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Imagine that years before the outbreak, when the shrinking virus was mere sci-fi, you ghosted on someone after having sex, or broke up with your ex using a text message, or even just didn’t let some girl copy the test answers in high school.

Back then, it would mean nothing, immoral stuff at best, she might get hurt or something but nothing more than that, right?

That was until shrunken-bounties.com was opened.

A girl could upload information about a guy and set a bounty on him, she could ask for him to be brought to her alive, or ask for a specific kind of death, all goes, money talks.

The higher she pays - the more she can ask for, and once it happens, you become fair game, “bounty hunters” from all over the world will try to get to you in order to claim the prize. If it’s worth their time, of course.


You had no idea that Emily, a girl you pushed in elementary school more than 20 years ago, set a 750$ bounty over your head.

Crushed underneath a boot”, she wrote, and left her email address for proof to be sent.

After eating in a restaurant, a beautiful Asian girl with a dog was following you.

You thought it’s just a weird coincidence, but you started taking unreasonable turns on purpose just to make sure and she kept following.

You turned over, “excuse me?” You asked.

“What?” She replied, the hold of her dog’s leash got tightened.

“Sorry, are you following me?” You asked.

“Don’t be ridiculous”, she chuckled, “keep walking”.

She was aggressive, and her dog surely didn’t seem friendly at all, you had a bad feeling so you started walking quickly, making some distance, then your fingers started tickling, you touched your face and realized it’s going numb.

It’s the shrinking virus, a mutated one for sure since you are vaccinated, you were poisoned and it’s probably her. In panic you turned back, she was rather far now, you ran into a narrow path and shrunk down, then you ran and hid inside a bush, shaking in fear and looking around.


Find him.” You heard her order, then you heard her dog sniffing, you shrieked in fear and tried to run deeper inside the bush, but her dog was standing near it and barked twice, then sitting down.

“Good boy Rey”, she bent over and gave him a cookie, then started searching inside the bush, you embraced yourself in fear as she spotted you with a smug smile.

“W-What do you want from me?! Who are you?!” You stuttered in terror but she just grabbed you and threw you inside a small glass capsule with breathing holes, then inside her purse.

You had no idea what’s going on, you waited inside the purse for hours, then a blinding light got into your eyes as she opened it and pulled the capsule out.

She casually opened it and you fell to the floor from a short distance, still trying to adjust to the light, you saw a leather boot in front of you, the size of a building.

“P-Please, what’s going on, help”, you shouted, crawling on all fours, looking up - all you saw was a sole of a leather boot as it descended on you, *CRACK*, you got pulverized completely underneath her.

Then she sat down, took a photo of your crushed body and sent it to Emily, shortly after she got notified that she earned 750$ (minus 15$ that goes to the platform).

The moment there’s a bounty over your head, that’s all you are, walking bills waiting to be claimed.


Informational posts don't usually have stories, but this time I wanted to give an example as well.

As always, this post serves as another important piece of the big picture of the post shrinking virus world, the information shared in these posts is sometimes being referred to in stories, so keep it in mind, and go over other posts with the “information” tag in case you haven’t.



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