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You slowly woke up, sleeping on your side with your back to Yarden, you rubbed your eyes and flipped over.

She was awake, also lying on her side, looking at you with swollen red eyes.

“Hey..” she said in a sore voice.

“Hmph”, you replied and flipped on your back, looking up.

“I’ve decided not to leave you here, I want to take you home and fulfill our marriage”

You jumped on your feet, “what?? You can do that??” You asked in surprise, going closer and holding the bars.

“It’s against the rules of the resort, I’ve signed a contract when you shrunk, promising to leave you here as the resort’s property… we will have to think of something”

You nodded, a bit relieved, but you didn’t want to tell her that there’s absolutely no way you will continue this marriage after everything that happened here.

“I’ve been thinking at night, that was my plan:

We’ll go back to that camp and search for a shrunken man, when we return I’ll walk with you and show you around, then I’ll take a shower near the pool”

You nodded and listened.

“Then you’ll be at my feet, you’ll run and hide, I’ll take the shrunken man out of my swimsuit and crush him, then act like ‘oh no I crushed my husband, bummer’ and ask an employee to clean the remains, you’ll stay hidden there and I’ll take you back at night, hide you inside the suitcase, and check out tomorrow morning”

“You are going to crush someone with your foot again?” You asked with a sad face.

“It’s the only way in order to save you!… I don’t care about those abandoned shrinkies walking around the island I care about you”

You closed your eyes and nodded slowly, you wanted out of here, if it means that someone needs to die then it’s a price to be paid.

She smiled and rubbed her eyes, then sent her hand to open your cage and grabbed you out, “so now that we have a plan, can you lick my feet???” She asked with a big smile.

“Just the morning sweat, I missed your tiny tongue so much, please honey!”

You sighed, she’s so childish, “ok…” you replied and she placed you next to her feet, you got on your knees and started licking and swallowing her disgusting morning foot sweat.

You had to remain on good terms, before she regret trying to save you.


Later that day, Yarden walked with you to the other side of the island, you walked by the camp and saw that everything was still trashed, and bodies of crushed people were still thrown there to rot, it was a horrifying view and the smell was terrible.

“Eww, why didn’t they clean their friends?” Yarden asked and giggled, you shook your head.

Then she bent down and looked at it, she pointed on a trail, “here, the survivors took some stuff with them and it left a trail”, she whispered, she stood up and followed the trail, sneaking, she continued for perhaps just 2 minutes and then saw it going into a crack between 2 rocks.

“Huh, they are more careful that time”, she sat down, watching the crack from afar.

Someone went out, she followed him and snatched him up when he was far enough, he screamed and squirmed in her hand, she examined him.

“What?.. it’s just a teenager, I don’t get it, how a teenager finds himself in a resort like that”, she was irritated.

“Let him go then, no one will believe it’s your hus-“

Before you finished the sentence, Yarden just released her grip and the poor teenager fell all the way down, you followed him with your eyes, shaking, your jaw dropped as he hit the ground, then you saw Yarden’s foot stepping on him, *CRACK*, and then twisted her foot, ripping him apart. When she pulled her foot back you saw just a red pulp.

“What!… WHAT ARE YOU DOING?????” You shrieked in a high pitch tone, then started coughing from the shock.

“What? We couldn’t just let him go, he would warn the others”, she explained calmly.

She went back to watch the crack, you wanted to puke, she could have done a 100 other things before dropping him on the ground and crushing him, she just didn’t care enough.

You’ve waited there for maybe an hour, but no one else came out of the crack.

Yarden bent over and placed you on the ground, you looked at her confused.

“Listen, we can’t wait here forever, you must go in and convince someone to go out”, she whispered.

“Oh my god, please don’t make me do this… it’s like.. killing someone”

“You want to be saved but you don’t want to get your hands dirty!” She whispered loudly, “it’s like killing a bug, have you never killed a bug?”

“Yarden… they are the same size as me, they are normal people, not bugs”

“I’m sorry to break it down to you, but you are a bug as well, just a bug that I like”; she said and tried to stop her giggles, “just go in, tell them someone needs help, I don’t know, I’m sure you’ll think of something”.

You nodded, realizing that if you want to survive that’s the only way.

You walked to the crack and entered an internal creek, you saw some bug corpses, the survivors probably killed them, that’s the big minus of living in a crack, there are bugs and other dangers. Poor people, after what happened at the camp they probably realised that bugs are better dealt with than women.

Then you noticed a group of men sitting and talking, “don’t you think someone should go out looking for Liam? He should have returned already”, one of them asked, you figured they are talking about the teenager Yarden crushed.

“What if he was caught by someone? We can’t risk it, those psychopaths who massacred our camp might still be out there”, one of them said.

“Hi, h-hello there”, you said and waved at them as you got closer, they all turned to look at you.

“Who are you?” One of them asked.

“N-name is Rey, I escaped from the resort”

“How?” Another asked, suspiciously.

“I.. uh, my damn wife brought me here, I was licking her feet on the mattresses area, when she fell asleep I just ran off like crazy, until I reached the woods, I’m trying to survive here since then”

“Since when?” The first one asked, they were highly suspicious.

“It.. happened this morning”, you continued to lie, afraid they might realize that.

They looked at each other and nodded, “ok Rey, how the hell did you find us?”

You started blushing, “I saw a trail in the sand, I figured there might be fellow survivors I can join with”

“Fuck!” One of them shouted and pointed at another, “we left a trail all the way from the camp?!”

“Shit, we can’t stay here”

They all started to panic, they started to pack and walk to the other side of the crack, there’s probably another way out, you also panicked and knew you must think of something.

“Wait!… I saw someone, a teenager, outside, but he was stuck under a small branch, I couldn’t lift it off, he told me to ask for your help” you lied quickly.

One of them turned around, “Liam? Why didn’t you say sooner”, he started walking in your direction.

“Do you think we should come?” Another one asked.

“N-no, I think it’s a 2 man job”, you replied.

“I’ll come as well, we can’t leave him, poor kid needs our help”, he said.

So 2 of them started following you while the others waited. You were shaking, nervous, and tried to walk in front of them so they wouldn't notice.

You got outside, started walking in Yarden’s direction, figuring she hides behind one of the trees.

“How far did he go?”, one of them mumbled.

“Something doesn’t feel right, we should head back”, the other said loudly and stopped walking, they started arguing when suddenly you heard booming steps, you covered yourself, Yarden ran and snatched the 2 guys easily.

“Yes!!! Good job honey!! But why two? One is a gift for me??” She started laughing, you looked up and saw them squirming in her hand, you felt so bad for doing this…

Then she bent over to pick you up with the other hand.

“You fucking son of a bitch!!! How could you do that!!” One of them screamed at you, you just bowed your head in shame, “betraying your own kind!!!” He continued lecturing you.

Yarden tightened her grip and he turned quiet, moaning in pain, “don’t talk about my honey like that, I need only one of you anyway”, she threatened.

They both were quiet and Yarden walked back to the resort, she placed you on the bed and then threw the 2 inside the cage, she walked to the bathroom and came out with ear picks, soap, and a bottle tap filled with water.

“You 2 are too dirty, clean yourselves”, she placed it all inside the cage, they quickly jumped into the water and washed themselves, they looked happy, they had no idea what Yarden was planning…

You sighed in sadness, couldn’t believe you did this to other people, couldn’t believe that you are in this horrible situation just because Yarden felt like it’s inconvenient to refuse your marriage proposal.


End of part 6



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