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As refugees kept flowing to Europe from war-torn countries like Syria and Hanum (former Iran), Europe decided to close its gates to refugees.

Human rights organizations were furious, there were protests all across Europe, “Let Them In” was the slogan.

After months of locking down and sending back refugees, the countries came to an agreement.

All male-refugees that will enter Europe will have to be shrunken and females won’t be allowed to have kids.

This is how it works:

  • “Shelter Families” were families that would caretaker and ‘adopt’ shrunken refugees, there was absolutely zero supervision over Shelter Families, so many horrible horror stories about crushed and enslaved refugees could be found in forums and social media.
  • If the refugees arrive with a female, she will take care of up to 3 shrunken males, the rest were given to shelter families. It was heartbreaking to see mothers choosing from her own sons. This rule made no sense, but it was another way for the governments to discourage refugees with many kids from coming to Europe.

All refugees were given a choice, either go back to your country or be given to a shelter family and risk shrunken enslavement.


As Amir’s family escaped Hanum, they were a family of 6, the mother chose 3 of her kids, Amir and his son had to go to a shelter family.

They were given as a gift to the eldest daughter, Tina, she kept them on the floor, making them practically cleaners, she also made them to take care of her feet every time she got home, they had to do it if they wanted to survive since it was the only source of sweat, that serves as water for them..

3 weeks later, Tina accidentally crushed Amir’s son, she sat on her bed and took a picture, laughing loudly from the soft crack she heard as he popped like a grape.

That was the story of many refugees and no one did anything to help them, Germany’s counselor actually said in an interview: “they should be grateful we even let them in, if it means they need to lick foot sweat from our country’s beautiful girls in return - they should do it gratefully”.


*This piece of information is important for future stories and serves as a background*



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