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*as always, wait for signs telling you to open an attachment*

20 years ago, in the midst of the shrinking virus pandemic, Iran had a military coup, now it is controlled by a psychopathic dictator, Samira. And the name of the country changed to “Hanum”, which means “woman” in Persian.

After years of women depression, it wasn’t hard for her to inspire many women of the country that the virus was a gift from Allah and the reign of men is finally over, men and women can’t be equal, and slowly - new laws started showing up:

The first one was the lockdown, men can’t leave the country, no matter what, even when a good hearted woman tried to smuggle men out - they would get the death penalty together with the smuggled men, so everyone was too terrified to even try anymore.

After that, men could only work in specific jobs, mainly as cleaners, massagers, hard labor, you saw doctors cleaning toilets, professors brushing women heels, even serves as footrests in public places, new degrading jobs were invented and men just started working in whatever they could under the cruel reign of Samira.

And it didn’t stop there, the laws enforced afterwards were just unnecessarily cruel:

  • All males after the age of 10 had to be collared at all times, being caught without a collar means you are going to infinite slavery as a tiny slave, it was Samira’s way of “returning the favor” for the men who once made her wear Hijab.
  • “Shariaa laws” were canceled and replaced by “Samira laws”, all the degrading things that were applied to women automatically now applies only to men.
  • Once hitting the age of 60, all males counts as disposable, and any woman or girl could claim them as slaves or just shrink and kill them, “they do not provide for Hanum anymore, we don’t need males who can’t work hard”.

And the list went on and on.

Shrinking was the only punishment, even on small stuff:

You said something bad about the dictator and the authorities heard about it, you get shrunk and sent to slavery, being given to the next in line in the endless list of “volunteers” to have a shrunken slave.

Only women testimonies were counted, so in general any woman could come and say that you did something bad, and with no investigation or trial you would get shrunken and sent to slavery.

The new generation that was growing in the country was completely brainwashed, all the girls grew up as superior goddesses while all boys were depressed, knowing their place as pathetic slaves.


You were just caught in the middle of it, an American tourist traveling the country, you haven’t left in time and for the last 20 years you had to live there and tried to build a life from scratch.

Not all men were obedient and submissive, a rebellion took place, and many small organizations of men became terrorists and did whatever they could to kill as much of the authorities as they could.

You always believed that Samira would wipe out all the rebels in a matter of days, but the men proved resourceful and it wasn’t easy, specifically your city - Shiraz, had a big stronghold of rebels somewhere, but no one knew where.

You managed to keep a low profile, earned a few dollars every day by cleaning houses, you knew little bit of Persian, few basic words, you just hoped that maybe somehow the American government will manage to do something in order to rescue you but it never happened and the internet was completely censored, you didn’t know how to make global contact.


One day, there was a loud noise of airplanes flying above the city, you went out and looked up, you’ve never seen anything like it.

A V shape of airplanes covered the sky, releasing some kind of a red gas, it fell down like mist and started to spread everywhere, you were shocked and stunned, there was nowhere to run, you slowly started feeling like falling, and how all the houses around are getting bigger, you ended up bug size on the sand, you heard screams from the houses around, a mother walking out of her home holding 2 kids, shouting in Persian, you realized something terrible is happening, something big.

you quickly started writing over the send, dragging your tiny hands, you wrote a big HELP sign, then sat next to it, you waited.


You saw a group of soldiers marching in, getting inside the houses, one by one, then that mother from before walked out of her home and started shouting at them, waving with her kids in her hand, she was panicked and you could catch the phrases “why”, “help”.

The group continued but one of the soldier-girls approached the mother, pushed her, then snatched the kids out of her hand, the soldier just threw them on the ground and stomped them with her boot, looking at the mother with a smile, she screamed and tried to push her boot, the soldier told her something, and the poor mother gave her boot a kiss, then the soldier laughed and continued marching while the mom scratched her kids over the floor and crying, you gulped, you didn’t understand what is happening and what you should do, and they were marching towards you.

One of the girls noticed what you wrote and pointed at it, then she approached and towered above you with a smile, gesturing V with her fingers and laughing, you pointed at the sign you made and shouted up at her

“I’m an American, I’m not a rebel! Please! I need help!”

She made a smug face, then said in English, with a heavy Persian accent, “Should I help you like I helped the other one?” she raised her boot, exposing a crushed lifeless body stuck to the sole, she started laughing together with a fellow soldier who stood next to her.

Her partner shook her head and laughed, then continued marching with the rest of the group. You stayed with the soldier who had someone stuck to her sole, then she bent over and examined you closer.

you just cowered in fear, shaking and crying in panic.

“American you say”, she said and made a thinking face, “that’s rare”, she reached her hand to you and picked you up, shoving you inside a small cage buckled to her belt.


They continued marching, executing more and more men, sometimes playfully, mostly with a stomp, you even saw a soldier picking up and eating men who tried to escape, it was a massacre on a scale you’ve never seen before. You figured that Samira probably had enough of the rebels and decided to shrink and exterminate the whole city.

You noticed that all the soldiers had tiny cages on their belts, and from time to time they used it like your captor did, probably picking up special cases.

When another soldier picked up a kid, examining it closely, she told him something and you picked up the word “Souvenir” in Persian, then she pushed him inside one of the cages on her belt.

Only then you realized what’s happening, you are being taken as a souvenir by your captor, you desperately held the bars and kept watching as they entered different houses, you saw the soldiers searching brutally, ignoring the terrified women and stepping over shrunken men.

They didn’t care who they were, kids, elderly, even babies, they used their boots brutally to crush everything, all the soldiers were young, they are of a different generation, they don’t see males as human beings, they are brainwashed, studying an exaggerated history portraying men as cruel rulers who treated women like garbage.

And honestly, considering old Iran, they weren’t so far from the truth.

Slowly, the cages beside you kept filling up, you couldn’t see this terrible massacre anymore, you just sat down in despair inside the clinging cage, holding the bars so you won’t hit them with your head, and waited.


It was getting dark, and the soldiers were laughing, exchanging experiences between them, walking back to their jeeps at the center of the city, only now you realized just how many soldiers were sent here, there was a big chatter, laughters, the girls climbed up at the back of a military jeep, and they started driving to their base.

You looked around, everything seemed so different since you last been outside of Shiraz, you haven’t even left your neighborhood for the last 20 years, you were terrified of moving around in this country.

You raised your head up and saw a huge billboard featuring young Samira, she wore a swimsuit and 2 shrunken slaves were kissing her foot, a big ‘MEN - OBEY’ text was written next to her,  you gulped, thinking how twisted this country turned to be in just 20 years.

You chuckled, the billboard showed Samira before the war, today - she has many scars over her body, she even lost her right eye in a terror attack, but on billboards they kept showing her as a beautiful young goddess.

[Open Attachment - BillboardSign]

They kept driving and the girls were talking to each other at the back of the jeep, your captor held your cage and showed it to the soldier in front of her, she said something in Persian and you catched the word “American”, perhaps bragging about finding you.

When you got to their base, your captor went to her room, there were 2 iron based beds with a basic mattress on it, and iron closets, one next to each bed.

You noticed 2 big posters on the walls, propaganda, above the bed on the right was a drawing of Samira with her feet outside of an army vehicle, “Feed Them Foot Sweat'' written next to it.

[open attachment - poster 1]

Then in the middle of the room was a far bigger poster, with a very flattering portrait of Samira, holding weapons with some propaganda texting, encouraging the girls to be like Samira.

[open attachment - poster 2]

It was clear that your captor and her roomate are big fans of Samira, she’s their idol, that’s how the new generation of Hanum grew to be like, they literally saw Samira as a goddess among women.

she walked in with her partner and they talked in Persian, giggling from time to time, she removed her vest and weapon and hung them above her bed, then she stretched a little and unbuckled her belt, holding it with one hand, all the cages shifted position and you hit the bars hard, then she just threw it over her bed, you were all moaning in pain.

She sat next to you and continued talking to her friend, she started untying her boots laces, then pulled off a boot, she made a very disgusted face and they were both laughing, she had no socks, just a barefoot inside a leather army boot, then she started shaking the boot upside down, lifeless bodies fell down into the garbage bin, you were horrified.

She did the same with her other boot, her partner also took off her clothes on her bed as well.

Your captor made a very disgusted face smelling her other foot, then she shifted, started smearing her feet over the cages that were attached on the belt while laughing.

You all started choking, coughing loudly, your eyes were burning, it was an extremely overwhelming disgusting putrid smell of horrible foot sweat, you looked around and saw that a kid in a cage to your right lost conscious, you felt like you are about to die, then her foot pressed your cage hard, her sole’s skin pushing it, the bars creaked and sweat started pouring inside, she gave an order in Persian, you knew the word, it means “eat”.

You started crying, every cell in your body consumed the horrible stench, you had to take deep long breaths because the air around you was too thick and moist, you tried to get any oxygen in your system but it was just too hard, you looked to your left and you saw another captive kneeling and sucking her foot sweat, gagging, coughing, but eventually still swallowed, only then she continued to the next cage and left him alone.

While crying, you kneeled as well and got your face closer to a drop of sweat that was sliding over one of the bars, you licked it and got the fluid in your mouth, shaking, you couldn’t swallow it was so terribly disgusting, she pressed the cage harder and you gulped, immediately after that gagging, trying to get it out, it burned all the way down your throat, and you felt the stench resting inside your stomach, burning it from inside.

She was satisfied and moved the foot to the next cage.

When this torment was finally over and she placed her feet down, she continued to remove her shirt and pants, and went with her partner out, holding towels and shampoos, wearing only underwear.

The smell slowly faded away, you stood up in your cage, fixing your breath, holding the bars and looking around you, the kid inside the cage on your right was still laying down, white foam came out of his mouth and it looked like he’s not breathing, you sobbed, he didn’t survive the smell, you looked to your left and the young man there was sitting in an embryo pose, crying too.

You realized that the life you knew are over, and your days are numbered.


End of part 1

(This story won’t be published daily, expect the next part to be aired sometime in the next couple of weeks)

In this long story, parts are going to be a bit longer than usual with a lot of attachments and atmosphere descriptions of the dictatorship of Hanum. This is in order to make it as realistic and immersive as possible, hope you appreciate and like it.



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