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People kept telling you Natalie has a crush on you, but to you she was just a great friend and fun to be around.

You had not even a glimpse of sexual attraction to her, you saw her as a sister. She kept complimenting you, suggesting you do things together, and you mostly went with it, even dated some of her friends. You tried to help her find a boyfriend a few times but it never worked out.

She was your best friend, and as long as you are concerned - nothing more than that.

You took a digital marketing course together, another idea of hers, you met at her place and watched a lecture together, she wrote in her notebook while watching but you just listened, thinking to yourself that there’s no reason to summarize as well - you can just lend her summary afterwards.

“Mmm, that’s a good point”, you commented about something the teacher said, “I’ve never thought of tracking the leads like that”.

Natalie giggled, “you are right, this course is totally worth it”, she almost always agreed with you.

You kept watching the video until suddenly your hands went numb, you started moving them around, opening and closing them, watching them with a weird look.

Natalie noticed it, “hey, are you ok? You look pale”

“I.. I don’t know”, you started caressing your face, it was numb too, “I don’t feel so good”, you mumbled awkwardly as your mouth started to go numb too.

Natalie got up from the bed, “oh god, I think you are shrinking, oh no oh no…” she walked around in panic.

“Sh-Shrinking? Ahh…” you held your head, a sharp headache attacked you, you closed your eyes forcefully and started feeling like you are falling down.

“Oh my god, I’ve never seen it happening before, that’s crazy”

You heard her voice, it started normally and slowly started booming around you, when you finally opened your eyes you saw your clothes thrown all around you, you quickly hid your genitals and blushed, you looked up and saw Natalie standing next to the bed, staring at you with an embarrassed look, her face was red, you’ve never felt anything like it, she was the size of a skyscraper.

“Shit, I can’t believe it’s happening to me”, you said, shaking and looking around you, grabbing a piece from your shirt and covering your body with it.

“W-What should I do? I’m so sorry oh god”, Natalie mumbled, and scratched the side of her face, “uh.. I think my neighbor have shrunken slaves or something, I’ll go ask her for something you can wear…”

She started walking to the entrance of the room, then turned around, “d-don’t move ok? Stay where you are, don’t worry we will fix that”, and she left the room.

You started to calm down… at least you shrunk next to Natalie and not someone else, you started thinking about many other girls you could shrink next to that would probably torture you to death, like some of her friends you dated, you knew one of them who would step on you slowly and crush every bone in your body if she had the chance…

Natalie would never do anything like that to you, you know she loves you.

You took a deep breath and closed your eyes, calming yourself, everything will be ok.

“Here, she gave me a pair of pants you can wear”, Natalie entered the room and placed it next to you, then turned with her back to you.

You grabbed the pants and wore them on, “it’s ok, you can turn around now”, you shouted and she turned.

“How tall are you? It’s like… 4 inches or something, like a bug”, she paused and blushed, you blushed as well, “oh, I’m so sorry I didn’t mean it like that, I’m just shocked that’s all, I never knew anyone who caught the shrinking virus”

“Me too, it feels so weird, never thought it would happen to me”, you said all confused.

“But aren’t you vaccinated?”

“Yes, as far as I know, my parents vaccinated me when I was a baby”.

“Those vaccines' effectiveness isn’t what it used to be, I read about it a few days ago…”

“Anyway, we should go to a shrinking center to get a cure”

“Of course…” she started blushing again, “is it ok if I pick you up?” She asked with half a smile.

You giggled, “yes, of course, just please be careful”

She placed her hand next to you and you climbed on it, then she slowly walked to the kitchen and placed you on the table.

“So…” she looked at you and froze for a moment.

“Natalie?” You asked, she snapped out of it.

“Yeah, sorry, we should go”, she looked at the door, then sighed.

“Is something wrong?” You asked.

“Yeah… it’s just that.. it’s a long drive, and it’s pretty late”, she stuttered.

“Umm, should be 30-40 minutes, even less in this hour”

“Yeah? You think?”

“Yeah, check in Waze or something, we can also grab a taxi I’ll pay for it no worries”

“Nah.. a taxi would be expensive, I can drive I guess I just need a coffee or something before we go”, she said but something was off, you weren’t convinced but you still nodded.

You looked at her opening a closet and making herself a coffee, she took her time on every action, you could tell her mind was racing, you really hoped she’s just shocked or something from the situation.

She sat down in front of you and placed her cup of coffee on the table, she looked at you in a weird way and sighed, she opened her mouth to say something, but then just closed it.

“Umm… Natalie, are you sure you’re ok?” You asked, a little worried now.

“I…” she started talking and then stopped, closed her eyes and took a deep breath, “now that you’re like that I feel like I can say it out loud…”

You opened your eyes and paid close attention.

“I have feelings for you”, she said quickly, then released the air she just took in, she was breathing heavily like she’s lifting a huge rock off her chest.

“Ah, wow Natal-“

“For a very long time, since elementary school when you sat next to me, and I can’t get over it”

“Natalie that’s o-“

“I know we can never be together, I know you aren’t attracted to me, but I can’t move on, I just can’t”

You raised your hands, “Natalie please, liste-“

“I really want to move on, I want to be free of that feeling but I just can’t stop thinking about you”, she paused and let out a breath, her face was all red, “wow, I’m so relieved”, she said.

“I.. uh.. I really like you too Natalie, you are like a sister to me”

She made an irritated expression, it gave you the feeling that it was the worst thing you could say now.

“I.. I mean-“

“Nah, just spare it, I know… you are not attracted to me, it’s ok”, she sighed.

“I’m.. I’m so sorry, I don’t know what to say”, it was so embarrassing, you wanted to bury yourself in the ground. Having this conversation with her when you are literally a bug on her table, it made you feel so uncomfortable.

“Hmph”, she scoffed, then held her cup of coffee and sipped from it. Then shook her head and said something inaudible, you couldn’t understand it.

“N..Natalie, we are still going to the shrinking center, right?” You asked in a shaking voice.

She laid back on her chair and took another sip, looking sideways, then smiling to herself, then making a short cute giggle.

“Natalie?” You asked again, your knees started to shake.

She sighed and raised her feet on the table, right next to you, then looked at you with a smug smile and took another sip from her coffee.

You started to panic, the horrible smell of her sweaty feet got to your nose.

“N-Nat… come on, it’s me, Alex, we are friends”, you chuckled nervously, “you are my best friend, remember? We were just studying together, let’s.. let’s just talk about it ok?”

She didn’t say anything, but her expression became arrogant, she had half a smile and she took another sip from her coffee, she started scrunching her toes, some of the lint and debris fell down and some of it on you. She took another sip from her coffee, slowly with her eyes closed, savoring the taste.

“Really, want to keep me for a few days? It’s really ok, I get it, we can go whenever you are ready, but please don’t do that”, you pointed at her feet, “I’m begging you, don’t do this to me”, your eyes started to fill in tears, “I’ll do anyth-“

“Wow, you are so cute when you squirm and beg like that”, she giggled, “it’s adorable”.

You blushed, you awkwardly joined her giggles, trying to laugh it off as a joke.

“Oh, finally laughing at my jokes too? So far I was the only one laughing from yours”

You stopped giggling, her stare was so arrogant and superior, she never looked at you like that.

You raised your hands again, “Nat, I’m so sorr-“

“Start licking”, she commanded, pointing at her feet, her voice was so firm it made you freeze, you felt a sharp sting in your chest hearing that, like your whole life is breaking apart now.

She took another sip, you stared at her with your eyes wide open, your knees shaking like never before, it felt like this sip is taking forever.

“Ahh… didn’t you hear me? Start licking my feet, they are dirty”

You were shocked.

“N-Nat, it’s a joke, right? Please tell me it’s a-“

She placed her finger on your head, then brought her foot in front of your face, she used her finger to smear your face on her sole, you tried to release yourself with your hands but you were nothing compared to her, she smeared your face all over her dirty sole like you were a helpless rag doll.

When she finally released her grip you just fell to your knees and started coughing miserably.

“So pathetic”, she said and sighed, “seeing you like that - I can finally move on with my life, I think you are finally where you should be”.

“N-Nat, I’m begging y-“

“QUIET”, she commanded again, you froze and gulped, “start licking my feet willingly, be a good slave and then I’ll THINK about helping you”.

Without saying anything you stood up and placed your hands on her sole, slowly licking the debris off, you strained to swallow it and then started sobbing quietly, couldn’t believe she is doing this to you.

Natalie closed her eyes and took the last sip from her coffee.

“Ahhh… good boy, keep licking…”

You nodded and gave her sole another lick.

“I can’t have you as a boyfriend, so I’ll have you as a slave”, she said coldly.

You pulled your head back, “Nat! I’ll be your boyfr-“

She placed her big toe on your face, then pushed you to the table, twisting her big toe over your face, almost breaking your nose.

“Slave, never talk without permission again, get it? Now continue licking until I tell you to stop, I want you to swallow every drop of foot sweat”

You helplessly nodded and she released her grip, you stood up again and licked in panic.

She sighed in pleasure and started browsing her phone.

She finally downloaded Tinder and went on with her life with you as her pathetic obedient foot slave. In time you actually fell in love with her and saw her as your goddess, forgetting all about your past life and friendship, even forgetting your real name, you were just ‘slave’ now.

You weren’t even a human being to her anymore, she degraded you to nothing, she didn’t even need to give you commands anymore, you licked and tended to her feet willingly.

This was your life now, and you would do anything for her, even die just to make her smile.




this deserves a second part