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You sat there on Kristy’s living room’s table, waiting for her to return from her date.

You looked around, you loved her apartment because every time you’ve been here you’ve been with her, you went to a used napkin and cleaned the cum from around your penis, then used another part to wipe some of her dry foot sweat from your body.

You thought about all you are leaving behind, your neglecting family you cut ties with from so long ago, your horrible job as a shoe seller, the feeling that you are a loser who’s never been with anyone…

You smiled to yourself, realizing just how right Kristy is, you were born for this, you are gladly leaving all behind for her. You really make her happy, why do you need more? That’s really more than enough, right?

You should be so grateful that this is how things worked out.

You kept convincing yourself that this is a good thing.


You heard the door being unlocked, some drunken giggles in the background, and then being opened.

Kristy walked in with her date from yesterday.

“So listen, I want you to meet someone”, she placed a finger on his chest, “my tiny Cuckold”, she added with a giggle.

He giggled too, “your tiny what?” He asked, confused.

You stood up slowly and walked towards them, looking up at the colossal couple.

“Here he is, on the table, hey pet - meet Jack, my new boyfriend”

You raised your hand to wave, then Jack looked down, “WHAT” he got alarmed and jumped backwards, like he saw a rat.

“Hahaha silly, why are you scared? He’s so tiny and pathetic he can’t do anything to you”.

“I.. I don’t understand, you’re an enslaver?” He asked quickly, his hand touching the door’s handle.

“What? No, of course not!” Kristy replied with an offended voice, “it’s my little pet! don’t you dare calling him a slave! He can leave anytime he wants to!” She started shouting at him, her voice was almost breaking to a cry.

“Ah.. I’m sorry, I’m just not familiar with the.. concept, I guess”, he replied embarrassingly.

He doesn’t know Kristy’s history, how she lost her mother because she was a cruel enslaver, how she killed her toy in front of her eyes. And later - her foster family who kinda brainwashed her on how bad it is to enslave others.

“Pet, tell him”.

Jack left the door handle and walked closer, you could still see fear in his eyes.

“Hi Jack!… it’s really ok”, you said and waved, “that’s the life I want, don’t worry about me”, you said, trying to help Kristy.

“See?” She asked him.

He scratched the back of his head, blushing awkwardly, “ok I’m sorry, what is his name?”

“Pet”, she replied with a giggle.

“You mean Pat, with an ‘a’?”

“No, he’s MY pet, I already told you, why are you acting so weird?”

You could see that his mind was racing, you wanted to say your name but you could tell Kristy doesn’t want that.

“Ok… I guess… nice to meet you, Kristy’s pet”, he said and waved back to you, the whole situation was creepy and cringe, you nodded back to him.

Kristy grabbed him and kissed him all of a sudden just in front of you.

“You are so hot being nice to my pet like that”, he chuckled awkwardly and she pushed him to the sofa, sitting on his lap, “let’s fuck”, she said and giggled and he started removing her clothes, blushing.

You just stood and watched them, trying to enjoy yourself by looking at Kristy having fun, you slowly felt your boner pushing your tiny pants again.

They started humping, changing to doggy position, Jack humped Kristy from behind, then he looked at you and stopped.

“Hmm, Kristy?”

“What are you doing, keep going, harder! Make me sweat!”

“Kristy, he’s watching, it’s weird”, he whispered, like you couldn’t hear.

Kristy’s head turned to you, she opened her mouth and gasped, “you pervert!!! I told you to stop with that new boner shit!! Turn around this instant!”

You blushed and quickly turned over, covering your lower body with your hands.

“Here, keep going, don’t stop again” she told Jack and you could hear the *Tap* sounds as they went back to fucking.

Kristy moaned over and over again, you really wanted to turn around and look but you didn’t want to ruin it for her again. your boner kept thrusting your pants, you couldn’t hold yourself anymore… you quietly walked and hid yourself behind a vase, knocking off your boner with closed eyes while hearing Kristy’s moans.

“Ahhh… oh god yes, YES” she moaned loudly, “ahhh…” Jack came.

“Not yet! Not yet!” She screamed but he couldn’t continue, “shove your head inside”.

“Uhh… I’m sorry Kristy”, he stood up, “I’m sorry I’ll go to shower”, he quickly started walking there.

“Seriously?” She said and changed her pose to sit, sighing in disappointment, “pet, where are you?” She asked.

You raised back your pants and walked from behind the vase, she quickly grabbed you.

“What’s the deal with that boner? You want to fuck me is that it?” She started shaking you with her hand, like it will wear it off.

“I’m sorry!” You shouted miserably while moving around like a rag doll.

“Anyway, I need an orgasm”, she started spreading her crotch, a horrible smell came from inside.

“K-Kristy no, wait! I’m sorry, please no!”

“Shut up”, she said nonchalantly and lowered you inside, slowly  pushing you and moaning, biting her lip to maintain her moans so Jack wouldn’t hear it.

You begged but she just pushed you in, dragging you back and forth inside her, your boner being squished and squeezed on her clit together with your entire body.

You squirmed and tried to crawl out as you couldn’t breathe, you could hear her muffled moans from outside, you uncontrollably came inside, you heard a long moan from outside knowing she’s also coming.

“Mmmmm….” she tried to muffle it as hard as she could, then you were finally pulled out, coughing pathetically.m, puking disgusting fluids.

“oh god… that was amazing, you are such a loyal pet”, she giggled, “oh and I see your boner is gone, good, that was awkward”, she added after checking you out, then got up and started walking to the kitchen, filling a small bowl with water and soap, then throwing you inside, “clean yourself, I want you to lick my feet later”.

She sighed and went to the bedroom.

Jack came back to the living room, looking around, then he saw you on the kitchen’s marble taking a shower in the bowl, he came closer.

“Umm… hey…” he said, you waved and kept cleaning yourself from Kristy’s disgusting fluids.

“Ah.. are you sure you are ok? You want me to call SLM or something?”

“No, it’s really ok, what Kristy said was the truth - I can leave whenever I want”.

He looked confused, but he nodded.

“Making a new friend?” Kristy asked from behind him, she was wearing her green silky pajamas again.

“Ah, I thought you’re taking a shower”, he said.

“Nah, I love the sweat”, she replied with a smile while coming closer.

“Oh, that’s cool”, he said and chuckled.

Kristy grabbed you up and walked to the living room, placing you back on the table and sat on the sofa.

“Movie?” She asked him while turning on the TV.

“Yeah sure”, he came to sit next to her.

“Choose something”, she gave him the remote, then got the enslaver toe ring out of her pocket, placing it on one of her toes.

Jack started browsing Netflix but you could see he’s peeking, trying to understand what this chain is being used for.

Kristy snapped the collar on your neck and laid backwards, like she’s doing a casual thing.

As always you shoved your head between her toes and started eating your long awaited meal like a starved animal, sucking her sex sweat and eating toe jam and grime.

“K-Kristy…” Jack stuttered with a horrible look in his eyes.

“What?” She asked casually, “why aren’t you playing something?”

“It feels wrong… why is he licking your feet? I’m sorry I’m just not used to these stuff”

“What do you mean? It’s his food”

“H-His food??” He asked in a very worried tone.

“Yes, that’s everything he eats, he loves my foot sweat more than anything”, you gulped another piece of horrible grime and pulled your head back, looking at Jack and nodding in approval, although you craved for something normal or at least not hideous to eat.

“Kristy I really don’t mean to offend”, he paused for a moment, “but…”

“What? Play something already, stop being so shocked”, she started getting angry.

Jack just pressed and played a random movie.

“I’m.. never mind…” he said and sighed, watching the movie with her.

You kept licking and eating whatever you could find on her foot, when she felt it’s enough she brought her other foot to the table. Once you couldn’t eat anymore you just kept kissing her feet on your knees. You could feel Jack’s eyes staring at you from time to time, as he sighed uncomfortably.

“So.. umm.. how long do you have him?”

“It”, she corrected him, “how long do I have it?”

“Uh.. yes, I guess”

“It’s very recent, a couple of weeks I think”

“Ah, wow… how did it happen?…”

“Hmm, he was kinda my pet long before but I wasn’t sure I want to keep him like that”

“What do you mean? How was he your pet exactly?”

You just gulped another piece of toe jam, trying to listen closely, you never heard Kristy talking about it.

“He did literally anything I told him to, he shrunk himself dozens of times for me, he spent days massaging my feet, shaving my armpits, once he even spent a whole day as my insole, but I always let him go back to his pathetic life afterwards, feeling sorry for him for not allowing him to stay”.

“Ah.. wow, that’s… I’ve never heard about anything like that…”

“Yeah, he has slave mentality, but I’ll never have him as a slave, I’m just doing it for him, right pet?” She flicked your face with her big toe, Jack gulped and opened his eyes in surprise, you just nodded and Kristy giggled.

“Good boy, now keep licking”, she ordered and looked back at the TV.

You were used to the humiliation, but it surprised you that Kristy always saw you like that, you never had a chance to be more than a pet for her.


End of part 8



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