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You chilled out at Kacy’s house, watching a movie, your best friend who you had kind of a crush on as well, you just really enjoyed her company and you didn’t want to risk your friendship so you kept it to yourself.

She was on her phone, not really focused on the movie, “Steve, are you up for a TikTok challenge maybe?”

“Lol, aren’t we past that age?” You chuckled.

“It’s called shrink & chill”, she giggled, “you shrink, I place you in my cleavage and you chill between my boobs”.

You froze, your face got red, you couldn’t believe what you’ve just heard, “I.. uhh.. what? What did you just say?”

She started laughing, “lol, what part didn’t you get?”

“I’m.. you want to do this? Really?”

“Yeah well, Jaulin challenged me, you down for this? It’s because shrinking center prices went down like hell last week, new tech”

“So how much is it now?”

“Just 150$, it’s nuts”

“Oh, wow.. it’s like 95% cheaper right?”

“Yeah, so you down for this? Can be funny”

“Jeez, well, if you insist”, you blushed.

“Lol Steve you’re such an obvious perv”, she pushed you with her foot and laughed, you laughed nervously as well, “let’s go”, she said and got up.

“Wait, now?”

“Silly, when did you think?”

You stood up, “no, it’s cool, let’s go”.


As you came back home she placed the aquarium on the table and looked at you, you looked back at her, slowly having a boner, your face turned red again, you were so excited for this, she looks amazing in this size, in fact everything looks better, you were wondering how come you never thought of this before.

Then she started laughing, it slowly got louder, you looked at her with a confused face.

“I can’t believe I made you do it!” She shrieked, and continued laughing.

“Haha, I know”, you scratched the back of your head and chuckled nervously, “it’s extreme even for me”.

She opened the aquarium, still laughing, and you walked out, it started getting awkward.

“No silly, you don’t understand, you’re going to die”

You remained silent, staring at her, “w-what?”

“Look”, she held her phone in front of you, it was a TikTok video, it was Jaulin, your mutual friend, she was waving with her foot in front of the camera, someone was splattered all over it, you looked closer, you recognized him. She talked:

“Oops, it was an accident… NOT”, she paused and laughed, “Kacy, you are next! I want Steve!” Then she kissed the camera and turned off the video.

“W-Was that Amir?.. I don’t understand”, you started getting dizzy, “weren’t they friends?” You asked weakly.

“That’s the challenge silly, hashtag crush a friend, she challenged me to crush you”, she turned off the screen and placed her phone on the table, you were still looking at it and then looked at her.

“K-Kacy, it’s a joke, right? We know each other for years, you are my best friend”

“Yep, but she challenged me, gotta do it, sorryyy”, she shrugged, then started raising her foot up.

You looked at it, still refusing to believe this is happening, “h-hey… Kacy, come on”, you raised your hands in a weak attempt to defend yourself, “Kacy I’m begging you, there must be another wa-“ *CRACK*

“Ewwww”, she looked up and closed her eyes in disgust as she pressed harder, “it’s like crushing a dipped dorito, yike”, she started twisting her foot, grinding any bone in your body to dust, then sat down to take a video, showing off your crushed body and bragging about completing the challenge.



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