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“Hey, can I ask you for a favor?” Emily asked you.

You were working together on the last assignment in university and have been good friends throughout the degree. You were usually doing most of the work but you were fine with it. You even had a crush on her but you kept it to yourself, wishing not to ruin such a good friendship.

“Of course, what is it?”

“Umm.. so I’m going to this event tomorrow, there will be some of my… ‘friends’ from high school”, she sounded nervous.

“What about them?”

She sighed, “you know, rich spoiled brats, they will probably see me as a loser…”

“So don’t go, what’s the problem?”

“You don’t understand, if someone skips those events they talk even more shit about them”

“Ah… but how can I help?” You were confused.

“They all come to these events with shrunken men as ornaments, you know, like a status symbol”

“Sounds terrible”

“Yeah, you know, on necklaces, earrings, bragging on how they either bought or got them somehow”, she paused, you gulped.

“Last time I came I was the only one without human ornament and they made a joke out of me”, she sighed again, playing with her pen.

You tried to act like you didn't get the hint, maybe she will just give up on that, you sighed as well, then continued working on a function you wrote.

“I know it’s a lot to ask, but I really want to see their faces if I had someone for the event”.

“Ah… Emily I’m not sure, being a necklace?”

She giggled, “no silly, there are other options”

“Like what?”

“Wait I’ll show you”, she opened a drawer at the bottom of her desk and took a heel out, its sole was transparent.

“See? There’s a compartment inside, you just chill out here”

“Ah, wow, it’s actually made for that? Ugh… Emily I don’t know…”

“Yeah, I know, it’s humiliating, never mind”, she sighed and placed it back, then held her laptop again, she had a sad expression but you were so relieved she moved on from that.

After a few minutes she sighed loudly, then did it again, and again, she gulped over and over again, like she’s trying not to cry.

“Look, ok, I’ll do it. But-“

“Really?!” She made a big smile and hugged you, it felt so good, “I promise I won’t dance or something when you’re there! I’ll just show you off to all of these bitches”

“You take me back to the shrinking center right after the event, ok?”

“Of course! Are you serious? How can you even think something like that”, she sounded offended.

“Yeah sorry, don’t know what I was thinking”, you scratched the back of your head.

“Wow, I can’t believe you agreed, love you so much”, she gave you another hug and you blushed all red, then just hugged her back.


You couldn’t sleep that night, you kept thinking what it’s going to be like, you never thought you would be inside an insole like that… and beneath Emily’s foot, there’s nothing more humiliating, but you shook these thoughts away, you promised to help her and she trusts you, you just have to do it now.

The next day you finished the assignment and drove together to the shrinking center, as she took you back home Emily kept smiling at you and thanking you for doing this for her.

At home she wore the most beautiful dress you’ve ever seen and was so beautiful she took your breath away, she approached barefoot to the aquarium.

“How do I look? You think it’s ok?” She asked you unsecured.

“Ah.. wow Emily, you look beautiful”, you confessed with a blushed face.

Emily giggled, “thanks, you are so cute”, she looked at you with a smile and you smiled back, “so are you ready?” She held the heel in her hand, you nodded and she pulled you out, then opened the compartment.

“Listen, thanks again, I really appreciate it, don’t you think I’m taking it for granted”

“That’s ok”, you tried to be modest, it embarrassed you.

“No, really, you are such a good friend”, she smiled and then just placed you inside and closed the lid behind you.

It was claustrophobic and felt much smaller inside than how it looked from the outside, it made you panic for a moment but Emily already placed it on the floor and wore it.

“It’s comfort, I hope you are comfortable as well”, you heard her from the upper lid, she couldn’t be more wrong, then she started walking outside.

Every step pushed you on the glass walls, it was terrible to think you are going to spend the next few hours like that.


Emily got to the event and walked inside, you looked all around you, there were huge crystal decorations, all the girls looked fancy, you had no idea what Emily is doing here, she wasn’t a rich person and looked nothing like all those girls.

“Emily!” Some blonde approached her with a smile, “how are you doing?” They hugged, Emily reached her hand and held her necklace.

“Oh he’s cute, where did you get him?” Emily asked, examining the stranger’s necklace, her voice was different, it was cold and superior.

“Haha, you know, the usual, he has a crush on me and I told him this event will prove me he loves me”

Emily started laughing and the other girl joined her.

“What about you?” She asked Emily.

“In my heel”, she replied.

The girl kneeled down and you saw her huge smiling face from up close.

“Oh my god what a spot!” They laughed together, “so how did you get this loser?”

“We study together, asked for a favor”, she said it in such disgusting disrespect, it’s like you don’t even know her.

“Amazing”, she stood back up, “he looks cute”.

“Yes, he’s definitely cute”, Emily replied and you smiled.

“Come, we are raising some shots before the dance”, she invited Emily to the bar.

As they got there, they met a bunch of other girls, Emily raised her leg behind her and pointed at you, the girls checked you up with huge smiles, the music was too loud so you couldn’t hear a thing, but they all seemed very satisfied and giggly with Emily.

They raised more and more shots, then walked to the dance floor together, you held the walls tight, she promised she wouldn't dance!

But she danced, like there’s no tomorrow and like there’s no human being stuck inside her heel, they danced together and laughed loudly, screaming stuff, acting like the bunch of annoying brats they are… it was nothing like Emily.

Then foot sweat started dripping on your head from the lid, it was sticky, smelly, disgusting in ways you never knew before.

“Hey! Emily!” You shouted desperately, obviously no one could hear you, then another drop of sweat fell on your face, bigger than before, “oh my god”, you tasted some of it and started coughing, then Emily started twisting her foot to the sounds of “Let’s twist again…” by Elvis, your face got smeared and hit the glass wall so hard you left a blood mark on it.

You tried to catch your breath but she kept doing it, you bumped back and forth, trying to stop it with your hands pathetically.

“Woohoooo!!” Emily shouted as they raised another shot, then she dropped the plastic glass to the floor and crushed it with the heel you were in, laughing loudly like a maniac, she is drunk, they are all drunk, and another disgusting foot sweat dripped on you.

This was a nightmare, the glass walls around you started filling with her sweat, it almost got to your knees now, you panicked and banged the walls miserably.

“Emily! Help! Please help me!” You screamed to no avail.

She kept dancing, more and more foot sweat dripped down, it was already the height of your stomach, you started using your hands to get it to your mouth and drank it eagerly, not just to get hydrated, but to desperately lower the threshold.

It didn’t change much, you were inside her foot sweat neck high, raising your head upwards, fighting for every breath.

They finally stopped dancing, they went and sat on the sofas at the entrance.

“Oh god, it’s been years since I had so much fun”, Emily said and laid back, “missed you girls”.

You squirmed and jumped inside the sweat, then you had eye contact with the blonde girl from earlier, she started giggling, “listen, your slave, your insoles got filled with foot sweat”.

Finally, someone noticed.

“Lol, did he drown in it?” Emily asked nonchalantly and your heart sank.

The blonde looked more closely, “no, he’s ok”, she giggled.

“Ah, could have been hilarious”, Emily started laughing, “a few days before finishing his degree, drowning in my foot sweat, LOL, so pathetic!”, they laughed together and clapped their hands.

“Emily, you are so cruel!” She said while laughing.

“You have no idea, I’m pretty sure he has a crush on me, he literally did my degree for me, I just gave him all the hard work and he never complained”

What the hell is going on, is this part of the show or is Emily serious? You couldn’t tell anymore.

“Wow, what an unlucky guy, being caught in the webs of cruel Emily”, the blonde said and sighed, calming down her laughter.

“Yep, anyway, I guess I should head home it’s getting late and I have the presentation tomorrow”, Emily said and they hugged.

“It was good seeing you, take care”.

Emily went out and grabbed a taxi, you prayed that it will go to the shrinking Center but your heart lost a beat again as you saw her apartment’s building, she walked up the stairs and entered the house, entered the room and kicked her heels down, then just landed on the bed and fell asleep.

You laid down inside her foot sweat, at least now some of it is going out through the lid, you slowly crawled to it and tried to open it but it was tightly locked… she imprisoned you and you had no idea, you couldn’t withstand your emotions and just started crying, your life is ruined, she tricked you, you couldn’t stop thinking about what she’s going to do with you now.

After everything you’ve done for her, she just used you cynically.


“Hey, wake up”, Emily’s voice boomed from above, you opened your eyes and saw her foot on the glass, shaking the heel, she bent over and looked at you with a smile.

“I’m having such a hangover”, she said and yawned.

You banged the glass wall, “E-Emily! Please! Take me out!” You begged.

Her smile grew wider, “god, you’re so naive, this was so fun”, she giggled, “I dreamt about this every day since we started studying here”.

You held the glass wall with wide opened terrified eyes.

“Listen, thanks for doing all the hard work on our last assignment, but there’s no way I’m sharing the credits for it”

“N-No Emily, please don’t do this! You can have the credits! You can have everything! Just let me out!”

“Nah, I don’t think so”, she replied casually.

“Oh my god, Emily I’m begging you, I’ll be your slave if you want, just don’t keep me here, it’s a nightmare”

Her smiling face started getting away as she was standing back up, “that’s ok, it’s summer time, you won’t survive long anyway”.

You banged the walls and screamed but no one was coming to help you.

You will die miserably under her foot while she gets the degree you worked so hard to achieve and continue her wonderful life like nothing ever happened.



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