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*If you are a tier 1 patron, don’t miss the important note at the end of this announcement.

Tomorrow, the main post won’t be a regular story, it will be comics!
7 different collages with text bubbles and effects.

Few instructions regarding comics:

- Every comic will start with a very short story, giving some background of the situation and the story ends where the comics begins, so be sure to read the post before reading the comics.

- in general, text bubbles are being read top to bottom / left to right.

unless there’s an explicit numbers on the bubbles, emphasising a different order.

- Liked the comics? Want more? Press on the heart button at the end of it or comment and let me know. This time it’s crucial than ever because that will be my sole factor deciding to continue creating content like that or not, and in what frequency.

It’s hard for me to explain how hard I worked on it, I don’t know if you’ll be able to tell by the final product - but creating a comics like that is a tremendous effort. I didn’t expect it to be so time consuming.

Still - I enjoyed creating it a lot, just like I enjoy writing a long story, perhaps in a way even more.

So I don’t know if it’s going to be a regular thing now, its mainly up to you.


Important Note:

Comics are very special and hard to create, the posts will obviously be Patreon exclusive.

At first - I wanted to make them Tier 2 exclusive, but then I felt like it wouldn’t be fair for those who are with me since the start as Tier 1 - who also took a huge part in making this happen.

So I’m in a problematic spot:

- I don’t want to hurt veteran tier 1 patrons.

- I don’t want to disrespect tier 2 patrons.

So this is the solution I’ve came up with, please read carefully:

1) On the first 48 hours, comics will be available for all patrons, so you all can enjoy them, tier 1 can also download them just please keep them to yourselves and don’t share it.

2) Afterwards, comics will be unlocked for tiers 2 + 3 patrons only, so tiers 1 that will join later won’t be able to enjoy them.

That was my way to remain on the fence here, with great care for my patrons in all tiers and appreciation for your ongoing support. I know it’s not ideal for both tiers in a way, and I’m truly sorry about it but that’s the best I could do.

Creating such comics is far more time consuming than creating a story, so it doesn’t make much sense that they will be on the same tier, I hope you’ll understand me.

I‘m very excited about tomorrow and I hope you are too.



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