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“Hey Keyla, me and my twin are big fans, please give us a chance to make you happy ❤️🙏”

As a fan, when you saw Keyla’s post you immediately sent her a message, you thought it’s a long shot so you didn’t even want to bother your twin brother.

But surprisingly, a few hours later she actually massaged you back.

“Hey Charlie 👋🏻

You and your brother seems cute 😊

Does tomorrow sound good?”

You read that message perhaps a hundred times before the shock started to wear off, it’s actually happening.

“Of course! Where would you like to go?” You replied, then immediately called your brother to share the news with him, he thought you were bluffing so you sent him screenshots, meanwhile Keyla sent another message.

“We thought about getting to know each other first, so how about our place? 19:00? Come hungry” She attached a location.

“We will be there”, you instantly replied, still can’t believe it’s happening, your twin went nuts as well.

You couldn’t sleep all night, different scenarios ran in your mind, how Keyla and Keyt will be in real life? What are you going to say? What if it will evolve into an actual relationship?

It was already morning and you finally fell asleep.


The phone was ringing, it was your brother.

“I’m downstairs”, he said.

“What? What time is it?” You mumbled.

“Are you insane? It’s almost 18:00 we need to go to Keyla’s place”

“Fuck, I need 10 minutes”, you jumped out of bed and started arranging yourself, then ran down the stairs and hopped into Jim’s car, it was a long drive but you finally got there.

You knocked the door, it was opened and Keyla was standing there, beautiful in real life much more than on screen.

“Hey, come in you two!” She greeted you with a smile, you both blushed.

“H-Hi Keyla, wow, you look amazing”, it was awkward, you were too embarrassed to act normally.

“Oh that’s sweet”, she giggled and cleared the way, you both walked inside.

“Hey boys!” Keyt was sitting next to the table, smiling ear to ear, “that’s cool, you are also identical”, she said and looked at Keyla as she was walking back to her seat.

“Haha, yeah”, Jim said, “never been on a twins date before”, he chuckled.

“Come, drink with us”, Keyt smiled and gestured to the table, you both sat down, you were actually shaking from excitement.

“So, tell us about yourselves”, Keyla said and leaned forward on the table, using her hands to support her beautiful face.

You shared some facts about your life, Jim did the same, you reached your hand to the glass and picked it up, then Keyla raised hers and bumped it into yours.

“Cheers”, she said with a smile, Jim also raised his glass, “cheers”, you replied together, it made them laugh and you laughed as well, then you were all drinking.

“Oh, it’s just water?” You asked, thinking it was something alcoholic.

Keyt started laughing all of a sudden, Keyla looked at her and gave her a ‘hush’ look.

“Is everything ok?” Jim asked.

“Yeah, sorry, it’s a bit embarrassing that’s all”, Keyt said.

“So, Charlie, you said you’re a big fan?” Keyla said, you couldn’t get your eyes off her smile, you nodded.

“Since when?” She asked.

“Umm.. ever since you participated in the Big Brother show”, you replied.

“Really? What about my volleyball games?” She asked and giggled.

“Ah, sorry, I wasn’t following this”, you chuckled.

“So how are you a big fan, if you don’t even watch her play?” Keyt asked, leaning closer.

Jim chuckled, “I actually watched some, you are amazing Keyla”, he said, like he’s trying to help you out.

You started having a weird feeling, you watched them talking but all you could hear was a high pitch sound, you started rubbing your eyes a few times, everything got blurry.

Jim waved in front of you, asking if you’re ok, you looked at the girls and they both watched you with eager smiles, something was off, you tried to stand up but you fell on the floor, Jim quickly got to you.

“J-Jim, something’s not right”, you mumbled, then you looked at him and he seemed smaller compared to the room, you felt like something was dragging you from behind, you looked back but there was no one, then you realized you both are shrinking.

You wanted to scream but no sound came out, the room kept getting bigger and bigger until you ended up in darkness inside your now colossal shirt.

Your hearing came back, you heard both Keyla and Keyt burst in laughter.

“Have you seen how scared he was??? ‘Something not right’” Keyt imitated you and they both were laughing, the floor was trembling as they started walking in your direction.

“So which one do you want?” Keyla asked, her voice boomed, you figured they are both in titanic size now compared to you.

“I honestly don’t care, I didn’t like them”, Keyt replied.

“Really? I thought they were cute”, Keyla said, then it got darker, she was close, shadowing over you.

The fabric started moving, you were sliding more and more until you fell to the floor, blinded by light.

“You want them both?” Keyt asked.

“No way, just take the other one, give him a chance”, Keyla said, you slowly opened your eyes and saw her face, she had a smug mischievous smile, she looked down at you, you looked all around, Keyt was flickering in Jim’s shirt, then snatched him up as well.

“If he’s a good slave maybe I’ll keep him”, she said, then Keyla’s hand closed on you, she walked back to the table and dropped you, Jim landed not far from


The girls sat down and placed their shoes on the table, both of them looking at you with an arrogant satisfied smile.

“W-What do you want with us?” Jim asked, you had no idea how he got the courage to say anything.

“Isn’t it clear? We own you now”, Keyla explained casually, then she looked directly at you, “shouldn’t you be glad? As fans? You’ll be able to make us happy like you said”, she mocked you and they both started laughing.

“Now why don’t you lick the dirt off our shoes?” Keyt asked and pointed at her sole, “what you said your name was? Jim? Come closer and give my shoe a big long kiss”, she said with a demeaning tone and they laughed again.

You remained seated, shocked and frozen from the situation.

“I.. I won’t do it”, Jim said with a shaky voice, standing up to her.

“Really?” Keyla asked, making a confused face, “what about you Charlie? Don’t you want to be my foot slave?” She asked you.

You shakily stood up, you walked to stand beside Jim, trying to stand in an intimidating way like him, but your whole body was shaking.

She sighed and shook her head.

Then Keyt started raising her leg up, you thought they are just trying to scare you but then *CRACK*

Keyt stomped her shoe beside you, a splash of blood sprayed you from your right, the thud made you fall on all fours.

Keyla shrieked, “holy shit you are awful”, she told Keyt.

In panic, you started running to Keyla’s closest shoe, you got your tongue out and the moment it touched her sole they both started laughing maniacally.

“Congrats you got a new one”, Keyt said while laughing, placing her hand over Keyla’s knee.

“I think he just shit his pants”, Keyla replied, trying to adjust her breath from laughing.

“Have you heard that pop when I crushed his twin? I think it was his tiny skull, it must scared the shit out of him”, she said and resumed laughing.

“Oh god”, Keyla shrieked in laughter, “he would have obeyed, that was so unnecessary”.

“Told you, I didn’t like him anyway”, Keyt replied with a shrug and they continued laughing.

You licked her sole over and over again, swallowing all kinds of dirt, afraid to stop for even a second, still not digesting what just happened.

She actually crushed him like he was nothing, stomped him like a bug on the table, it was a joke to them, you would’ve never imagine that Keyla and her sister are so cruel, they make such a sweet innocent image on social media.

You slowly started crying.

“Is he crying?” Keyla asked, Keyt lowered her legs and checked on you, “like a baby”, she giggled.

“Aww, don’t cry sweetie, I know you loved him but you get to be my foot slave, isn’t that great?” She asked and they both laughed.

“Anyway, that was fun”, Keyt said, grabbing a tissue and cleaning Jim’s remains off her shoe.

“We have like more than 300 proposals, it’s like a buffet of twins”, Keyla said, looking at Keyt as she stands up.

“Choose another twins for the butt slap game we talked about lol”, Keyt giggled, “anyway I’m going to shower”, she stretched and walked away.

Keyla laid back on her chair and sighed in satisfaction, then pulled back her shoe and removed it, she was barefoot inside, the smell got your teary red eyes burning, it was soaked in sweat.

She pointed at it, “I hope you came hungry as I asked, because it’s time for your dinner”, she looked at you with a smile.

Defeatedly, you walked with a bowed head toward her foot, got your tongue out and started licking off the sweat.

“Good boy, lick harder, I knew you'd be obedient the moment I saw your message”, she purred happily as she felt your tiny tongue inside one of her sweaty wrinkles.

You never got your voice back, you couldn’t talk anymore, for the rest of your short life you’ll be Keyla’s pathetic foot slave.



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