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Your girlfriend flew home to her parents for Christmas, you told her you are going to stay home and she was a bit disappointed, you were Jewish so Christmas meant little to you and your family.

You thought about her disappointed face when you refused her invitation and thought about surprising her and ship yourself shrunken to her home as a gift together with an enlargement pill so you’ll be able to take it once you get there.

So you went to the shrinking center, gave them the address, and even paid extra so they wrap the aquarium as a gift.

(It might sound bizarre to people from a world without shrinking viruses, but here being a male and shrink / ship yourself is pretty common, especially since enlargement pills are being sold at cheap prices).

Once they finished the process, they gave you clothes, placed you inside an aquarium and wrapped it as a gift.

You had bottles of water and food inside, it’s a long trip and a different state, so you paid for a lot of extras to have the most convenient trip you could.


You slept for a while, ate some of the crumbs, and then you felt your package being lifted up, someone was walking with you in their hands. It felt too soon but you thought that maybe you just slept much more than you thought.

*Doorbell Rings*

Then some knocks, a door was being opened.

“Hmm, yes?” A woman, but not the voice of your girlfriend, perhaps a family member.

“Hello, are you Olivia?”

“That’s right”, she said, which was weird, it’s definitely not Olivia.

“This package is for you, please sign here”

“I didn’t order anything”

“It’s a gift, please sign miss, I’m in a bit of a hurry”

“Umm… ok”, you heard a pen scratching the surface above you, she’s signing the paper, you wondered who it is, probably a cousin or something, but how come she has the same name, weird.

“Thanks, merry Christmas”, the carrier said and walked away.

The woman walked inside the house, closing the door behind her, shaking the box, probably trying to understand what’s inside, you hit the walls over and over again, trying to grab something.

“Who was it?” Another girl asked.

“A carrier with a gift, I don’t know, it’s a gift from Shawn… do you know a Shawn?” She asked and there was quiet, you stood up and started sweating, something was terribly off.

“Well just open it then, let’s see”, the other girl suggested.

“Shouldn’t we wait for mom or something? After the meal and everything”

“But I’m curious lol, let’s see what’s the gift!”

“Umm, ok”

The box was placed on something, then the wraps started to tear off, you waited impatiently to see who they were, and then you were blinded by the light.

“Oh my god, what???” She asked and started laughing.

“What’s that let me see”, you heard footsteps getting closer, “holy shit it’s a shrunken man”.

You thought it’s better to get the enlargement pill, it’s not Olivia and you haven’t heard her since you got here, you started walking towards it but a hand closed on you and pulled you out of the aquarium, you were facing a giant stranger’s face who looked nothing like Olivia, a teenager, perhaps in her early 20s.

“Hey, who are you?” She asked with a smile.

“I… um.. I’m Shawn, where is Olivia? Olivia Miller?”

She started giggling and watched the other young woman that was next to her, they looked a bit similar, probably siblings.

“It’s me, I’m Olivia Miller, lol” she replied awkwardly.

“W-Where exactly am I?” You stuttered, you didn’t like the way they looked at you and the way she grabbed you.

“Haha, you are a bit confused I see, well you are in the Miller's home, 6th Duval street, key west”, she explained, that was exactly Olivia’s address.

“But… you are not the Olivia I know, something ain’t right, in what city are we? State?”

“Roseville, California”

Your jaw dropped, it’s the other side of the country, the carrier shipped you to the wrong address.

“Oh, fuck…” you said, “I need to get going, there was a mistake, can you get me the enlargement pill please”

The girls giggled, “why won’t you stay for the holiday though? You are already here, and it’s snowing”

“I.. uh.. I need to be somewhere else, please”, you were nervous as hell.

The other girl started searching your aquarium, then she picked up the pill, “is this the-“ *POP* “oh shit, oops”

The pill was crushed between her fingers and they both started laughing, “sorry Shawn, my sister is so clumsy”

“D-Do you have a sh-shrinking center or something nearby?” You quickly asked, trying to ignore the giggles, stuttering in fear, the way she crushed the pill - definitely not an accident.

“It’s snowing, no way we can get you there”

“Yeah, just stay with us for the holiday, don’t worry, we won’t eat you”, her sister said and giggled, you gulped and looked at them, they could definitely eat you if they wanted to.

You scratched the back of your head, “ok… maybe we started over the wrong foot, I’m Shawn, nice to meet you”

“So cute”, Olivia said and looked at her sister.

“Nice to meet you Shawn! I’m Jessy”, her sister said.

They stood up leaving your half wrapped aquarium on the floor, walking to the kitchen and placing you on the table, there was food spreaded all over.

Jessy grabbed a glass and trapped you in, you quickly went and placed your hands on the glass.

Olivia started giggling, “what are you doing?”

“Lol, for his own safety, what if something will fall on him? Right Shawn?” She asked and giggled too. You nodded helplessly, perhaps it made sense.

Their mom entered the dining room, looks like she took a shower.

“Mom! We have a guest for Christmas!” Olivia said and giggled.

“A guest?” She asked, looking around.

“Yes, here”, Jessy said with a smile and pointed at you.

Their mom took a look and made a confused face, “what? Who is this? Why… why is he trapped under a glass?…”

“It’s Shawn, he’s a… friend”, Olivia.

“Heh, whatever, I won’t even ask, let’s eat”, she said and sat down, paying no attention to you, like her girls just showed her a random toy they bought.

They started eating all together, talking casually, pieces of food fell from time to time on the glass, you looked at Olivia, hoping they would offer you something to eat.

They laughed and giggled, talking about the college applications Jessy made and what are her odds to get accepted. Olivia said she doesn’t really care about college and she would like to stay in California, her mom didn’t like that.

The whole family looked pretty good, especially Jessy, but you tried not to stare too much, you just sat there and kept hoping someone would offer you something to eat but they all just ignored you.

The dinner was finally over and they started picking things up, cleaning everything together, you just sat there inside the glass, looking around you, trying to make eye contact so you could ask for something to eat.

“Girls, what about your little guest?” Their mom said while picking up the glasses, “shouldn’t he eat something too?” You were relieved to hear it.

“Oh that’s right!” Olivia said, “forgot all about him”, she came and picked up the glass, it was finally easier to breathe again, then she picked you up, “Jessy, want to come feed him with me?” And they walked together to the living room, next to the tree, and she placed you on a gift box.

You looked around and you noticed Olivia sits down in front of you, then takes off her socks and both her feet next to the box, you took a few steps back.

“What are you doing?” You asked in a shaky voice.

She giggled, “what? You need to eat too”.

You gulped and continued walking backwards until there was nowhere to go anymore.

“Please, that’s not funny”, you pleaded.

“I don’t understand, you are a shrinky, that’s what you eat, no? I saw on TikTok”, she took a closer look at you, she looked sincere, like she actually believes the nonsense she says.

“Uhm.. no, I just shrunk myself to be shipped to my girlfriend, I… I eat normal food, you’re not serious right?”

She made a confused face and took a sip from her hot chocolate, “sorry, it’s the first time I see a shrunken man in reality, but what you say is strange, I see you people lick feet all the time”.

“Just shove his head between your toes, he will eat it”, Jessy said and started laughing.

“N-no, please”, you raised your hands, you were helpless and pathetic in front of them.

“So what can you do for my feet?” Olivia asked with a smile.

You looked at her feet and saw how sweaty they got by being inside the thick socks, “I.. uh.. I can clean them for you”, you ripped a piece from your shirt and approached her foot, cleaning it with the cloth, they both burst into laughter.

“This is like the best Christmas ever”, Olivia said while laughing.

You felt humiliated, you heard Jessy laughing from behind, “I’m posting it on TikTok lol”, you turned over and noticed she’s recording it with her iPhone.

“Now lick”, Jessy said and pointed at Olivia’s arch.

“Come on, girls please”, you begged in a choked voice.

“Just for the video, come on do it for me”, Olivia said with a smile, scrunching her toes above you.

You desperately sighed and started licking, once you swallowed the sweat you pulled back and started crying, they burst into laughter again, you coughed and gagged miserably.

“Ok ok, lol Jessy let’s stop, he’s crying”.

“So pathetic hahaha”, Jessy pointed at you.

Olivia picked you up and threw you back inside your aquarium.

“Have you seen how he actually swallowed my foot sweat?” Olivia asked Jessy while standing up.

“That’s hilarious, tomorrow I’m going to use him after gym, my armpits gets soaked, I bet he won’t be able to lick all the sweat”.

They laughed while walking away.

You sat in an embryo position at the aquarium corner and started crying like a baby, you couldn’t believe this damn shrinking center got the wrong address and you ended up as a toy for these cruel sisters, you started wondering if they will even let you go after the holiday.


This story will have an epilogue.



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