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You finally found the courage to ask Kim to be your date to prom, in front of the lockers just as she placed some books inside, her first reaction was to burst into laughter.

“Wait, you’re serious?” She said as she wiped off a tear.

“Y-Yes, please give me a chance”, you pleaded, she stopped laughing and examined you slowly, then making half a smile.

“If I do that, will it be like fulfilling your dream or something?” She asked mischievously.

 absolutely”, you nodded excitedly.

“So let’s make a deal - I’m going with you to Prom, then you become my insole for the next day”, she stated, taking a step closer to you.

“In-Insole?..” you gulped.

“Yes”, she removed one of her shoes and showed it to you, it had a lot of cushions inside, “shrunken and inside for 24 hours, that’s the deal”

You blushed and started sweating, she examined you with a vicious smile, then she started giggling, “so maybe it’s not that important to y-“

“I’ll do it”, you cut her mid sentence, “that’s ok”.

She paused, “seriously?”

“Yes, come with me to prom and I’ll be your insole” you said in an unsecured tone.

“Wow, you got it, pick me up at 17:00, you know where I live?”

“Y-Yes”, you couldn’t believe it’s happening, she will actually be your date.

“Don’t be late”, she giggled and closed her locker, then went away.

Your heart almost burst out, you did it, she will be your date.


You picked her up for prom. She was beautiful, but treated you like shit. She even danced with someone else for a long time during prom, when you went back to the car you started driving to her place, disappointed and sad with how this evening turned out.

“Wait, where are you going?” She asked drunkenly, “to the shrinking center”, she pointed.

“I.. I thought we will do it at the morning”

“Haha no way, my feet are soaked in sweat, I want it now”, she said in her spoiled tone.

“But my car”, you tried to excuse.

“Don’t worry, I’ll drive it back”, she giggled.

You sighed and made a U turn, drove to the shrinking center, you paid for everything and signed all the documents, they handed you over inside an aquarium, when she held it she started laughing.

“You’re so cute like that! It’s like your actual size!” She exclaimed as she walked outside to the car.

You blushed and scratched your head, she was even more beautiful as a colossal being.


At her place, she sat next to her bed and snatched you out of the aquarium, she smashed you with your head on the ball of her foot and then used a tape to glue you firmly to it.

She started laughing as she watched you, “comfortable there?”

You could barely move, your face was smeared in her foot sweat, you opened your mouth to say something but an ounce of sweat got inside, you had to swallow it.

“Looks good to me”, she giggled, then took her phone out and started taking pictures, she made cute faces, like she’s taking selfies with a pet.

After swallowing a few sips from her disgusting foot sweat you could finally talk.

“B-But it’s just until tomorrow, right?” You asked, trying to move your head to somehow look at her but you couldn’t.

Just the question made her laugh, “umm yeah sure, if you can survive that long”, she said in a very mischievous nasty way.

“Anyway, get some rest, tomorrow won’t be easy”, she said and laid down, you remained stuck to her foot the whole night, from time to time you licked the surface in front of your face just to clear it from sweat so you could breathe properly, but the smell was hideous and you couldn’t sleep at all, you felt like it was all a big mistake.


Kim woke up and stretched, yawning loudly, then pulling her foot to check out on you, she started giggling, her morning breath was awful.

“Look at you down there, did you sleep well?” She asked.

You shook your head, smearing your face in her sole, “p-please Kim, is there any other way I can compensate you? It's.. it’s too hard
” you begged in tears.

“Sorry honey, a deal is a deal”, she giggled and brought her shoe, pushing her foot inside and sealing you in darkness, you started squirming, trying to find a slightly better position to be in but it was impossible.

As she placed the shoe on the floor and stood up, the pressure was so intense that *CRACK*, your right hand shattered like a toothpick, the cushions became too hard, it didn’t feel like an anti crush material at all, you screamed, she must have felt your bone crush, but she didn’t care.. She kept walking inside her house.

Step after step you were grinded, more and more bones in your body broke to dust, you slowly lost consciousness and died, mixed with her foot sweat and gunk.

When she removed the shoe and checked out on you again, it was afternoon, she laughed loudly and caressed her foot, you were just a living foot lotion cream for her, nothing more.
