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You gave yourself to Gianna a few months ago, together with all of your money and property which was quite a lot.

She never thanked you or anything but you were ok with that, her foot sweat was heaven and she was the most beautiful girl you’ve ever seen, you were happy and felt like it was the best decision you ever made even with all the harsh conditions she kept you in.

You saw her squishing others and always assumed it’s just because they wanted to leave and you had no intentions to ever leave her godly feet, you were still willing to give everything for her.

In today’s foot treatment she picked you out of your little cage and placed you in front of her mirror, then sat and propped her feet in front of you, and you immediately started licking.

She never gave commands, or even talked to you since you got here, but you were still absolutely obedient and gave your everything in every treatment.

At some point you noticed her taking her iPhone out and pointing it to the mirror. You had a bad feeling about this but you kept licking her sole.

“Hey, any last words?”

Her words made your heart lose a beat, you stopped licking and stepped back on her foot, staring at her, she was smiling casually, checking her iPhone’s screen.

“W-Why?” You stuttered, your knees shaking so hard you fell on them, “I.. I love you, I want to serve you”, you started begging, your eyes filling in tears.

“Yeah but I kinda feel like crushing you with my foot”, she said calmly, almost giggling, still smiling casually.

“B-But I don’t want to leave, please goddess, k-keep me”, you started crying.

She started raising her foot above you, you shrieked and cried as you saw the thing you love the most become so terrifying, you kept begging as she descended her foot towards you.

“P-Please Gianna, I gave you everything! All I want is to stay alive and serve y-“


She crushed almost your entire body with the ball of her foot, you looked at her from the mirror in shock, there was silence.

She broke the silence with her giggles and slowly flattened her foot, squishing you completely, as she heard your head pops she sighed in satisfaction and stopped recording, then twisted her foot like you were a used cigarette, crunching every last bit of what’s left.



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