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During the next day you waited in your cage for Tracy to come home, you were used to waiting idly.

Yesterday was good, you felt like you and Tracy might find a comfortable way of life for the both of you, she seemed to enjoy the foot treatment as well, so why wouldn’t she just keep you?

You started thinking about your time together in the office, before this whole pandemic started, doing assignments together, sitting in meetings, the way you looked at her. It’s funny how life brought you here, to be inside a small cage waiting for her to return home, just so you can take care of her feet.

You chuckled to yourself, reminded of something she said about 6 years ago as you walked together to a nearby gym, “I don’t feel like a workout was effective if I’m not drenched in sweat by the end of it”, you went together only once, then she felt embarrassed to use the office’s gym to do it again. Thinking back, you really wanted her to do a workout like that so you’ll be able to drink all that foot sweat without searching for it on her relatively big soles. It was a huge difference from Maya’s small feet.

When the door was finally being opened you walked closer to the bars in that direction, Tracy walked in with a smile, placing her purse on the kitchen’s table and coming over to open your cage, “hey Travis, how was your day?” She asked as you walked out.

“Good, and you?” You asked back.

“Mine was pretty good, I jumped to SLM HQ after work”, she started, ‘this again’, you thought to yourself, “umm so listen, what you have is called ‘shrunken PTSD’”

“Huh?..” you looked at her with a confused face.

“It’s a post trauma shrunken people suffer after being kept in extreme conditions, witnessing awful stuff or seeing their owners as goddesses”, she explained.

“Umm… ok..” in your case it’s actually 3/3, it made sense but why should you care.

“One of the main symptoms is the need to continue living off foot sweat, dead skin, toe jam and all that”

You kept staring at her.

“I know it’s a lot to take in, but it’s important that you know it’s a mental sickness, you need to accept it so we can try and treat it”

“But.. Tracy I’m not sure…”

“Look, I’m all in for you, we can make it”, she said with a smile.

You gulped, what you have is not a sickness at all, you feel more cured than sick, but she seems so determined and you didn’t want to disappoint her.

“Ok, but how exactly?” You asked.

She cheered and clapped her hands, “so you realize it’s not good to wish to be a foot slave? That it’s a mental disease?”

“Umm.. y-yes, I guess”, you lied.

“Fantastic! So there are some ways to try and deal with shrunken PTSD, but in general it’s all experimental, so I guess we will have to do some trial and error and see how it goes”

“Ok Tracy, whatever you say”

“So one approach I’ve been told about is a little extreme and I’m not sure about it, but it’s to buy anti crush shoes and use you as an insole, like, for a very very long time”, she said with an awkward tone and blushed, “have you ever did anything like that?”

You blushed too, “w-what?” You haven’t expected for her to suggest something like that, “y-yes.. actually.. it’s been a long time ago but I was used as an insole”, you confessed.

“Ah, wow… and.. was it ok?” She chuckled embarrassingly.

“No.. not really…”

She started laughing and quickly stopped herself, “sorry, wow, it just sounds so weird, an insole, like what?”

You hugged your left arm again, embarrassed as hell.

“I think the idea is to show you how terrible it is so you wouldn’t want to be a foot slave anymore”

“What are the other methods?” You quickly asked.

“So other method is foot sweat overload”, that sounded better, “I should get my feet to sweat and let you lick it off, then push you further even after you are stuffed, so you think foot sweat is disgusting again, but I don’t know, it sounds ever more humiliating, no?”

“I prefer that”, you said, trying to hide your excitement.

“It means I’ll have to train, which is nice, might help me get back in shape”, she giggled.

“N-Not that you need it, but sounds cool, I’m ok with it”, you said and she smiled, looked at you from above.

“Travis, you’re definitely cute, I missed you”, she said in a friendly tone, you blushed and nodded, “so I’ll start with some Pilates or something”, she grabbed the AC remote, “and let’s make this place a bit warmer”, she clicked a few buttons, “I’ll change to something more sporty”, she said and walked to her room.

You looked at her walking away, couldn’t help yourself but feeling the bump in your pants, you’re going to have all the sweat you wanted, all you need to do is act like you’re stuffed before it actually happens and let her think she pushes you further.

Tracy came back with a yoga mattress, she spread it over the floor and sat on it, then started making different poses. You sat on the edge of the table and watched her training.

It didn’t take long, in less than 10 minutes she was already soaked in sweat, she continued for a few more minutes and then started breathing heavily, “I’m so out of shape”, she mumbled and stood up, then walked closer and placed her hand next to you, you climbed it, it was slippery and wet, then walked back to the mattress and placed you on it, sat down and pushed her foot in your face.

“Sorry about it, start licking”, she said while breathing loudly, you smiled ear to ear as you felt the warm thick air get in your lungs, you quickly shoved your face on it and started sipping, finally, it’s been so long since you could just eat and drink as much as you want.

Tracy kept talking but you couldn’t listen to anything she said. You licked and swallowed until you felt stuffed, then you slowly went back, wiping your mouth with the back of your hand and smiling.

“Umm, what are you doing?” Tracy asked.

You opened your eyes in surprise, you forgot to act like you’re stuffed before it actually happened, before you could react her finger pushed your head back to her sole, smearing it above her arch.

“W-Wait Tra-“

She pushed harder, you had no choice but to lick and swallow more sweat.

“Please don’t make this any harder, I’m so sorry”, she said in a nervous tone as she kept smearing your face, you squirmed and tried to release yourself but it just made her tighten her grip, she smeared you all over her foot until she reached between her toes.

“Oh god it must be so awful”, she said all disgusted and pushed your face between her big and second toe, using your teeth like a scratcher over and over again, after crucifying minutes she finally placed you back on the mattress in front of her foot, you laid on your back and coughed out sweat and toe jam.

“A-Are you ok?”

You tried to answer but you couldn’t stop coughing, you sat down.

“It must be terrible, I know”, she tapped her iPhone’s screen and stopped a timer, “35 minutes”, she paused and sighed, “it’s going to be hard, but we will have to do that 3 times a day”.

“N-No-“ you started talking between coughs.

“It’s going to be hard for me as well, I’m doing this to help you, I hope you understand”, she said gently with a worried face.

She stood up and walked to bring your cage, she placed it in front of you, you were still kneeling with your hands on the mattress, coughing out more and more of her foot sweat, her steps actually left humid wet marks on the wooden floor around her.

“Poor thing”, she said and shook her head, “you can go and get some rest, next therapy is tomorrow morning”, she sighed as you crawled back inside then closed it on you.

“Don’t worry, it’s going to be ok”, she said with a hesitant smile, “we will fix it”, she added after a pause, then walked away to continue her day.

You sat at the edge of your cage, she calls that a therapy? It reminded you of the dark days when Maya was still torturing you for fun.

It took you a long time to calm down your nerves and get back to your senses, you went to the bars and saw Tracy sitting on the sofa with her mac on her lap and typing on it rapidly, her feet were on the table, you held the bars and gulped.

Even after this nightmare, you still just want to be there on the table too and at least kiss them while she works.


End of part 12




Dude extreme tortures are just the best but I also love the direction of this story so many possibilities and just the creativity is great to thank you for your work