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As Tracy entered her car and placed you on the seat next to her she held the wheel and took a deep breath.

You didn’t understand what’s going on, you kept looking at her in silence.

She started driving, “look, I don’t know how much you know about the outside world, I’ll assume you don’t know anything”, she said, you were actually well aware about what’s going on.

“The world is in turmoil, much has changed in the last 3 years, it’s literally a women’s world right now… and I can only guess what you’ve been through, it must have been hard”, she paused and sighed.

“But there’s a cure now, for a whole year actually, it’s rather expensive but I’m sure we can use your savings or something”.

You were confused, she peeked a look at you while driving, “thought it’s obvious, I have no intentions to enslave you, I came to help”, she explained and your heart was beating rapidly.

“I’m in that Facebook group waiting to see people I know and try to purchase or help them somehow, I’m a volunteer in SLM now”, she paused, “but you probably have no idea what it is, never mind”.

You had so much to say but you were too far for her to hear you.

“Anyway, everything’s going to be ok, just rest for now”, she said and you took her advice and laid over your bed, you sighed and started digesting everything she said. You don’t want the cure and don’t need any help, you want to go back to Maya.


You slowly woke up and looked around you, you were on Tracy’s kitchen’s table, she was washing the dishes, she had a nice apartment, you wondered if it’s going to be your new home now.

“Oh hi, you’re awake”, Tracy said while using a towel to dry her hands, she bent over and opened your cage, “let’s talk”, she sat down.

You walked out cautiously, “ah.. hi Tracy”, you said and hugged your left arm awkwardly.

“Hey… sorry for making you lick my feet earlier, it was the only way to try and ask Maya to have you, but she actually suggested that by herself eventually”, she explained.

“That’s.. umm… that’s ok..” you replied and nodded.

“Do you still have money available to buy the cure?” She asked.

“No.. Tracy it’s all depleted..”

“I should’ve known, Maya, right?”

“You said your husband shrunk?” You didn’t want to get Maya in trouble, so you tried to change the subject

“Yes.. he did, but I wasn’t completely honest”, she took a deep breath, “he’s not with his family, he shrunk at home and I…” she paused.

You nodded.

“It was an accident…”

“That’s ok”, you said, trying to comfort her.

“Since that day I’m trying to help other shrunken men, there’s an organization called shrunken lives-“

“I know… I’m actually well informed about the outside world, I had access to the internet for a while”

Tracy opened her eyes in surprise, “oh wow”, she scratched her head, her surprised expression turned to confusion, “why haven’t you contacted me or anyone else for help? Were you scared?”

“It’s.. it’s not that…”

“I don’t blame you, tinies.. I mean shrunken people sometimes doesn’t think straight”

You nodded quietly.

“I have spare savings, I can purchase the cure for y-“

“No Tracy, that’s ok”

“What do you mean?” She was surprised again.

You shrugged, not sure how to explain yourself.

“Oh my, I haven’t even offered you food and water”, she stood up and opened a closet, then brought out a bottle of water, she opened it and placed the tap in front of you, then spilled some water inside.

As she opened the fridge to look for something you could eat, you bent forward and gave the water a sip, it was too fluid and burned your throat… it was like breathing 100% oxygen, you started coughing, you need something more thick, you need foot sweat.

“I’m sorry for not having much to offer”, she brought a cookie and started crumbling it, some crumbs landed around you, you were hungry and still, you didn’t want it… you held one and gave it a bite, the taste was so strong you had to spit it out, you were used to crumbs that are soaked in foot sweat and squished for hours under Maya’s foot.

You looked at Tracy, all you could think about right now is Maya’s foot sweat and dead skin.

“What’s wrong?” Tracy asked with a worried face.

“I’m.. I’m sorry Tracy, do you think.. ugh…” you sat down in place, embarrassed, it’s too awkward.

“What? You can tell me Travis, I really just want to help”

“I just.. prefer to eat your dead skin… if it’s ok” you mumbled, “and… drink your foot sweat, please”.

There was silence, you kept staring at the tap filled with water, avoiding eye contact.

“Oh”, finally Tracy made a sound, “I’m uh..”

You bowed down your head, “you can just return me to Maya maybe, I’m sorry I guess that’s all I can eat now”.

Tracy gulped, “no that’s… it’s ok, you just really surprised me that’s all”, another embarrassing silence, “you poor thing, what that bitch ma-“

“P-Please don’t talk about her like that”, you snapped and Tracy moved back a little.

“I’m sorry, it’s the first time I helped someone that was enslaved for so long, I didn’t think… you would be so… brainwashed…”

You sighed, “Tracy I’m not brainwashed, ok? Maya wasn’t a bad person she was just being mischievous and playful, can I please treat your feet? The water and crumb left a horrible taste in my mouth”

“Y-Yes… I guess we can do that.. umm.. ok, let’s go to the living room”, she stuttered awkwardly and placed her hand next to you, you climbed it, it’s the first time you haven’t been just snatched up.

She walked to the living room and placed you gently on the table, then sat on the sofa, she paused for a moment and then started wiping her feet using her hands, like cleaning it before placing them on the table.

“No Tracy it’s ok!.. y-you ruin the sweat…” you couldn’t believe the words coming out of your mouth, “s-sorry!…” you added.

“Ah, oops”, she finally let out a giggle and lightened the mood a little, “sorry, it’s not something to laugh at”, she waved with her hand.

You let out a smile as well, “that’s ok”.

She finally placed her feet on the table, you took a deep breath from your nose, as much as it’s different from Maya it’s still a humid thick and smelly air that made you feel like home again, you wasted no time and approached the closest sole, spotting some foot sweat, you immediately started licking it.

You let out a satisfied moan as it slowly slid down your throat, washing down the horrible taste of the water and crumb she gave you earlier.

“So.. umm…” Tracy started talking, “I guess it’s ok for now but we will need to find a way to solve it”, she said awkwardly, “you were my best friend, it feels wrong, like I’m using you”.

You ignored her, you noticed a big cluster of dead skin and started grinding your teeth on it, her foot jumped a little.

“Sorry, it’s tickling”, she mumbled.

You continued and ripped off a piece then started chewing it, it was so tasty…

She bent to the remote and turned on the tv, then sighed as she picked something to watch.

“I won’t lie, it’s pleasant, I can see why girls like it, but I would never do such a thing to a person against their will”

You took a few steps next to her foot, she bent closer to hear you, “it’s not against my will”

“I know, I know, but..”

“Please Tracy, if you care about me keep me as your foot slave, or return me to Maya, I’m begging you, don’t force me to return to normal size, I won’t be able to stand it”, you pleaded, almost breaking in tears.

“Look, relax, for now you can continue treating my feet, tomorrow I’ll consult in SLM, maybe there is something we can do”, she caressed your head with her finger, trying to calm you down.

You went back to her foot and continued grinding your teeth.

“Either way we will find a solution, no one should live inside a cage and get his nutrition like that”, she explained but you didn’t care, you were just happy you have foot gunk to consume, and for a change she doesn’t force you to go between her toes, you can just eat your favorite parts calmly.

You removed your shirt to feel more comfortable and not get it dirty, also it reminded you of your good days with Maya when she used you more frequently.

It might not be a bad thing being here, you just need to adapt to the new taste, Tracy is a good person, she will take care of you.


End of part 11



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