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When Charles remarried to a young beautiful woman, he had to make sure one thing above all else, and that she would be as dumb and stupid as possible.

He heard about so many manipulative girls getting married to sugar daddies and then finding a way to shrink and kill them just to take their fortune, he wasn’t ready to let that happen.

That’s why Jenny was perfect, she was hot as hell, but a childish idiotic person who can’t lie without laughing and can’t even know where to look to buy a mutated shrinking virus.

You even made sure of that, sent spies and PIs to follow her and approve how stupid she is.

So he was certain, the girl was dumb as a bag of hammers.


One day she came to him, “daddyyyy, can you please buy me shrunken slaves???” She asked in a cute voice, “I really want some…”

She came and hugged him from behind, “why babe?”.

“Because it’s fun daddy, Jenny wanna play, pleaseeee”

“Ugh, ok, I’ll buy you some tomorrow”

So at the next day he made contact with a professional enslaver and spent a small fortune to buy 20 shrunken slaves.

They were all in one aquarium, he came home while she was out shopping, and left the aquarium in the living room, then he entered his study and started working.

Few hours later, he came out of the room and went to the living room. He was completely horrified by what he saw…

His young wife sat almost naked on the floor in what looked like a bloodbath, dead slaves were smushed all over her body, inside her armpit, on her boobs, under her feet, you just saw one of them screaming in her hand as she smushed him over her boob, he cracked and exploded under the pressure.

Charles just stood there with his jaw dropped.

Then she looked at him with a sad puppy face and said “daddy, they all died”, with a cute childish voice.

“What do you mean they died?! You fucking crushed them all, Jenny what were you thinking??? I spent nearly 100k on them!!”

“Oops”, she said and started giggling, then she stood up, revealing 4 more slaves that were crushed under her butt, she came closer to him and tried to hug him, he stepped back.

“Ew, don’t get near me, you are covered in blood, go to take a shower”

“But daddyyyyy”, she acted like she’s crying.

Charles rubbed his eyes, she was an idiot, and he knew she was an idiot, what did he expect “just go to shower”, he mumbled and went past her to the living room, sitting over the sofa and sighed loudly.

“But you will buy me more, right?” She asked with her puppy face.

“Ugh, only if you keep them alive”, he replied in an irritated voice.

“Ok!” She said in high pitched tone and walked to the shower, leaving bloody steps behind her, Charles looked at the carpet and realized he has no other choice but to throw it now, he sighed and got up to roll it, while doing it he slipped and fell with his face on one of the bodies, he immediately stood up and started wiping his face, almost puking by how disgusting it is, then he turned back to roll the carpet, but while doing it he started feeling weird, he felt like the carpet is much heavier, he turned back and saw that the room got bigger.

“Fuck”, he started running to his study to take anti-shrinking pills, he probably consumed something from one of victim’s bodies, while he ran everything kept bigger and bigger until he was just the same size of the poor slaves who got crushed brutally by Jenny.

“Ugh… I can’t believe this is happening to me, fucking bullshit”, he kept mumbling while standing over the floor, he had an emergency tiny button below his desk in the study room, but the door was closed and Jenny is not allowed to enter so he couldn’t count on her to open it, he sighed.

Asking her for help is also out of the question, it’s practically suicide.

Then he heard the bathroom being opened, he got alarmed and started running back to the living room to hide beneath the table or something.

“Oh my godddd!!! Daddy you got me another so soon???” She shouted, probably thinking you are still in the study.

“Oh no, fuck fuck fuck!!!” He screamed and tried to run faster, but Jenny leaped a few times and grabbed him easily, holding him and smiling at him, then she let the rob slide down on her and hit the floor, she stood there completely naked, “mmmm”.

“It’s me! I’m not a slave it’s me Charles!!”

She kept looking at you with a dumb face, “oh my god and you look like daddy, how??”

“BECAUSE IT'S ME!!! Ugh you tucking imbecile…”

She giggled “don’t lie, daddy bought you for me because he likes me”, she started walking to the sofa, biting her lower lip and checking him out.

“Jenny! Listen to me! It’s me! Charles, daddy! I got shrunk!” He shouted desperately at her.

“Daddy is in the study”, she stated, Charles facepalmed himself, “oh my god so go and check, you’ll see that I’m not there”, he said, like talking to a child.

“Hmmm…. Ok but first I must do something, the last slave daddy bought me died before I did it”, she giggled, then slowly started spreading her legs.

“Jenny, what… what are you doing?” Charles asked in a terrified voice.

“Shhh, let it happen”, she whispered with a smile and closed her eyes.

She started reaching her hands to her crotch, Charles screamed and squirmed as he reached her vagina, “No no no no!!!! Jenny stop!!! Stop right now!!!” His legs started to be pushed inside, he kicked and continued screaming in terror.

“Ahhhh… oh my god yes”, Jenny moaned and played with him, pushing him gently inside, enjoying the squirms.

Charles started biting her finger, trying to somehow release himself. It didn’t work, he looked down and saw that half of his body was already inside.

“You fucking idiot!!! Brain of a toddler!! I married a bloody retard!!  God dammit stop!! Sto-“

She pushed his head inside using her finger, he squirmed inside like a mad man, trying to get out.

“Ahhhh” she moaned out loud, “Yes yes yes!! Harder harder”, she said and left her mouth open, she started sweating and moved like she’s being fucked.

“Mmm… mmm… Ahhhhhh!!!” She screamed, then closed her legs forcefully by instinct as she was having an orgasm.


Charles was completely pulverised inside her vagina, crushed and slowly poured out together with her vagina fluids, Jenny laid on her back spreading her hands up.

“Ahhh… that was amazing.. why all the other slaves died so soon…”, after relaxing for a while, she got up and started walking to the study, she knocked on the door, “daddy? I’m going to sleep. Do you want to cuddle?” She waited for an answer for a few seconds, “suit yourself”, she shrugged and went to sleep, all dirty and sweaty with some of Charles' remains still inside of her.



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