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As life in Syria became unbearable and impossible, after losing almost anyone you knew you managed to escape with your kid, you were so relieved when the raft reached the shores of Italy.

Shortly after you got off, the authorities got you both and escorted you to a small refugee camp, it seemed rather empty, one of the officers there sat with you.

“You speak English?” She asked impatiently.

“Little bit, yes”, you replied with your Arabic accent.

“Europe will not accept any more refugees”, she said coldly.

“No, please, me and my son seek shelter”

“The way I see it you have 2 options, you understand me?” She said slowly, you nodded.

“Option 1 - we send you back to Syria”

“N-No, please”

“Option 2 - you and your son get shrunk and adopted by a ‘shelter family’, there are some across the country, you won’t be able to choose or protest, the adoption is final”

“Shrinking?” You asked, just to verify you heard right.

She sighed, “yes, shrinking or Syria, ok?”

“Ok, shrinking, please”, you said, realizing it’s actually either shrinking or death.

“Fill your details here”, she slid a page in Arabic where you needed to explain why you seek shelter, share your names and ages and sign off any human right you own.

The officer turned to a lower ranked one standing nearby, speaking Italian: (Sofia, send them to the Moretti family)

(Can’t I keep the kid? He looks cute) she replied, you looked at them helplessly, not understanding a word.

(No, Ms Ginevra donated generously to have a refugee kid, she was specific)

(Ok), “sir, come with me please”, the other one said with a smile, gesturing for you and your kid to follow her.


You both got shrunk in the refugee camp, then were placed inside an aquarium. It had basic beds inside, tiny bottles of water and packed crumbs. Your son ran straight to open one crumb and started eating.

You looked around as the carrier walked with you and placed you in a van, everyone looked so big and intimidating, but no matter how worse it feels, it’s not even close to the dangers of your homeland.

As they continued driving, your son finished eating and went to sleep, you kissed his head and blessed him, “Allah ma’ak”, then went to the edge of the aquarium, looking at the interior of the van, there were so many aquariums, lots of them had much more than 2 inhabitants, you spotted one aquarium that had just around 12 kids with no grownups, you wondered what are those shelter families and how exactly the system works, then joined the same bed with your son and went to sleep hugging him.


You woke up from the aquarium being lifted up brutally, both you and your son bounced and fell next to the bed, the carrier didn’t even apologize, she walked past a gate and started walking towards a huge villa.

(Omar, look, they are rich), you told your son in Arabic.

(Will we live here?) He asked.

(Yes, inshallah), you replied with a smile.

The carrier rang the doorbell a few times, then a middle aged woman wearing pajamas opened the door. When she spotted the aquarium she jumped in her place in excitement and clapped her hands.

“Grazie!” She told the carrier and grabbed the aquarium, quickly going inside and placing you on a table, you both stood up and looked at her.

(Bianca! Come honey, we got new ones!) she suddenly shouted, your son ran to hide behind you, then a teenager wearing shorts came over. You never saw a woman dressed like that, you felt embarrassed, you didn’t want Omar to see this.

She shrieked happily as well, (is that a kid??? Oh my god! So cute!) they kept cheering in excitement, it was humiliating, you felt like you and your son were toys to them.

Then the mother picked a flash card that was attached to your aquarium, “Ahmed e Omar”, she read, (the kid is 8 years old, they are from Syria, they survived very harsh conditions, Bianca I think they will be great, much better than the previous ones).

She finally turned to you.

“Hi!” She spoke slowly, waving her hand, “welcome home”, she said with a smile, her daughter still standing next to her, smiling to you too.

You nodded, “thank you”, you called out.

“I am Ginevra, this is Bianca, I also have another daughter, Alesia, she is not home”, she explained, emphasizing every word, like you would talk to a toddler, you just nodded.

She held the aquarium and placed it on the floor, then opened it, “we won’t keep you like this, you are free”, she said, they both giggled.

You looked at them suspiciously, (Omar, take the food and water, they want us to go out), he ran and took what he can, you took some too, then you walked out and she lifted away the aquarium.

They towered above you, you looked at their feet, you were almost the size of ants, you felt like one wrong step can easily end your lives, you were literally 2 bugs on their floor.

Your son was scared so he kept close to you.

You wanted to say something, to ask that the aquarium would be placed on the floor as well so you will have a safe place to be inside, with beds and everything, but even trying to call up to them felt hopeless and you didn’t want Omar to know you’re scared and worried.

“Go on, don’t hesitate getting our attention if you need something, you are free to go wherever you want, just be careful please”, she explained.

(The kid is so cute, can’t wait to feel him licking my foot sweat), her daughter told her, looking at Omar.

(Give them time honey, they will soon start begging for food), her mother replied to her and giggled.

You looked around, not sure what to do or where to go, then they both walked away, just leaving you like this next to their dining table.

Omar looked at you confused, (dad, why did they take our beds?) he asked.

(They say we can use the villa, that we are free), you explained, not sure yourself what’s going on.

(But we are too small to go anywhere), he said, looking around.

(Come, let’s find a place to stay)


It’s been a few days, you were moving from spots, traveling mainly at nights when the women are sleeping, scavenging for anything edible, but it was too scarce and hard to find as their home was tidy and clean.

You've finally found what you thought to be the perfect spot, beneath a desk just next to a glass door outside where the pool was, you could go outside occasionally to get water and also find random crumbs beneath a table Ginevra used to eat her breakfasts on.

The problem was that it felt like she’s very careful not to leave any crumbs, and in general ate in a very clean manner, it was frustrating.

You found tiny plastic vessels in your scavenging campaigns, you used it to keep water mainly, you also made yourself a tiny camp next to the glass door, but one day after going out to bring water it was gone, probably cleaned up as dirt.

You had no interaction with the women, it was exactly like living as bugs in this huge world size cage. You couldn’t leave even if you wanted to since every stairs became impassable borders.

Sometimes Bianca just stood next to you, holding her phone, a living skyscraper just standing and looking at you, wiggling her toes.

(Dad, her feet stink), Omar told you one day.

(I know), you replied helplessly, (just try to ignore her until she goes away), you suggested.

It usually ended up with a *Click* from her phone and she went away, you didn’t know what it is but it sounded like a camera, so you weren’t sure whether it’s a phone or camera since it looked nothing like the Nokia phone your family had at home.

(Mom, they are not begging for food, I want them to kiss my feet and beg but they are just staring at me), Bianca told her mother afterwards, she sounded frustrated.

(I think they are resourceful, somehow finding food, but I have an idea don’t worry), she replied.

You were used to their voices booming from above, like gods having a conversation.

You both crawled beneath the desk and went to sleep while the women used vacuum cleaners and washed the floor.


Next morning you heard noises, a delivery of sorts, you peeked from beneath the desk and saw Ginevra sitting at the table outside, and butlers kept bringing food to her table, you’ve never seen so much food in your lives, she had orange juice there, cakes, water, fruits, your belly was grumbling.

(Dad, please, let’s ask her for some, she has so much)

Omar said from beside you, you realized he sneaked next to you without you knowing.

(I don’t know, what if she won’t give us? Maybe she will drop something on the floor, we can take it later)

(No dad, you know she never leaves anything, I’m hungry and thirsty), he said and waved with the plastic vessel, it was empty and you didn’t have any crumbs left, the floor was so clean it was shiny, there was no way to get food.

(Ok, but be careful), you told Omar and you started walking towards her, you stopped Omar about a meter away from her, and you both just stood and looked at her as she sipped her morning coffee. All kinds of food just spreaded on the table in front of her.

“Oh good morning, didn’t see you there”, she said calmly and took another sip, then took her feet out of her slippers, tapping the floor gently.

(Dad, what did she say? Did she offer us food?), Omar asked.

(No), you replied, holding his hand tighter.

(Please, let’s ask her for some food, she’s not even eating), he pleaded, you nodded and you walked closely.

Ginevra picked a strawberry and ate it slowly, loudly sucking on its juices, then stretched one foot towards you, closing her eyes and sighing in satisfaction, “ahhh… molto bene…”

Omar got released of your grasp and ran to her foot, you started running after him, he started caressing the side of her foot eagerly, trying to get her to notice him, you stood beside him, it was the first time since you got here that you touched any of them.

“Mmm?” She looked arrogantly from above, picking another strawberry and eating it slowly in front of Omar’s hungry eyes, your belly started grumbling again, you could only imagine how desperate Omar felt.

“What is it? Do you need something?” She asked with a big smug smile, you don't know why she’s acting like that, it’s obvious that you are looking for food.

“Please, we are hungry”, you called up when she was close enough, you hated the humiliation but you had to do it for Omar.

She sipped from her coffee with half a smile, “oh, you’re hungry?” She scrunched her toes a few times, Omar stepped away from her foot, he looked at you.

“Yes, please, just a few crumbs, for Omar”, you asked politely.

She took a look at the table, still smiling, “oh, I’m not sure I can spare any, Bianca will join me soon and I don’t want her to miss a crumb”

You were shocked, this was nonsense, disgusted by her cruelty you looked at Omar.

(Dad, what did she say?) he asked.

You shook your head, trying not to cry, (Come, we will have to find our own food), you gestured to him to come closer.

With his head bowed down he started walking towards you, (I don’t understand, she has so much, our whole village could live a day on just half of what she have on the table, even in normal size), he started crying and it broke your heart.

(I know, they are not Muslim, she doesn’t care about us), you held his hand and started walking away.

“Oh hold on a second”, she suddenly said and you stopped moving, “I think I feel a small crumb from between my toes”, she raised her foot a little, wiggling it in front of you.

You gulped and looked at Omar, you knew you won’t find food anywhere else, as humiliating as it is, you’ll have to do it for him.


(Omar, wait here)

You approached and kneeled in front of her foot, you took a deep breath and shoved your hand between her toes, looking for something you could pick up.

“Mmmmmm….” She moaned with closed eyes, “deeper”.

(Dad, let me help), Omar came closer.

(No, stay back), you told him and shoved your hand between another gap of her toes, but she didn’t make it easy, she got her toes close to each other on purpose, you got your hand to the skin in between and caressed it, you felt something, you pulled it out and it was just disgusting horrible toe jam.

She got her other foot closer to Omar. Moaning mischievously.

“Maybe Omar can help? With his tiny little hands, it might be easier for him”, she started giggling.

(Omar! Stay back!) you shouted, but he looked at her toes.

He also kneeled and shoved his upper body between her big and second toe, you were so frustrated, Ginevra started laughing, “good boy!” She exclaimed mockingly.

Your eyes started filling in tears, you started shoving her toes and also stuck your upper body, looking for anything edible.

(H-Here dad! I’ve found something!) Omar called, you pulled your head back and saw him holding a tiny bread crumb.

(Ok, go back now, never do that again), you called and you both got away, eagerly eating the crumb, you let him eat most of it and got just one bite, it was horrible and disgusting, soaked in foot grime and sweat, you couldn’t believe that just a meter above you there’s food that will suffice for years and this is what you have to eat.

“Mmm, good job, I hope it’s tasty”, she said in pleasure, then Bianca stepped out of the glass door, she looked at the scene with a confused face.

(What’s all that food?) she asked in Italian, Ginevra started laughing.

(Had to get them out of their holes, they just ate my toe jam)

Bianca gasped with a smile, (the kid too?)

Ginevra chuckled, (yes, they are starving, you want to eat something?) she gestured at the table.

(Just woke up, I’m not hungry), Bianca replied.

You started walking away, trying to find a way to the pool but it was blocked.

(So help me throw everything), you noticed Ginevra Standing up and taking a few plates in her hands, then Bianca giggled and held some plates as well and they started walking inside the house.

You held Omar’s hand tightly, afraid he might get crushed, you followed them inside, hoping that maybe some crumbs would fall down.

Then you couldn’t believe your eyes, Ginevra opened the trash bin with her foot and they just spilled everything down, you both looked at it in shock.

(Dad, they are throwing away everything)

You didn’t know what to say, they walked back to the table to take what’s left, ignoring you and walking past you, Bianca looked at you and giggled.

(I love it, they look so miserable), she said and they both started laughing.

You couldn’t comprehend this cruelty, they literally want you to starve beneath them, it amused them, you felt like you and your son are just a silly joke to them.


This is not a multi parted story, but there will be more stories about Ahmed and Omar trying to survive in the Morreti’s villa, forming a general montage of stories eventually.

I would also like to hear your thoughts about this concept.

Personally, with the state of Europe and Syria, and considering the shrinking tech, I find this story to be a plausible realistic scenario.




Nice one