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Once they finished cleaning the floor, the girls raised the volume of the music and danced, eating and enjoying their party.

From time to time a girl came by the cage and mocked you all, sometimes they talked with each other in front of you, examining you and placing bets on who will be Eden’s slave.

After a while Sapir lowered the volume and announced, “girls it’s time for the last challenge, let’s see which pathetic worm is the luckiest”, she grabbed the cage with both hands and went near the pool, then flipped it, causing you all to fall on the ground.

“In this challenge we will see who has the most luck and the best instincts”, she stood up and smiled, then, with closed eyes, she stomped the ground next to you.

“Hmm, no one was crushed?” She asked with a laugh, you all jumped in fear and started running.

Sapir walked to Eden without looking at the ground, her foot landed right next to you, you shrieked in fear as she continued.

She pointed at the line where the wooden floor ends using her foot, “every slave who crosses that line, you girls can crush”, she told the other girls, then turned to Eden, “wanna dance?” She giggled, jumping with Eden to the middle of the wooden floor, almost stepping on one of the guys.

You looked up at the dancing girls, they were already drunk, slipping over the floor, almost falling down, Eden’s foot just landed next to you, you weren’t sure what to do, you just embraced yourself and shivered, you saw the other 2 running around, what’s the point you thought to yourself, it’s just luck.

They got further away from you, you looked up at them, they were kissing and all the other girls kept wooing.


Eden just stepped on someone, they stopped kissing and she checked her foot, showing it to Sapir, everyone started laughing.

“Only 2 remain!” Sapir exclaimed and held Eden, they kept dancing and jumping, you couldn’t take the pressure anymore and started running.


Sapir’s foot just landed where you sat a moment ago, you saw the other guy standing at the other edge in safety, you felt so stupid for not doing it earlier, you are in the eye of the storm and their feet keep stomping all around you.

“Oh my god he’s so lucky”, you heard someone exclaim from the crowd.

“Just crush him already lol”, another one said.

“Sapir, the one at the edge! It’s like he’s cheating!” Someone shouted, you crawled away, feeling the terrible stomps as your heart missing beats every time a foot hits the floor, shadow started forming around you, you looked up and saw Sapir’s heel just above you, you started screaming but it stopped.

“Hold on”, Sapir said with a smile, “they are right, he’s cheating”, she said and watched the other guy.

He started jumping and waving while she walked towards him, “hey cheater, think you’re safe?” She asked and kicked him to the middle of the improvised arena, he landed just at Eden’s feet.

You kept crawling away in panic on your back.

“I didn’t cheat! I was inside the area you allowed us! Please!” He begged, Sapir came and stood next to Eden, they both looked down at him.

“What do you say Eden, we do it together?” Sapir giggled.

“I want his head”, she said while biting her lower lip, raising her foot and wiggling her toes.

It was horrible but you were so relieved to hear it, Sapir also raised her foot and her big toe pressed his legs, he squirmed and screamed and then you heard a loud *CRACK* as his legs crushed.

The girls were laughing.

“Take your time! Don’t crush him just yet!” A girl shouted.

Eden brought her big toe above his head, pressed a little, it looks like he fainted already.

Then she changed position and pressed his hand, he woke up again and started screaming, *CRACK*, she broke it like it was a toothpick.

“Oh god this is so fun”, she laughed, Sapir brought her big toe to his other arm, *CRACK* His screams scarred your brain, you couldn’t see or hear it anymore, you turned back and started running for your life, all the girls were focused on the show.

“Oh what’s that little trash? Did you say anything?” Eden mocked, everyone was laughing, you started running back into the villa and to the entrance but it was miles away.


It was loud, they probably just crushed his head.

“It felt like a boney grape!” Eden shouted with a laugh.

You climbed to the villa and ran past the sofas.

“Wait, where is the other guy?!” Sapir shouted, “find him!”

You jumped beneath a sofa, you had no chance to get to the entrance, you saw their feet as they were getting inside, you immediately recognised Sapir’s feet as they were covered in blood and leaving bloody steps behind them.

You went to the edge, sitting terrified and shaking, praying they won’t find you.

“There’s no way he got far, Sivan, did you check the garden?”

“Yeah, he’s not there, and there’s a wall so he can't go anywhere, he must be inside”.

“Hmm”, Sapir stood without moving, probably considering where you could be, “if I was a tiny pathetic man running for my life, where would I go…” she wondered and Sivan giggled.

“Move that sofa”, she said arrogantly and you froze in terror.

The sofa started moving, you embraced yourself in fear and you were exposed to light.

“Ha, there he is”, Sapir stated with satisfaction, she climbed over the sofa and bent over to pick you up, her fingers closed on you easily.

“Hey there tiny, why running away? You won”, you were so close to her face you could smell the alcohol in her breath.

“S-Sorry!… I’m so sorry!… please.. Please don’t kill me, I beg you please!…” you mumbled in panic, she started giggling.

“Kill you? You are going to be my foot slave!” Eden approached from the side, opening her hand in front of Sapir who dropped you inside it.

“You won honey, you get to live, aren’t you happy?” You slowly uncovered your head and looked at Eden, she was smiling, waiting for your answer, some girls giggled around.

“Y-Yes… yes, thank you…” you bowed down to her face, still shivering in fear.

“Oh my god he’s adorable!” Sivan said, “he really deserved to win!”

“Don’t worry cutie, you will thank me later”, Eden started walking to the aquarium you were inside earlier and dropped you in, you looked up and saw Sapir looking at you with a smug smile.

“It’s the one I dated yesterday, so happy he won, he was so sweet! Eden - you are going to enjoy him so much”, she said and they got away, they all sat together and kept drinking, talking about the games and how some of you died in a funny way.

They all talked about you like you weren’t human beings, like you were a bunch of toys to play with, your lives didn’t matter, the fact they kidnapped you didn’t matter either, all that matters was their fun.


The party was over and the girls kept hugging Eden and congratulating her, only Sapir remained and they sat together on the sofa next to your aquarium.

“So, you’re getting married tomorrow”, Sapir said and yawned.

“Yes, Paul…” she sighed with a smile.

“He’s rich as hell isn’t he? I saw your vacation in the Maldives, the resort looked amazing”.

“Yeah, he got rich parents”, Eden giggled.

“So, how are you going to take all that?” Sapir asked and laughed.

“Haha, am I that transparent?” Eden asked.

“Lol, I know you better than anyone, you won’t waste your life on some dickhead”

“I’m taking him to that resort in the Philippines, the one I told you about”

“Oh my god, the one that helps you shrink your partner?”

“Exactly! And then I’ll leave him there and come back, owning his fortune”

“Oh god I knew it, promise me we will go on that cruise together, the Karribean one”

“Once I have his money? You got it”, they laughed and kept talking, you tried to ignore them and rest, at least they don’t torture you.


It was weird, but Eden didn’t really use you, you were living like a pet inside that aquarium, kept in a closet her fiancé wouldn’t see, she gave you some crumbs and water every day and ignored you.

You started realizing that the bachelorette game and your life didn’t mean much for her, she didn't really care about having a foot slave, she had no patience to place her feet and wait for someone to treat them.

The wedding went as planned, and before going to their honeymoon Eden gave you to Sapir who brought you to her home.

She placed you on her living room’s table and went on with her day, you looked around you, it looked innocent on the first glance but then you noticed some disturbing things.

Torture devices scattered on her desk, enslaver toe rings thrown on the table, then you noticed a cage with a tiny man inside at the edge of the sofa, he was tied up to metal chains from both his hands.

Your face turned pale, she casually walked out of the house, leaving you with nothing to eat or drink, you started digesting that your time here is going to be a nightmare.


End of part 3




The next 3 parts of this story will be published February/March.