of terrible slavery, she came back from another date, all smiling and smug, she went to your cage and picked you up, looking at you with lust in her eyes.

“W-What’s happening?” You asked in fear but she didn’t answer. She went to the kitchen and placed you on the floor, you started crying, realizing what’s happening.

She bent down and started removing her sandals.

“P-Please babe! Leona! I’ll stay your foot slave, I’ll be obedient! I swear!” You cried.

“Aww, that’s just adorable”, she said with a cute voice, “sorry though, I can’t live with someone and have a foot slave, it’s weird”.

“S-So just give me to your sister or something, or a friend, I’ll do anything, please! If our relationship ever meant anything to you!”

“Oh babe, I won’t be able to claim your life insurance that way, and besides, give up on that fun? No way”

She removed one sandal and started opening the next one.

You looked to the sides and ran, it was hopeless and you didn’t know what to do anymore, she can’t be reasoned with, she clearly made up her mind the moment she laid eyes on your tiny form.

“Good idea babe, I love the chase”, she giggled and dropped her second sandal, then slowly followed you.

“Faster babe, you can do this!” She laughed, and a shadow started forming around you, “you’re almost there!”

You ran and ran, and then her foot pinned you down.

“That’s it! That’s exactly the spot where I squished our poor neighbor!” She laughed, slowly raising the pressure as you squirmed and cried, adding more and more pressure until


You got pulverized, breaking to a mash.

“A-Ahhhhh oh my god…” she moaned, twisting her foot like she puts off a cigarette, “I’m so fucking cruel, Ahh..” she moaned louder, then grabbed her iPhone and started taking photos for the insurance company.

Few months later she got remarried, continued her life like nothing ever happened, you meant nothing to her, just a few more bucks in her bank account.




Fitting end