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Gal Gadot had an open invitation for fans to live as tinies in her Villa in Israel, and people all around the world decided to move there and live like that.

As a big fan of Wonder Woman, you always considered it but thought it’s a little extreme, but now after you lost your job and your girlfriend dumped you, it started feeling like a legitimate thing to do…

You entered her profile to read more details about the invitation.

It says that she doesn’t need nor use slaves, she offers her home as some kind of haven for people who can’t use the cure or just wants to live like that, no questions asked.

She also mentions that she doesn’t take care of the tinies, and they are getting food and water on their own. She might share a meal sometimes but she doesn’t promise anything as she’s a very busy actress.

“And yet there’s plenty of food and the shrinkies who live here never had issues with that”.

At the bottom of the invitation she stated she doesn’t accept money, and if you have any assets left you should donate them to charity, then there was a link with a list of organizations (SLM on top).

Doesn’t sound amazing, but currently as your money is slowly being drained away without income, living there was a solution, you filed your details, packed some stuff and took a final look at your apartment before locking it and leaving a message to the landlord that you’ll never be back.

You took a cab for the shrinking center and paid for international shipping to Gal’s address in Israel.


It was a long trip, but you were finally there, Gal wasn’t home so you were placed inside a big aquarium in her guestroom.

“Gal will be here soon and explain to you how things work”, her home caretaker explained as she moved to another room.

You watched all the others, it’s amazing to see so many different people from all around the world coming to live here like that, kinda crazy when you think about it.

You talked with a few of them and then the door was opened. Gal walked inside wearing mini jeans and tank top, she examined the aquarium indifferently.

“Hi everyone, welcome to your new home”, she started talking, everyone around you clapped their hands in excitement and started wooing, but Gal seemed to ignore that.

“Before I release you to live here as bugs, I want to explain some rules”

You gulped, it seemed like others are losing their enthusiasm as well, did she really just referred to you as bugs?

“You don’t get in normal sized people way, that include my servants and family, if you get crushed that’s on you”

People started mumbling, she coughed her throat.

“If for any reason you approach me, you call me Goddess, not Gal, not Wonder Woman, only Goddess, is that clear?”

You were shocked with her attitude, she looked in your direction so you quickly nodded, others nodded as well.

“You can eat and drink whatever you find on the floor, if you want foot sweat or dirt from a normal sized person's feet - you must ask for permission first.

And that’s all, I wish you good life”, and with that she opened the aquarium, then pointed at the edge of the desk, “there’s a ladder here, feel free to get down and explore the house as you please”

She said that coldly and just walked out.

Everyone was shocked.

“She wants us to call her goddess?”

“Where are we supposed to find water?”

“She let us live here but won’t even bother to try and not to crush us? Is she serious? I don’t want to be here then”

You ignored the others and just started climbing down the ladder, it took maybe 40 minutes before you got to the floor, then you just started wandering around, you got to the kitchen, Gal’s daughter was making herself coffee or something, you walked next to the wall, trying to find a place you could stay.

Gal walked in the hall, with her chin up, arrogant and proud.

״דנה, תכיני לי גם קפה״

(Dana, make me coffee too)

She said in the direction of her daughter, you didn’t understand a word.


You quickly looked down, she just stepped on someone, she raised her foot and checked it.

“איכס, מטומטם. אמרתי להם לא לעמוד לנו בדרך״

(Yikes, idiot. I told them not to stand in our way)

She said and her daughter started laughing, she lowered her foot back to the floor and smeared his remains like he was some random dirt she stepped on, then continued to the kitchen.

Your face turned pale, you almost puked, your hero and role model just killed someone and was so casual and careless about it, you couldn’t believe your eyes.

Now you realize what’s going on here, Gal just wants to live as a goddess so she lets you all stay here and live as ashes to her feet, looking for scraps and trying to survive while she lives her luxurious life far above you all, it’s no charity or anything like it.


As days went by, you kept finding more and more crushed bodies in different places of the house, sometimes you were lucky to find some crumbs and drops of water and other drinks that fell down while Gal and her family dined, but it wasn’t nearly enough and the competition wasn’t easy, everyone tried to survive and the normal sized people who lived here haven’t done anything to help.

One day you saw a grain of rice dropped on the floor, you started running towards it and then *THUD*, Gal's foot landed on it and you could see it get stuck between her toes as she continued walking outside to her private pool.

You quickly walked after her, waiting for the grain to fall down, but it didn’t, she just sat next to the pool with a cup of coffee and enjoyed the sun.

If she gets her feet inside the pool the grain will be lost, you were so hungry you couldn’t accept it, you climbed a heap of towels that was next to her, got on your knees and begged her politely.

“Good morning goddess, I saw a grain of rice between your toes, can I please eat it?”

(Story concludes with the comics)



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