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*First read texts in the images, then move on to the description*

It’s been 8 years since high school, but your childhood crush, Liz, never really left your heart.

You kept following her on social media, sometimes she posted casual stuff about a slave she owns, most girls are like that nowadays.

Every time you saw him, you couldn’t help but wonder how his life is like, how lucky he actually is for being with Liz. You always thought it’s not so bad but you didn't dare to say anything. You assumed that he was brave enough to choose this way of life.

When you saw her last tweet, you couldn’t control yourself and you commented that you think his life is better than hers, then you blushed and tried to delete it but she already replied, you were so embarrassed, she even started texting with you on WhatsApp, her offer to let you just try it as a friend sounded amazing to you, you’ve decided to actually go for it.

You considered the risk, trying to remember how she was in high school, she was popular but always kind to everyone, you couldn’t imagine her as an enslaver or a tiny killer, she always uploaded photos and videos of the same slave.

So worst case scenario, if for some reason she won’t let you go, how bad could it be?


The next day as you got to her home she took you from the carrier and walked in, you looked at her and your heart was pounding hard, you blushed and felt your whole body tickling in excitement, she wore a sexy pajamas and you kept checking out her body, it’s like the years made her look even better.

She placed your aquarium on the table, her slave was there, he looked at you with wide open eyes, it was weird but it seems like he’s scared of you or something, maybe afraid that you take his place?

She sat on the sofa and looked at you with a smile, “Hey Richi”.

“H-Hey Liz, wow, it’s so weird being that size”, you chuckled nervously.

“I can only guess, anyway, I want us to sync expectations while you’re here, ok?”

“Y-Yes, of course!” You stuttered.

She leaned back and placed her foot on the table, her slave rushed to it and started licking, she didn’t even ask him to.

“My slaves’ first priority is to satisfy me, above all else, your fatigue, happiness, health, even your life are beneath my pleasure”, she paused, you gulped, it sounded a bit too demanding, “far beneath my pleasure and satisfaction, always keep that in mind”, she added and broke the silence.

You nodded, “ah.. ok, ye-“

“You don’t talk without permission”, she said and placed her foot on your aquarium’s glass, “I deserve everything, you get nothing, you should thank me for the opportunity of even sip one drop of my foot sweat, it’s worth far more than you”

You started blushing, the way she talks got you nervous and scared, you nodded, hoping it’s just part of the show.

“Ok, good boy”, she leaned forward again and opened your aquarium, her foot already waiting outside, you nervously walked outside with hesitant steps, she snapped her finger.

You started shaking uncontrollably, the smell was far more intense than you would’ve guessed, her foot was huge compared to you, you felt vulnerable, pathetic and helpless, her aura was arrogant and smug, she could end your life at any second without any effort.

“What are you waiting for? Start licking”, she demanded.

You quickly got to your knees and started licking her sole, not sure what to do, you just pressed the surface with your tongue and dragged it on it, it quickly got covered in foot sweat.

It was warm, sticky, the smell was overwhelming, it was a whole different than what you thought it would be, it was terrible.


She hit her heel on the table and you quickly swallowed it, the taste was so horrible that it got you down on your knees and you started coughing miserably.

“Lol, not as good as martini, isn’t it?” She mocked you, “I bet you would like some water now, to wash it down”

You crawled next to her foot so you had eye contact, you nodded, she laughed in return and placed her foot in front of you again, “wash it down with more foot sweat, slave”.

You started to really panic now, but you were too scared to disobey, you leaned toward her foot and continued licking, you swallowed more foot sweat, lick after lick, you looked to your right and saw her other slave licking much faster than you, he pushed his tongue hard between crevices and wrinkles, he swallowed foot sweat in gallons, it sent chills down your spine, if you stay here, is this what you’re going to become?

She sighed in pleasure, “boys, it feels amazing, I should’ve got myself a second slave long ago”.

You stopped licking and walked beside her foot, “L-Liz, I’m sorr-“

“Did I tell you to stop?” She asked with an irritated voice, “get back to licking, and pick up the pace, I can barely feel your pathetic tongue”, she ordered you.

Maybe it wasn’t a good time to ask her to get you back home, you went back and continued licking, “atta boy, push your tongue harder, you’ll learn your place eventually”.

You tried to obey but it’s like your muscles were getting numb, it’s so much harder than it looks in the videos on social media, it’s terrible, you started crying while licking.

After long horrible minutes she finally pulled her feet away, you fell to your knees and started breathing heavily.

“Good job tiny Richi, for someone who’s doing it for the first time - you were ok”, she stood up and walked away, perhaps to the bathroom.

Your hands were on the glass table, you were trembling, shaking in fear, your sight was narrowed and you were breathing fast, you saw your reflection in the glass and looked at it, you were covered in foot sweat, you looked miserable and scared.

 are you ok?” A voice asked from your right.

You looked, it was her other slave, now that you see him from up close you realize how bruised and in terrible health condition he seems to be.

“You.. you volunteered for
 this?..” he asked, hesitated.

“I.. no, I’m just on a.. test run..” you explained while breathing.

He looked at you confused, “t-test run?..”

“Yeah.. she’s.. she’s just letting me
 try to experience it..” you explained.

“Ah.. y-you know her?” He asked.

“We were in high school together”, you replied, slowly catching your breath back.


“What’s your name?” You asked.

“I..” he paused, “my name..” he seemed confused, you waited for an answer but he was silent.

You heard a water stream from the bathroom, Liz was taking a shower.

“Liz calls me slave, I.. don’t remember my name, she told me I don’t need one anymore”, he bowed down his head in shame, you were shocked.

“How did it happen, how did you become her slave?” You asked, afraid from what you might hear.

“It’s.. it’s been a very long time ago.. during the first wave I got shrunk in college, Liz found me”

It means it happened 7 years ago, she started posting in social media about having a slave 4 years ago, it means she’s doing it since that guy is literally her property now.

You didn’t know what to say, you just stared at him silently.

“But Liz takes care of me, in a way, I keep her happy and she keep me alive, it’s not like I can grow back anyway, she is a good owner”

So he doesn’t know, she never told him that there’s a cure long ago, that there are shrinking centers now, people don’t just randomly get infected anymore, he can be grown back at any time, she.. she tricked him into becoming a nameless foot slave, she’s an enslaver, he’s not here by choice, not at all.

Your face turned pale, you fell to your knees and started puking, her disgusting foot sweat slid out of your throat and mouth.

He stepped back with a disgusted expression, “it.. it gets better, you get used to the taste”, he tried to comfort you, “it’s actually not so bad”, he said nervously.

“Oh I see that you made a new friend”, Liz walked back to the living room, covered with a towel.

You quickly stood up and looked at her, you waved your hand, “L-Liz! Liz, please!”

She leaned down and looked at you from up close, “Richi, what is it?” She asked with a smile.

“I.. thanks, thanks for letting me try and all that, but, but it’s not for me Liz!.. I’m really sorry, I want to go b-“

“Shhh.. relax Richi”, she placed a finger over your head, “hey, you know me, right?” She smiled and you nodded, “it was just one evening, too early to decide if you like it or not, let’s wait until tomorrow, you did very well today”, her voice was calming, you nodded silently but still about to explode on the inside.

She grabbed your aquarium, “if you don’t mind, I’m going to use it for my herbs, these aquariums are really good”, she went with it to the kitchen, opened the garbage bin with her foot and shook the aquarium above it, making your bed and your tiny food supply to fall down, then placed the aquarium on her kitchen’s marble, you just looked at it silently, then she walked to her room and came with an extremely small metallic cage, it was a bit rusty, she placed it on the table and opened it, her other slave walked inside, you just stood there, frozen.

“Hey, what are you waiting for? Go inside”, she commanded you.

There was nothing in the cage, only metal bars from all directions, you looked at her in fear.

“You’ll share it, I think it’s far more suitable than that fancy aquarium, you are a foot slave not a king”, she giggled.

“L-Liz I’m super uncomfortable with th-“

Her finger pressed your head again, “hush”, she said with a smile, pressing a bit harder and making you fall on all fours, “no talking without permission, remember? Now cruel inside your new home”, she said in pleasure, you gulped and started crawling helplessly, shocked and terrified.

Once you got inside the cage she closed it behind you, “good boy Richard, get to know your new roommate, I think you have a lot in common”, she giggled and went to her room, shutting down the lights behind her.

You crawled to the edge of the cage, sitting in embryo position and cried yourself to sleep, the other slave didn’t disturb you.


“Rise and shine foot slaves!” Liz exclaimed, you woke up quickly, seeing Liz's beautiful face from behind the bars, slowly realizing it wasn’t a dream - you are actually here, in your high school crush home, in a very small and empty cage, and she just called you a foot slave.

“Today I’m doing some private sessions with you Richi, yesterday I went easy on you”, she opened the cage and snatched you out, the other slave remained seated and just looked at you, then she walked back to her room and threw you over the bed just in front of her foot.

“L-Listen Liz, I want to go home, I’m sorry”

She looked at you with a smile, using her left hand as a rest for her face, the same look you would give a pet.

“So cute”, she giggled.

“I.. I’m serious, Liz, you promis-“

Her other foot pushed you and smeared you on the foot that was in front of you.

“Shhhh Richi, don’t fight it sweetie, lick my sole”, she whispered.

“P-Plea-“ she pushed harder, twisting her foot, you moaned in pain.

“Thanks for coming here willingly honey, I really appreciate it, but if you think I’m letting a foot slave go just like that
 I’m sorry to break it down to you - but this is your life now, you’re not going anywhere, the sooner you forget your previous life the better”, she whispered in a mean and vicious tone, then released her grip, her feet still engulfing you.

“Y-You lied!” You cried miserably, pointing at her, she giggled, then gave you a third finger.

“Yep, I lied”, she answered casually, then smeared you with her feet harder, you moaned and cried in pain, you felt like your bones starting to crack, then she released her grip again.

“Honey, you have two choices now, you can get crushed like a helpless bug beneath my foot, or you can submit to my will and become the best foot slave you can be”, her gorgeous smile was towering above you, she was full of confidence, you just looked at her in tears, slowly digesting that you have only one way to stay alive, you slowly turned your face to her foot and started licking, tears flowing down your face.

“Good boy, you made the right decision, slave”, she paused and moaned in pleasure as you pushed your tongue hard between a crevice, “god, I want to post about it so badly, but I’ll have to wait 3 years until you officially become my property, we are going to have so much fun together Rich-I mean slave”, she started laughing after correcting herself, tapping your head with her big toe to encourage you to work harder, pushing it and smearing your face in her foot sweat.

3 years sounded like forever, this is simply hell, you felt so stupid
 walking straight into her webs, it was so easy for her..

In 3 years she won’t only have full rights on you, she’s going to get all your property, savings, everything you’ve ever owned will also become hers, for once in your life you allowed yourself to trust someone, and it was a grave mistake.



1 - Epilogue Scene

2 - Tweet from 3 years later.




Dude psychological breakdown is totally my favorite thank you so much.