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This story is different than usual, it’s based on an amazing comic written by none other than Zopenk, who gave his consent for me to write a background to this amazing piece. It's the first time I do something like that and I hope you’ll enjoy it.


Kira was an S tier celeb - actress, singer and a top model. She was practically a global goddess and an idol to a whole generation.

In and outside her country, people wanted to be with her, in any way possible, and in a post shrinking virus world, they were even ok with being hers as shrunken slaves.

At first, she didn’t care much about this whole shrunken slavery thing, and just rejected all the poor men willing to throw their lives away for her.

But when it became a status symbol of power across celebs, she bought 10 columns of 20 cages that were spreaded across a wall in her living room, then she published that she has 200 tiny slaves free slots, with an application link.

A short survey, 2 images of your face - one front, one sideways.

The demand was so high, that in less than an hour more than 10,000 men across the globe submitted for a slot. Being overwhelmed, she used her friends to make auditions, they went through the applications and picked the ones who are most successful and good looking, in a few months lucky 200 men were selected to be her personal shrunken slaves.

After that, you could only apply to join the waiting list, that just last week hit a million applications.

So generally, her life was perfect, she was vastly loved, but she had only one annoying problem:

She loved jogging, but her feet’ skin was too sensitive, so after almost every jog she had blisters on her feet.

To the average joe it might sound insignificant, but to a top model like Kira that was a major annoyance, and not once did she have to delay or even cancel a photoshoot just because of a blister in the wrong place.

She tried cushions, special expensive insoles or running shoes, but nothing helped… damn blisters kept showing up.

She eventually had to stop jogging and it broke her heart.

One day, while chilling at her living room and browsing on Tinigram, a secret social media for shrunken enslavers, she bumped into a short video of a red haired girl, the description was “no more blisters”, she saw her shoving a tiny man inside a sock, it was mute, she entered it.

“So what I usually do is stick them at the ball of the foot area firmly, making sure they are held tight when I insert my foot into the shoe.

They stay like that throughout the workout”

Then a Timelapse of her working out started playing. Once it was over she was soaked in sweat, taking her shoe off and then pulling the sock, her foot was half covered in blood and a crushed body was stuck to it, she pilled him off and cleaned her foot with a moisturized tissue.

“As you can see, no blisters.

Yes, the slave died of course - if you don’t want them to die you can just use an anti crush insole, but personally I find it much more beneficial to crush them like that since their blood and crushed bodies are moisturising the skin and that’s very healthy, especially after a workout when your pores are open.

So I highly recommend that you don’t use special insoles, and leave them for a few hours to be absorbed as much as possible by your precious skin.

So if you can afford it - let them crush beneath you, they are giving their lives for a much higher purpose” she winked and the video ended.

Kira scoffed, she was highly skeptical and it sounded like bullshit, but still, she had to try it.

Her eyes drifted towards her wall of cages, she examined them with a thinking face, she thought to herself that it would be a waste losing one of those slaves, they passed through so many auditions, she smiled mischievously as she had a much better idea.


You were one of Kira’s biggest fans, perhaps even the most devoted of them all, you followed her career ever since she was a dancing teenager, participating in local theater shows. You were just a kid back then.

In time she became known and more successful, you just became more obsessed with her, madly in love, you sent a lot of messages but in general she ignored them all.

Your life revolves around her, you moved to the city she lives in, tried to work in anything that will get you close to her somehow, eventually you started working as a doorman at the building she lived in.

It was amazing, your heart missed a beat every time you opened the door for her, you could say “good morning” or “good evening” to her and even though she didn’t even reply or look at you, it melted your heart in joy every time.

When she posted anything on social media, you configured it to give you a push notification, so when you read about 200 slots to become her shrunken slaves you immediately applied, it was less than 3 minutes since she posted, you were sure you are one of the first 200, you were overjoyed.

You said goodbye to everyone in your life (there weren’t many), packed your stuff and waited impatiently for the call, checking your phone over and over again, you didn’t understand why no one was calling you and you kept sending messages that were ignored.

Then after a few months you saw her posting a selfie of her smirking with a wall of cages behind her, “me and my 200 pathetic shrunken slaves”.

It broke your heart, you were devastated, you should have been there behind her. You weren’t even called for auditions, and no one wrote back to you, you had to do something about it.

One day as you opened the door entrance for Kira, you tried to talk with her even though it was not allowed.

“Miss Kira, a word please?” You hesitated and reached a hand in her direction.

She gave you a surprised look, and then a demeaning look that made your hand freeze immediately.

“I’m.. I’m so sorry to disturb you Miss Kira, I’ve applied to become your tiny slave and..”

“Are you on the waiting list?” She cut you mid sentence.

“Y..yes”, you replied in a shaky voice.

“So wait”, she stated bluntly and started walking again.

“But.. please, Miss Kira”, you fell to your knees, “I beg you, have me, I’ll do anything”

She gave half a look behind and scoffed, “give me a break, you are far too pathetic to become my slave, you think I’ll let someone like you to lick my foot sweat? Or even breathe in their stench? You are worth less than the dust beneath my nails, What a joke”.

You placed your hands over the floor and started crying as she walked to the elevator, she filed a complaint to the building management and you were fired from your dream job.

Your life degraded rapidly, you were depressed, broken. In just a few weeks you were about to put an end to your miserable life, you were ready to jump off your little apartment’s building’s roof, but then your phone rang.

In shaking hands you answered it.


“Hi, is it Daniel?” You immediately recognized Kira’s voice, you were stunned.

“It’s Kira, how are you?” She proceeded.

“I.. I’m ok… uh..” you couldn’t speak, it was just too much to digest.

“Listen Daniel, I feel somewhat bad for having you fired, I’ve decided to give you a chance in becoming my shrunken slave, what do you say?”

“Yes”, you replied by instinct, “yes Kira, I’ll do whatever you want, I swear”.

“Great, care to come over then? Before it’s getting too late, I want to go out jogging soon”

You gulped, shocked, Kira is on the phone inviting you over, it’s the best day of your life and less than 5 minutes ago you were ready to jump to your death, you froze and couldn’t get a sound out of your mouth.

“Hmm, I’ll take that as a yes”, Kira said.

“Y..yes!! Yes of course! I’m coming right over!” You breathed heavily, amazed by the situation, Kira hung up the phone and you immediately went down the roof. Without even going through your apartment you grabbed a taxi and arrived at her building in less than 10 minutes.

They opened the doors to you as she probably signed you as a guest and went up the elevator to the penthouse, you were soaked in sweat and shaking as you knocked on her door.

Kira opened it, wearing a training tank top and tights, your heart missed a beat.

“Hi Daniel come on in” she smiled and you took tiny steps inside, you were scared you might have a heart attack.

“Please, sit”, she gestured at her sofa, you passed by the cages and you were thrilled, being here like that inside a cage? Watching Kira all day? That’s the dream, you envied them all.

She handed over a contract and pen, you signed even before she started explaining.

“So listen, I’ve decided to make a special kind of audition”, she handed a glass of water while talking, “that water has shrinking virus mixed in-“

You gulped the water while she was talking, she couldn’t help herself and covered her mouth, started giggling, she was perfectly beautiful.

“Ok.. anyway, I’ll explain while you shrink.

I’m about to go jogging soon, and you will be inside my sock while I do that”

You nodded, looking at her and just mesmerized by the view, by the angelic sound of her voice, can’t even pay attention to what she’s saying.

“I’m going to use this old anti-crush insole, but it’s all dry and expired 4 years ago, I could buy a new one but it’s late and the shops are closed, also it’s a hustle I have no time for, I’d say you have a 10% chance of surviving it”

You snapped out of your daydreaming, “10% chance of surviving it?”, you repeated after her.

“Yeah, you are most likely to get crushed beneath me while I run. but 10% are nice odds, considering how miserably you want to become my slave, don’t you agree?”

You nodded, “yes.. yes of course, I was just surprised”, you started sweating, shaking in fear, 90% chance of you dying today, it wasn’t easy to digest.

But considering that before her call you had a 100% chance of dying, it’s still an improvement.

She smiled.

“Umm, miss Kira, I have savings, I want you to have them”, you mumbled, realizing it might actually be your last day.

“Savings?” She asked with a confused face.

“Yes, 70k in my account”

“Ah”, she chuckled, it was small change for her, “that’s ok you already signed giving me all your properties and assets, I will donate it to SLM anyway (Shrunken Lives Matters), it’s good for PR”, she explained and you nodded.

Then your head started to ache, you grabbed it.

“Good, I see the virus starts to work, I’ll stretch up”, she stood and started stretching her hands up high, then her feet on the table, you tried to open your eyes to have one last look at her when you are in normal size but your head just kept spinning and you couldn’t see straight.

You feel like you are falling down, like everything is getting bigger and bigger, slowly the shadow of Kira’s enormous gigantic body covers your world.

When you finally could open your eyes again, you saw her as a godly giantess, and you were just a bug on her sofa.

She stretched her neck and gave you a look.

“Perfect, you are finally the size you deserve to be, are you happy?”

“Y..yes miss Kira”, you replied while shaking, just realizing how small and insignificant you are.

Kira chuckled, “it’s not miss Kira anymore, I’m now your goddess and that’s the only way you’re allowed to speak to me”, she said in a strict threatening voice.

You immediately bowed down, pushing your forehead into the sofa’s fabric, “yes goddess! I’m sorry!”

She picked you up, “ok, I kinda want to wish you luck but personally I would prefer that you’ll crush inside, so I think you should want the same and even like that, but that’s up to you”

Before you could answer she dropped you inside her sock, and shortly after, her foot followed, sticking you firmly into the soft fabric with your face down, you wanted to flip over in order to lick and kiss her sole but it was too late now.

Then she slid her foot into her running shoe, there was no significant pressure yet, you assumed she’s tying up her shoe laces, it was hard to breathe, but thanks to the holes at the sides you could get a little bit of oxygen in every deep breath you take.

Suddenly the pressure increased a thousand times, your whole body was pressed firmly inside the anti crush insole, you couldn’t move a muscle, your entire body was under an immense pain.

She stood up, not even jogging yet, and you already felt like you were too close to ripping apart.

She stretched her feet a bit, pushing you even harder, “well, no cracks yet, good for you”, you heard her muffled voice from outside the shoe, she started walking and took the elevator down, then went out the building and started jogging.

Every step was incredibly painful, as much as you tried to flex muscles in order to somehow ease the pain, few steps later you couldn’t take it anymore.


You couldn’t feel your legs, you desperately moaned in pain


It’s your stomach, ribs, all broken like a dried potato chip.


You right hand


Your jaw


It kept going, you slowly felt how each step is grinding you to nothing, slowly and surely.

Then a miracle happened - Kira started sweating from her foot, it started to soften the intense pressure of her steps, as you were laying in the sticky, gravy and putrid fluids. They gave you some comfort, they were warm and welcoming, you sipped it with your broken jaw, struggling to breath in between steps.

The pain was unbearable, you slowly closed your eyes, giving away your life for your goddess’s pleasure.


You woke up alarmed by feeling the sock being pulled off, you couldn’t move, your entire body was pulverised completely, you had no idea how come you are still alive.

Kira started caressing her foot, ignoring you, she looked between the toes, over her arch, then a huge smile started forming on her face, she used a sweat rag to dry her forehead, “can’t believe it actually worked”, she mumbled, as she removed the sweat rag you had eye contact, she saw your eyelids are moving.

Kira gasped in surprise, covering her mouth with her hand.

“Cannot believe you are still alive, but you better get used to the pain… you will stay here for a few hours as a pulp, moisturising my soles skin…” she explained slowly, probably thinking you can barely even hear her.

“Ye-es, my goddess…” voice came out of your throat, you didn’t even know if it’s clear enough for her to understand what you just said.

“Knew you’ll like it!” She exclaimed with a smile, then her eyes lowered to your crotch, she started giggling, “and well, about your tiny cock, I could bet it’s stuck to the fabric of my sock…

I Promise to check before washing it!!

She bursts into laughter and slides the socks back, lying on her sofa and watching TV casually while your body dissolves and you rot to death, your blood and internals fertilizing her sole’s pores, making her skin more durable and healthy.

You eventually died with a broken crushed smile, you gave your life to a far greater purpose than you could have ever imagined.


Big shoutout again to the amazing Zopenk, who is probably the best giantess’ content creator. His art is realistic and gorgeous, if you’re not following him - it’s about time! 🙂



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