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Life in Mexico wasn't easy, especially after the first waves of the shrinking virus pandemic.

It wasn’t safe anymore, shrunken men were sold to tourists from all around the world, so once you catch the virus you are literally a walking bill, you had absolutely no hope of getting help, no matter who would find you - locals will sell you immediately.

There were even stories of family members who sold their loved ones to European tourists, and the media published the survival rate of shrunken men across the world - you were shocked to see Mexico among the last places…

The pie chart showed an absolute 0% of getting help, 95% being enslaved and sold, 4% of domestic slavery and 1% of getting crushed on sight.

Once you were diagnosed with the virus, you knew you just had to leave the country, you aimed for Canada which was amongst the top countries in shrunken human rights, and your last chance to get the cure when the virus will shrink you.

The problem was the US, since the outbreak the country went nuts, being controlled mainly by capitalist women who care only for power and money, crossing the US was harsh but you read about people who managed to do it.

After some research you’ve found a small secret organization of ex-gangsters who smuggle people across the border. You went to their place and one of them explained how it’s going to work, you sat there with 8 more men that were in your situation as well.

“We are going to meet in Ciudad Juarez, there you will be injected with hormones that will detonate your shrinking virus”

“Detonate?” A guy next to you asked.

“It will make you shrink, that’s the only way to cross the border”

“Fuck…” someone mumbled.

“Then you’ll have to cross a small land of Texas and get to New Mexico, once you’re there - you will be safe, they will smuggle you all the way to Toronto easily”

“How will we know the way?” You asked.

“We leave you next to the border and you should only go north, you’ll get a compass and a little GPS chip you’ll be carrying, once you enter New Mexico they will find you and pick you up”

“How can we trust it?!” Someone asked and stood up.

“You pay 50% now, 50% once you are in Canada, that’s the deal, and that’s how we do it - the door is right behind you if you want to try your chances alone”

The guy sat back down.

“That’s what I thought, be tomorrow at 7:00 at Ciudad Juarez, be late and it’s your problem”

Sadly, it was your best chance, you paid the man and took a bus to the rendezvous point he mentioned.


A doctor wearing casual clothes injected something in all of you, one by one you got shrunk to bug size, they kept you all in an aquarium and drove to the border.

Inside the aquarium were clothes you could all wear, bags filled with water bottles, compass and a GPS chip.

“Listen, walk together at all times, you will find small ponds to fill your water on your way there, it's a 2 weeks journey but you’ll make it”, he explained while driving and you all nodded.

“Anyone used a compass before?” Someone asked and held it up, no one responded so you raised your hand, he handed it over to you.

“I will carry the chip”, a big muscled man said and picked it up, tying it to his backpack.

You finally got to the border and the man opened your aquarium facing north.

“Just keep going that way”, he pointed forward and you all wore the backpacks with the water they left for you.

You all started walking and crossed the border into Texas.


You walked for a few days, apart from some animals you all managed to escape from, everything went smoothly and you all got optimistic.

You found the ponds he mentioned and filled your water, every night you left a small stick pointing north, in the morning you verified it with the compass and went in that direction.

One morning - something was off.

Your compass wasn't in sync with the stick you left.

“Something is wrong, it’s like the compass is pointing east”, you said to the group.

“How come?” Someone asked.

“Look at the sun, the sunrise was there and the compass says it’s north”, you explained.

“Fuck… did it broke?! Can we fix it?!”

“Uh, I don’t know, we will have to use the sun or something”

You all agreed to keep going, but after a few hours it was cloudy and no one could point in the right direction.

“Maybe the compass is good now, just follow it”, someone said to you, you took a look at it and shook it a little, “it seems steady, I don’t know, maybe you’re right let’s just follow north”.

You had no idea if you’re going in the right direction, the next few days were cloudy as hell, you just kept following the compass north.


You heard footsteps nearby, some branches broke, you all looked in the direction and saw a giantess, a young woman with short jeans walking around, checking her phone and searching for something.

“Fuck”, you all started running, searching for places to hide.

“I’ve found one!” You heard her shout with a Texan accent, “he’s got the GPS thing!”

“Crush him quickly!” Another voice from another girl.

She started running towards the muscled guy and stomped.


You turned back and saw a leather boot where the muscled guy who held the GPS chip was, someone started screaming and his friend quickly grabbed his mouth, you kept running and hid behind a rock.

“Crushed! Come quick, help me find the others!” She shouted to her friend.

“You think that magnet thing worked? They thought it’s north?”

“They came directly to us so I guess it did, here’s one!”

She quickly bent down and moved a rock that was next to you, exposing one of the people in the group. You hugged the ground and your whole body was shaking. She picked him up and held him in front of her face “hola chikito, welcome to Texas little shit!” They laughed together and she threw him into a net bag she held, “keep looking, I have a feeling it’s a big group”

You looked at the compass and realized they’ve activated some kind of magnet who messed up with it, even if you manage to escape you’ll never be able to survive… even if somehow you’ll get to New Mexico, without the GPS no one will find you, you had no idea what to do, you kept hiding and shivering.

“Here! In the bush I saw something moving!” Her friend jumped to the bush, “ha! Nice catch! There are 3!” She exclaimed happily and started snatching them up, “look, this one is so young”, she held a kid in front of her friend, they started giggling and then she just dropped them all in the bag.

They keep finding more and more of you, acting like they are gathering bugs.

“Oh god, that’s a jackpot”, one of them said as she found 2 more hiding behind another rock.

You were panicked, it’s only a matter of time until they found you, you peeked up and saw that they are looking in another direction so you left your hiding spot and started running like crazy.

“There!” You heard from behind you, you kept running without looking back but a colossal hand just closed on you and picked you up, “where are you running to chikito?” A huge face of a blonde girl was in front of you, then you were thrown into a net bag, surrounded by other people of the group, everyone looked terrified.

“What a good catch today”, the one who held the bag told the other.

“You think there are more?”

“I doubt they will risk a bigger group, but let’s try -

Hey, anyone else here? You better come out, you will die out here without us”, she said out loud, they both were looking around.

“See? No one else”

“Wait, look!” The other one pointed at a bush.

“Oh my god, another 2, that’s the biggest group we got so far”

“Can I please crush one?” The other one asked, licking her lips.

“Hahaha, I guess it’s only fair since I crushed the GPS guy, sure, go for it”

And just like that she went to the poor 2 guys who surrendered, raised her boot up high and smashed the ground, twisting the boot and laughing, you could hear the terrifying crack sound again as her boot stomped the ground.

“Oh god, the sound they make”, she said and the one who held the bag joined the laughter.

Then she bent down and picked the other one up, he kept squirming and screaming but it just made her laugh harder.

The bag was opened and he was thrown inside as well.

“I think it’s the best loot we had in years”, she said and shook the bag, making you all hit each other, “let’s go home, can’t wait to tame and sell these Mexican trash”, she added and shook the bag again, they laughed together and went back to their truck.

“I’ll sit at the back, let them lick my feet on the way home”

The other girl nodded and went to the driver seat, then she hopped to the back of the truck and spilled you all like you were a bunch of lifeless toys.

“Ok boys”, she said with a smile and started removing her boots, you saw the crushed remains of the one who held the GPS still stuck to her right boot’s sole, you gulped and heard a sob from a guy next to you.

She started stretching her feet in your direction.

“Start licking, kissing and massage my feet”, she paused for a moment, you all just started looking at each other, many joined the crying guy, “try to disobey me or complain and I will gladly end your life”, she explained with her Texan accent with a big satisfied smile.

“P-Please, senorita, we-“ *SLAP*

She slapped him with her hand, you heard some of his bones breaking as he flew over and hit the back of the truck, then she picked him up like he was a rag doll, “I love Mexican snacks”, she giggled and held him above her mouth, then released her grip.

*CRACK* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch*

She chewed him, grinding him to nothing, the guy next to you fell to his knees and started begging, another one ran to her closest foot and started kissing and licking it like his life depended on it.


“Ahhh… anyone else? I’m still hungry”, she said and giggled, you could still see blood on her teeth.

All your body started shaking, you watched the others and realized that this is your life now and you better adapt as soon as possible if you want to survive, you threw yourself at her sole and started licking it quickly, swallowing more and more foot sweat, with the panic and the adrenaline you ignored how filthy and disgusting it tastes after she spent the whole day with bare feet inside these Texan boots.


The girls tamed you all easily, you were all obedient - and yet they killed 2 of you just for fun, they crushed someone’s head with their toes while he was chewing toe jam, and ripped someone apart together when they argued which feet he should lick first.

They treated you like garbage, cheap disposable 9

Objects they either sell or enjoy for themselves.

You were sold to some cowboy girl who used you to eat blisters and dead skin from her feet at the end of every day.

You were never free again.



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