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Maya parked the car and Alisa picked you up, “wait”, Maya told Alisa, “place him on the chair, I want him to sniff my feet before we get in, let’s set the atmosphere”, she said and they both laughed.

Alisa placed you over the chair and Maya hovered her feet in front of you, looking at you with a smug arrogant smile.

The smell was horrible, you started coughing.

“Oh do they smell? Sorry Travis”, she giggled, “why don’t you get closer, give it a long sniff? Fill your lungs with it”

Your eyes started to tear, you turned back and looked up to Alisa, “p-please, I was always nice to you”

With a smile, she grabbed you with her fingers and twisted you back to Maya’s foot.

“Go on Travis, you must obey us if you want to live”, she said from behind.

You walked closer to her foot, coughed a few times and then quickly took a long sniff. It was horrible, you got to your knees and coughed over and over again.

“So pathetic!” Maya said while laughing, “the leading proud engineer, smelling my foot like a miserable bug!” She mocked and they both laughed again, you were so humiliated.

“Ok, just a kiss and we go to the apartment”, she said with a smile.

You looked at her, almost breaking and cry, “M-Maya… come on, there’s no nee-“

Your face was pushed to her sole by Alisa’s finger.

“She said kiss, trash, so you kiss”, Alisa’s voice boomed from behind.

You obeyed and kissed the putrid surface, some of her disgusting sweat got into your eyes and nose, it was horrible.

“Lol, ok throw him back in the mug, we got work to do”, Maya told Alisa with a smile and she dropped you in.

As they entered the apartment they sat around the kitchen’s table, Maya reached her hand inside the mug and dropped you out.

Alisa already opened her laptop and sat down, waiting with her hands over the keyboard.

“Ok Travis, start talking”, Maya said and sat down, staring at you arrogantly.

You covered your face in fear, “Wh-what do you want from me? Please, just let me go”

“Stop acting like an idiot, I know you are smart, we want everything”, she said and you looked at her, she was smiling in such cruel joy, it terrified you.

“Let’s start with your options, what’s the password”, she leaned closer, her huge face was in front of you.

“I.. I don’t remember, maybe.. maybe we can go to my place, I have it written there”

Her finger pinned you down, “you think I’m stupid?” She increased the pressure and you moaned in pain, “what’s the password?!” She asked again in a mean voice.

You were terrified that once they see how many options you have they will celebrate and crush you… you had over 2 million dollars worth there.

Maya looked at Alisa, “what do you know, it’s not going to be as easy as we thought”, she giggled, “good, needed an excuse to torture that piece of shit”.

“P-please! I swear!” You shouted and she pulled her finger away.

“Alisa, bring the tape, let’s show Travis what we’re doing to unwilling slaves”, she snapped her fingers with a smug smile, Alisa opened a drawer and pulled a masking tape out, Maya laid back and raised her feet.

Before you could stand up Alisa picked you up and pushed you into Maya’s sole, then you heard the tape ripping off and she hit your back, gluing you to Maya’s foot with your head just between her toes.

Maya scrunched her toes on your face, you started squirming helplessly, you couldn’t breath, your screams were muffled.

She opened them.

“What’s the password?” She asked coldly, you coughed miserably.

“Maya please!!!” You screamed, her toes scrunch your face again, it was longer this time, and she pressed harder, you almost felt like your face was about to get ripped off.

“Mmm!! Mm!!” You tried to scream, she opened them again.

“The password, Travis, next time your face will break”

“Ok!!… ok please stop!” You cried.

“Say it!” She shouted, her toes started scrunching again”

“T-Tracy1204! It’s Tracy1204!” You shouted.

“What’s that?” Alisa asked with her hands over the keyboard.

“He said Tracy1204” Maya said with a smile, pinching your face with her toes, releasing you with a giggle.

“It doesn’t work”, Alisa said.

You looked at Maya in panic, she made a furious face.

“The T is capital!!! Wait! Please wait!!!” You screamed just before her toes closed again on your face.

“Try it”, she commanded Alisa.

Alisa tapped the keyboard a few times and pressed enter, “oh god I’m in”, she said with a huge smile.

Maya quickly leaned closer and watched the laptop together with her, “how much? How much is it?!” She shouted.

There was silence for a few seconds, you were breathing heavily between her toes, trying to squirm and free a hand or something.

“OH MY GOD!” Alisa cheered.

“WOW”, Maya said, covering her mouth, “it’s.. oh my god it’s like 5 times what Shawn had”.

“Maya we are fucking rich, do you believe this? It’s a jackpot!”

“Oh god”, Maya bent over and ripped off the tape with you still stuck to it, she dropped you over the table, the girls were blushing red from excitement, Maya had an open mouth smile.

You tried to release yourself from the glue.

*POO* Maya spat on you, you moaned pathetically in disgust.

Alisa started laughing.

“You filthy rich asshole, you had so much money and you still ate my lunch!?” She shrieked and joined the loud laughter, giving a high five to Alisa.

“It was a mistake! I already told you! Maya I’m begging you!” You flipped over with the tape, smearing your face over the table trying to wipe off her disgusting spit, then looking at the girls again.

“You can have the money!… just please, I’m begging you don’t kill me! I won’t tell anyone I swear!”

“Look at him, he looks like a worm!” Maya said with a giggle.

“Let’s move on to his savings, if he didn’t sell the options he must have had a significant sum there as well”, Alisa said and rubbed her hands one in another.

“Hold on a moment”, Maya said with a huge smile, “was his password ‘Tracy’???”

“Oh my god! Is it the developer sitting next to him?!” Alisa started laughing.

“You love her or something?!” Maya asked and pointed at you, you just bowed your head down.

*Poo* she spat on you again, you miserably wiped it off your face.

“She’s married you freak!” She said and wiped the spit off her lips with the back of her hand.

Alisa started laughing, “god I love when you spit on them, they are so pathetic”

“P-Please, I gave you everything”, you started begging.

“Not everything, your savings accounts, you lonely piece of shit”, she looked at Alisa, “I can’t believe he’s in love with Tracy, what a pervert”.

“I-I’m not! It’s just a password!…”

“Oh god and 12/04 is her birthday! Hahahahaa” Alisa said and placed a hand over her mouth.

You blushed and bowed your head down again.

“So pathetic”, Maya shook her head, *THUD* her foot hit the table, she pointed at her sole, “lick”.

You started shaking, you opened your mouth to protest but you just gulped.

“Did you hear me? Start licking”, her voice and look were intimidating.

“Ok Maya, just please don’t hurt me”, you slowly approached her foot, bent forward and tried to ignore the horrible smell, you got your tongue out and caressed the smelly skin with it.

Some of her foot sweat got in your mouth, your eyes started tearing again, it was moist, gravy and salty, probably the most disgusting thing you’ve ever got in your mouth.

She looked at you with her arrogant smile, “swallow it, you pathetic trash”.


You got on your knees and coughed miserably, Maya started laughing.

“Ok I sold all of his options! I’m splitting the money between us, oh my god Maya we are rich I can’t believe it’s happening”, Alisa was thrilled.

“Look at him”, Maya pointed at you, her foot still in front of your face.

“It’s awesome but let’s get his savings already, before someone will notice and lock it”

“Heard her Travis? Start talking”, Maya looked at you again, you still coughed and tried to remove the horrible feeling of her foot sweat sliding down your throat.

“Maybe he needs some encouragement”, Alisa suggested with a giggle.

You raised your head, “n-no *cough cough*, give me a second”, you begged, but Maya already placed her finger behind your head.

She pushed it to her sole and they both laughed so hard.

“Hey, remember when you stole my lunch? So here’s some food for you”, she pointed at some questionable edible dirt above her heel and dragged your face to it, you reluctantly opened your mouth and got it in, chewed and swallowed it.

The girls laughed and clapped their hands, you fell back to your knees, you finally broke down and started crying, it just made them laugh harder and point at you like you are a pathetic joke.


End of part 2



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