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Your high school crush, Megan, became a local celeb.

She went to events, took interviews for the local newspaper, she had a lot of fans and became widely loved.

You felt like you can’t approach her anymore, until you read an interview she made recently.

Interviewer: Megan, you probably have a lot of suitors, such a good looking successful girl like you.

Megan blushing and giggles: Well yes, but there’s nothing serious at the moment.

Interviewer: if you could give a tip to someone to win over your heart, what would they have to do?

Megan: Well I love hopeless romantic stuff, old school, flowers, especially white ones.

Interviewer: Really? All it takes is flowers?

Megan: Well I love when my lover makes bold moves for me, ready to take risks, you know.

Interviewer: Do you have any specific examples?

Megan: Like shrinking, imagine someone shrinks himself for you, wow, I think that’s the most romantic thing anyone could do.

Interviewer: But you’ve gotta be crazy to do something like that.

Megan: exactly.

Megan replied and it was mentioned she bit her lip.

Wow, the formula to win her heart just dropped like that on paper, you bought white flowers and went to the shrinking center immediately, paid for express shipping and shrunk yourself down.


The carrier knocked on Megan's door, she waited for some time and sat over the porch, “5th time today… what’s going on in this house…” she mumbled.

The door opened “hey, another package?” Your heart lost a beat, it’s Megan's voice, it's been a long time since you heard it for real and not through a speaker.

“Yeah, sign here please”, Megan signed and took the aquarium and flowers inside, then placed it on the floor, she examined you closely and you just looked at her with a huge smile.

She suddenly gasped, “Wait a second, Oliver??? It’s you??”

“Yes! How are you Megan??” You were so thrilled and happy she recognized you.

She started laughing, “I’m doing very well, but what are you doing here?? And those flowers?? I haven’t seen you in years!”

You started blushing and chuckled, “well Megan I… you know…”

“Let me guess, you have had a crush on me since high school?”

You blushed even more, “y-yes, to be honest, I would really like you to give me a chance to make you happy”

She gasped again with a big smile, “oh my, you’re just adorable, I think that’s the cutest thing anyone ever said to me”

You smiled back, “I read it in your interview, wanted to show you I’m serious about it”

“And you surely did!” She said from above, then reached her hand and took you out of the aquarium, “can I ask you for a favor?”

“Of course!”

“There’s some dead skin on my right foot, just above the heel, tried a foot scrub but some of it just wouldn’t go away”

You gulped, what?… that’s the weirdest request anyone ever asked of you.

Her foot propped in front of you, “thanks Oliver, don’t forget to lick between bites it will make it easier”

You looked at her foot, there was some dead skin but you could swear it’s filled with tiny bites already, obvious teeth marks all over the place, is it really from a foot scrub? something is totally fucked up.

You didn’t want to make a scene, you approached and grind your teeth against it, licking it to make it soft like she suggested, you spit most of it out but you had to swallow some as well, the taste was horrible, like eating meat junkie with a flavor of foot sweat.

“You’re doing great Oliver, such a gentleman, I had no idea”, she sighed with a smile, then bent over to check on you, you looked at her with a piece of dead skin in your mouth.

“I really think you should eat it instead of spitting it out, they say it’s like super food, shame to waste it you know”

You gulped it inside and made a disgusted face, “hmm Megan, are we good? I mean… I didn’t come here to be a foot slave, I’ll gladly help you if you need it but.. I have other intentions”, you explained calmly, trying not to disrespect.

“Ah, a foot slave?” She sounded offended, “of course not! What’s wrong with helping an old friend?” She smiled.

You pulled your shoulders up, not sure what to say.

She pointed at her left foot, “this spot by the way, super itching, there’s a small crevice in that wrinkle, maybe a few licks will set it right”.

“I.. uh… ok Megan…” it was so awkward and embarrassing, you approached it and stuck your tongue in the wrinkle she talked about, slowly caressing it and pushing as hard as you can.

“Ah”, Megan moaned and quickly covered her mouth with her hands, giggling, “sorry”, she mumbled, “it just feels so good, please don’t stop”.

You continued licking, sticking your tongue inside wrinkles, it was tough so you had to push your face hard, the smell and taste were disgustingly putrid.

“Mmm… wow Oliver, have you done this before?”

You pulled your face from another wrinkle and went to look at her, you shook your head, “no Megan to be honest it’s the first time I’m shrinking”

“And you did it just for me? So romantic”

“Y-Yeah.. but Mega-“

“What about between my toes?” She pointed at her right foot again, “there’s some annoying grime stuck there, you’ve no idea how much it bugs me”

You gulped, it’s going too far, “Megan I’m not sure, can we ple-“

“Thanks Oliver, you are the best”, she said as she propped her toes in front of you, “I think this gap has the most grime, try to be thorough ok?”

You looked at it with disgusted face, you looked up at her, “M-Megan I really prefer not to-“


Her toes closed on your face, “come on Oliver, just a few licks and it’s over”, she giggled.

You pulled your tongue out and licked whatever you could, swallowing the putrid grime, then coughing loudly, she released her grip and moaned again, touching herself and squeezing her breast, lifting her head back with closed eyes, laughing gently, then lowering her head forward again.

You remained on all fours and kept gagging and coughing, you looked up at her, she wasn’t looking at you, she looked straight at something, you looked in that direction and noticed an iPhone laying, its lenses pointing in her direction.

“M-Megan *cough cough* what the fuck is that?” You pointed at her phone.

“Oh”, she stood up and walked towards it, picked it up and tapped the screen, “just a little souvenir from your arrival”, she laughed and picked up the flowers, went and combined them with many other flowers inside a big vase.

“Thanks Oliver, you’re going to be such a fine addition to my collection”, she bent over and picked you up, something in her smile terrified you now, she started walking to her room, when she turned on the light you lost your breath.

On the desk were 6 big aquariums with signs on them. There were plenty of tinies in each one.

You started examining the signs, ‘Ashley’ / ‘Stacey’ / ‘Caitlyn’

You knew the names, Ashley is her childhood best friend, Stacey is her big sister, Caitlyn is another friend you saw on her Facebook they kept commenting on each other’s posts.

On the left just beside her bed was an aquarium with no sign on it, there were the most tinies inside.

“Since we have history together cutie I’m going to keep you to myself, hope you appreciate it”, she started opening the lid.

“N-No Megan please! Please let’s talk about it!” But she released her grip and you fell inside, she checked you with a big smile on her face.

“Boys please be kind to Oliver, he’s adorable, if anyone hurt him in any way they will regret they’ve ever been born, ok?” She smiled through the glass, you looked around you, people from different ages looked at her and nodded quietly.

“Yes goddess”, someone replied loudly, she nodded and walked away.

You saw someone’s hand reaching to you, you held it and stood up.

“You seem confused”, he told you.

“I.. it’s all too sudden, what’s happening?.. I mean.. what does she do with us, oh god…” you held your head and started sobbing.

“It’s really not that bad”, he tried to comfort you, “if you’re here you probably love her or something right?”

“W-Well I’m not sure anymore, fuck… oh no… I’m so stupid”

“We are just her shrunken slaves, we do whatever she says, she is relatively a kind owner”, he pointed at the other aquarium, “I think you should be grateful you didn’t end up there, Ashley specifically, these goes to her friends and families and some of them are ruthless, they don’t see us as human beings, but Megan does, she even celebrates us anniversaries”

“What?.. sorry I’m just a little shocked…” you still couldn’t digest your situation.

“Oliver!” Another voice from behind, it was familiar, you turned back.

“Haha Oliver I was waiting to see you here, I knew you also had a big crush on Megan!” He approached and hugged you. He smells really bad.


“Yes man! Remember me??”

You gulped in fear, Tim was your friend back in school, but he disappeared more than 9 years ago.

“Of course, yes, y-you’ve been here all this time?”

“Tim is the eldest”, the man who spoke with you before said, “he’s Megan’s slave before all of us”.

“Nice to see you bro!” He said with a smile.

The door was opened again, Megan walked inside with Ashley, her friend from school you also haven’t met in years.

“Today was amazing, your idea with the interview worked like a charm” Megan said while escorting her in.

Ashley approached her aquarium with a smile, tapped the glass a few times, “wow, so many!”

“Yes, since it was published they just keep on coming!”

“Amazing, wow, I’m going to crush so many heads today”, she bit her lower lip and caressed a finger over the glass.

“Hey, remember that cute nerd from high school, Oliver?”

“Oliver? What? He’s here too??” Ashley gasped with a smile.

“Yeah come look”, they approached together to your aquarium, looking for a bit then she pointed at you, “see?” She asked Ashley.

“Wow! It’s actually him!” She started laughing, “hilarious, so he had a crush on you as well, so pathetic and cute”.

They laughed together.

“He did a really good job with my feet earlier, poor thing, come I’ll show you the video, he’s so adorable and naive”, she giggled and they walked out of the room together.

You looked at Tim in shock, then you sat down on the floor, holding your head in a complete state of shock, digesting that this is what you are now, a pathetic toy Megan owns for the rest of your miserable life.



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