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You couldn’t stop crying inside the aquarium, Amina took you out and took a bus, checked her phone for an address and entered a building, then knocked on a door.

A young woman opened the door, you hid beneath your bed, a professional enslaver, even when it was your fantasy you were scared of them.

“Hey, Amina, right?” She asked.

“Yes.. I brought John”

Her huge face got closer to the aquarium and she tapped it a few times, “hey John, making problems to your owner?” She asked and giggled.

“I guess I should give you some background”, Amina started.

“That’s ok sweetheart, there’s really no need”, she took the aquarium from her hands, “only the bottom line matters, how obedient do you want him?”

The way she said it got you quivering, you ran to the glass wall in the direction of Amina and banged it, “Please Amina don’t leave me here! I’ll do anything you want! I’m begging you!”

Amina looked at you for a second but her eyes drifted back to the enslaver, “I don’t know, I want him to do what I say without crying and stuff, I have a lot of dead skin on my feet I hoped he would take care of it”.

“Not a problem, it will take up to a week, I’ll text you when to pick him up”, she explained with a smile.

Amina smiled back, “thanks Olivia, this sounds great, waiting to hear from you”, and the door was closed.

You ran to hide beneath the bed again.

Olivia giggled, “that’s so cute”, she said and the giggles turned to laughter, the bed got detached from the ground, the tiny glass legs broke, “we don’t need it anyway”, she said and you saw it falling inside a garbage bin.

You looked at her from between your hands, “p-please, what are you going to do to me?”

She started laughing, then flipped the aquarium over the floor, making you fall down, she hovered her foot above you.

You shrieked and screamed, covering yourself and looking up at her, she was simply huge, bigger than the biggest skyscraper you’ve ever seen, you felt like nothing.

“I think I’ll just squish you, what do you think?”

She slowly lowered her foot, touching your head and pushing you down, you desperately tried to push her foot back, a useless instinct.

“Sometimes when I see something so pathetic I just can’t help myself, hearing your bones crack one by one, nothing gives me more pleasure”

She increased the pressure, you couldn’t believe you were going to die like that, you shouted and kept trying to push her.

“If you start licking now, I’ll consider not to pulverize you to nothing”

Just as she said it your tongue was instinctively out, licking the disgusting surface, over and over again.

“Hmm, that’s cute, but I don’t know”

She increased the pressure even more, you couldn’t breathe, you felt like your body was about to burst.

“OK I’ll give you a chance to impress me”, she slowly released the pressure and looked at you from above.

You moaned in pain and tried to stand up but then you heard a spit from above and her saliva sprayed you.

You wiped your face, everything escalated so quickly, how is this “taming”, she is aimlessly torture you.


You flew a few meters away and rolled on the floor, hitting the wall, she just kicked you, your whole body was aching, you released another painful moan, she started walking in your direction, her hands holding her waist and a cruel smug smile on her face.

“So? Do you understand your place now?”

You couldn’t even stand up, you just coughed miserably on all fours and held your stomach.

“P-Please…” you started begging.

“I can’t hear you bug”, she said and prepared another spit, you embraced yourself and *Poo* a big drop of spit fell on your back.

“You are nothing, pathetic trash, you will do whatever I tell you to, get that?” She asked in a mean bossy tone.

“Ok!… yes!…” you tried to shout but your voice was weak.

Her toes came closer and she pinched your head, raising you in the air, you tried to use your hands to release yourself.

“It’s goddess, I’m a goddess, you are ashes beneath me”, she released you from her toes and you fell down.

You were thrown like a rag doll on the floor, wet and bruised, you started crying into the ground, a pathetic weak moan.

Olivia giggled and walked away, leaving you like that.

You crawled to the corner of the room, sitting in an embryo position and shaking, you didn’t even think about trying to escape, you’ve decided to do whatever she tells you to and just try and survive until you’re back home.

It’s probably been an hour, you heard Olivia’s steps getting closer, you raised your head a little and saw her feet, you froze in terror and waited for something to happen.

A Dorito fell in front of you and you jumped in fear, then her foot stepped on it, the crack sounds made you shiver.

“Here, I brought you something to eat”, she raised her foot and exposed her sole and the crumbs, you looked up.

“T-Thank you goddess”, you bowed down, literally praying she won’t hurt you.

“Good boy, that was very impressive”, she said in satisfaction.

“C-Can I please eat?” You asked in a defeated tone, trying to do whatever you can to show her you want to be obedient.

“Yes slave, you have my permission”

You crawled to her sole and started licking off the crumbs, it was comforting to eat something normal.

Before you finished eating she placed her foot beside you.

“I’m impressed, looks like you know your place”

“Yes goddess”

Then her big toe approached and pressed your leg, you started squirming.

“You think I’m stupid?” She asked indifferently.

“No! No goddess! Please!”

She increased the pressure, you held her toe and screamed for her to stop.

“You probably think that you can act like a slave and I’ll just give you back to your girlfriend?”


“Ahhhh!!!!!! Fuck!! Fuck why!!! Why!!”

She crushed your leg, she actually did it for no reason at all, then she took her foot back.

“Now think about what you’ve done”, she said and walked away as if nothing happened.

You kept screaming and crying, this is madness, you will die…

She came back and spilled some alcohol on you, it was burning like hell, then she bent down and brought her nail closer to your crushed leg.

“No!!! What are you doing!!!”

*SNAP* she cut off your leg easily and threw it inside her mouth.

“Mm.. juicy”, she giggled, and you fainted.


You woke up inside a small cage, you quickly tried to grab your leg but it was gone, you held the bars and cried loudly, screaming for your girlfriend to save you.

A colossal hand hit the cage.

“Quiet!” A tired annoyed voice.

“I’m trying to sleep, little garbage, or do you want me to eat your other leg?”

You immediately went silent, placed a hand over your mouth to silence your sobs, this is literally hell, she’s a sadistic demon, you couldn’t believe that you actually caused it to happen, you felt so stupid for not being obedient with Amina.

She opened the cage and pulled you out, “if you have so much energy, good, go clean my flip flops”, she bent over and dropped you on them, “I want it spotless, you hear me?”

And before you could answer she went back to sleep.

You must make her satisfied. You shoved your face to the rubber surface and licked it, picking up filth and dry sweat, sobbing quietly and moaning in pain.

You stayed up all night until Olivia’s alarm clock started ringing, you stopped licking and looked up, waiting for her to pick you up.

But instead of her head, her feet showed up and started descending towards you, you jumped and started running but *CRACK*

“Fuck!” She shrieked and pulled her feet, then checked up on you.

You laid on your back, crushed, you couldn’t move, you saw her face peeking up from the edge of the bed.

“Lol, you are crushed like some bug”, she giggled, “yeah, I guess I’m just going to refund your bitchy girlfriend”, she paused for a moment, “that’s hilarious, I’m so bad at this, anyway, bye now”

She waved down and her foot came back, her sole touched you and the pressure increased until *SPLASH*, whatever remained of you just squished.


Olivia was one of those sadistic psychotic girls that just decided that they are “professional enslavers” but had no idea what they are doing, most of the poor victims that were brought to her to be tamed ended up just like you.

Your girlfriend took the cheapest option, and you paid the price.

Attachment - Olivia and Amina WhatsApp conversation after the ”accident”.



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