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*DO NOT OPEN THE ATTACHMENTS NOW, follow the instructions after reading the story, otherwise you’ll completely ruin it to yourself*


Your wife, Annie, was a crazy soccer fan, you didn’t care much about the games and sports in general, but for her it was her life.

You had a ceremony every game night - you would go to the shrinking center together, they would shrink you and you went home together, when the game begins, you are licking and treating her feet while she drinks beer and enjoys herself watching the game.

You didn’t like it, but this ceremony became one of the only times you were actually doing something together, your relationship wasn’t great, and Annie was rather cold and distant to you in the last few years as you had issues getting her pregnant and having offsprings.

But when she watched games you saw her happy and thrilled, and you liked it, even with all the issues - you loved Annie more than anything in the world.

The ceremony worked like that:

  • Ties were the best, she would just indifferently go to bed with you and let you lick her feet while she falls asleep, then you go to your side of the bed and sleep as well.
  • When her team loses she would squeeze you with her feet all night, releasing steam and frustration, treating you like a stress toy.
  • But the real nightmare was when they won, she would get excited and horny as hell, she would take you to bed and you would go down on her while shrunken until she had an orgasm, it could take hours, it was disgusting and degrading but that’s how you celebrated a win.

So it’s funny, but when she watched games, you would pray that no goals would occur and the game would just end 0-0, and every time her team made a goal and she screamed in joy, you actually shivered in fear and just rooted for the other team in your heart.

And that wasn’t all, although Annie always took a shower before the game, during intensive games she would get stressed and starts sweating like crazy, she would slowly remove her clothes and sit in underwear, and you had to lick and swallow her vile disgusting foot sweat in order to treat her feet properly, but you always did your best, you never complained, you knew it’s important to her and you wanted her to be happy and enjoy the games, in order to not ruin her fun you were willing to suffer.

Another scary thing was that on important games, she would go crazy in each goal, jump on the sofa, scream, even throw stuff, it’s like she couldn’t control herself and you always cowered in fear during this time, praying that she won’t accidentally crush you.

That was your relationship, and today was the ultimate championship game of all times, Annie’s team vs the team she hates the most - playing for the biggest title possible, in all your years together the team never had such an important game, you had no idea what will happen, you had serious anxiety and panic attacks throughout the week before the game, you even had to go to hospital from work once just so they give you something to calm down your heartbeats, but you kept it in secret from Annie so she won’t get worried, this game was so important for her, you dared not ruin it in any way.


She picked you up from work, you could see how excited she was, you couldn’t help yourself and your hands kept shaking, you tried to hide it.

“Is everything ok babe?” She asked while driving, “you are quiet today”.

“Ah, aha, it’s nothing”, you nervously replied, “work stuff, you know”.

“Oh, I hope nothing serious”, she said while looking at the road.

“Excited about the game?” You asked, trying to shift the conversation away from your anxiety.

“Sure as hell I’m excited, the odds are against us, they removed Leonardo from the frontline, that’s outrageous ……. “ - she kept mumbling and mumbling about the game, excitedly raising her voice from time to time, you loved watching her so much, she’s so alive and energetic, it calmed you down a bit, you smiled and nodded while she talked until you arrived at the shrinking center.

It was normal, you went in, paid for the process, they shrunk you, and Annie drove back home with you inside an aquarium.

You were stuck in a traffic jam, Annie was getting jumpy and mad, “no way, no fucking way, I’ll be late, oh my god, please drive!! Damn assholes MOVE!!!” She blushed all red, mad like never before, kept pressing the car honk and cursing everyone, it just got your anxiety worse, the last thing you need is a furious Annie watching the most important game in her life.

You finally got home, it was minute 7, still 0-0, she quickly placed you on the sofa, then while watching the screen, she took her shirt and pants off and kicked it away, running to the fridge to bring cold beer wearing underwear and throwing herself at the sofa, giving her beer a sip and getting hypnotized by the game, she got messages from time to time and you felt the sofa vibrating, she tapped replies and kept watching the game.

You just stood on the sofa in your regular spot, looking at her, she slowly relaxed and laid back, letting out a sigh.

*THUD* her foot landed in front of you, she didn’t get her eyes off the game, didn’t tell you a thing, she was focused.

You instinctively sniffed and your eyes were tearing, it was burning, her foot was pouring sweat, dirty as hell, you could actually see drops of sweat pouring down, you never saw her feet sweat so badly, and she had no time to take a shower before the game began, you thought about saying something, you peeked behind her foot, looking at her trying to see if you can make eye contact and hint that her foot is not in licking shape, to say the least.

Her eyebrows were tense in an angry pose, her lips were strict, she gave her cold beer another sip, and placed it forcefully at the table, then tapped something on her phone and sent a message, she seemed focused, no way you disturb her now, it will ruin her fun. But the smell is unbearable, you didn’t know what to do.

The only thing that got her eyes off the screen was her phone, and she just tapped replies and threw it back aside, probably their soccer club group were talking about the game or something, she was very active there and man they were spammers.

you placed your face in front of her foot again, got your tongue out and started sliding it over the filthy sweat and dirt, closing your tearing eyes and shoving it down your throat, it didn’t only tasted like her putrid stench, it was also dusty, probably from walking barefoot after getting home with such sweaty feet.

It was so hard to swallow that you almost started crying, and it was just the first lick, you knew you must raise the pace and work harder otherwise she wouldn’t get the experience she deserve in such an important game, you shoved your face back in, smearing it in her foot sweat, fighting the gags and the instinct to puke, sucking on her sweat like it’s the tastiest thing in the world. You felt like maybe you can save your relationship by showing resolve.

“Mmm”, she released a quiet moan, it’s a good sign, you were happy, you might even calm her down, the quiet moan turned to a giggle, probably something in that group again.

But all the effort to relax her was gone when suddenly the ball went straight inside Annie’s team goalpost, she jumped over the sofa, holding her head in shock, causing you to fall on your back, you immediately covered your head using your arms, you knew what’s coming.

“NO!!!!! THATS FUCKING BULLSHIT NO!!! YOU IDIOTS!!!!” She kept on screaming, she kicked a pillow and it flew right above you, you quenched further, laid down, shoved your face inside the sofa and covered your head, shaking in fear.

“ARGH!” She released an angry moan and sat back, *THUD* her foot landed so hard on the sofa next to you that it caused you to fly in the air and fall on your back, you quickly stood up and went back to licking, forcefully pushing your tongue inside crevices and soft spots you knew she liked.

Sweat kept pouring from above, you looked up and couldn’t believe your eyes, her toes were like a well oiled machine producing sweat, and fresh sweat kept pouring down, picking up more dirt and grime on its way, you eventually sucked and licked them, swallowing everything, it burned your throat, you never suffered so much in your life, you felt miserable but you never complain, Annie must know you are willing to sacrifice for her, you don’t want to lose her.

Another goal, it’s Annie’s team, “YESSSS!!!!!” She punched the air, raising her beer bottle up high “WOOHOOOO GO GREENS”, with a huge smile on her face she poured the rest of the beer down her throat, she raised the volume up and went to the fridge to get another bottle while they showed the replay.

You watched her feet, leaving sweat marks on the carpet, picking up more dirt for you to lick later, Like you’ve done nothing so far.

She returned and used the table to open the beer bottle. You hated when she did that, it’s leaving marks.

She sipped a long one, then dragged her foot back to your face, “lick harder now, shove your face in, we need luck, and pray for another goal too”, she said and drank more of her beer, she didn’t even look at you while saying all this, you took another breath, sighed in despair, then went back to licking her foot, trying to push your tongue harder, nervous, hoping the game will just end with that score.

The game went on, Annie kept drinking her beer and watching nervously at the game, the sweat kept pouring, you couldn’t swallow anymore, you needed to give your belly a rest so you moved to give her foot kisses, you tried to smear your face into the sweat as you knew she likes the feeling of it.

Annie smiled, then grabbed her phone and started typing, sending a message, giggling.

She started playing with her toes, looks like she’s getting bored with the game, then it was finally the mid game break, you pulled your face away from her foot and started breathing heavily, trying to get the thick moist air out of your lungs, finally a break.

“Oh my god, can’t believe it’s a tie, Rey must step up, did you see him???” She asked you with a huge open mouth smile, you’ve seen nothing but her foot, you still nodded and smiled, having no idea what she’s talking about, lied to make her feel good, you hoped that at some point she will use this time to shower, it’s more than enough.

“It’s like they are not even trying, Ugh, babe I’m so scared we will lose this game”, you were happy she’s trying to involve you somehow, and speaking to you with a smile like that - it’s been a long time since that happened. But she started getting too giggly and acting weird, perhaps too much beer.

“Don’t worry sweetheart I’m sure you guys will win” you said but prayed to god it will stay a tie.

She held her phone and started texting, that group again you assumed, giggling, she laid over her back and propped both feet in your face.

You gulped and sighed quietly, Boeing your head down, disappointed, you really hoped for a break, you shoved your head back in her sole and started kissing, giving a long lick from time to time, she bent her foot placing her toes in front of your face, you knew what she wants, you shoved your head in between them, biting and chewing off the toe jam and grime, getting your face into the moist terrible fluids, and with her feet unwashed and sweaty - it was maybe a thousand times worse than ever, simply disgusting, even your skin started burning from the vile putrid stench, you never experienced anything remotely so terrible before.

“Mmm, thanks babe”, she giggled, she was satisfied, and it made you happy.

You continued going over the gaps between her toes, trying harder, then she recorded a voice message.

“Man it’s all Rey, I’m telling you if not for him we would have been 2-1 now”, she sent it, after a while got a message back.

“Yeah hon he’s so useless, it’s a joke, unfortunately I bet on a tie this time, sorry for you”

It was a man talking, you didn’t know who he was.

She giggled, squeezed your face with her toes playfully, you squirmed a little and released your head.

You tried to use your hands to maintain a gap and shoved your head in to chew another big piece of disgusting grime, hoping she won’t try to squeeze you again, it was painful and disgusting.

“Don’t be such a loser, we will win, I have a good feeling about this”, she recorded and sent, then they just continued texting, you didn’t like it, but you kept munching on that grime.

From time to time she giggled, even laughed, playing with your head using her toes like you were a foot stress toy, you squirmed like a pathetic bug, trying to continue licking without being disturbed.

She started laughing, louder than before, something on her phone, then she tapped your face with her big toe, you tried to defend with your hands, then she pushed her big toe harder into your face, even twisting it a little, smashing your nose, you figured she might want a kiss, you kissed it, and she burst into laughter, pulling both her feet and sitting, continued chatting with a big smile, you wondered if she was laughing over your kiss or just from her chatting group again.

“Thanks babe you are great today, good job”, she told you, still looking at her phone and smiling, you felt like she’s holding back another laugh.

You smiled proudly, getting a compliment from her is pretty rare.

The game was about to continue, Annie got up and went to the fridge again, bringing 2 bottles of beer, she immediately opened one on the table again and gave it a long sip.

“Hold your fingers babe, we must win, I want to feel you today”, she pointed over her crotch, you gulped and it sent chills down your spine, she was definitely drunk, she never acted like that before, she told you that while looking at the television, then placed her foot in front of you again, you wanted this game to end so much.

The game was calm, she shouted curses from time to time but nothing serious, you continued working on her foot, kissing, licking, rubbing, whatever you could do, you felt like your body just can’t consume any more foot sweat, you had no idea how much you already swallowed but you were never even close to such amount.

It’s been a while, Annie was already in the middle of her second beer bottle, still sending and receiving messages, you took a step back and checked the screen, it was minute 85, the game was about to end in 5 minutes, you fought off a smile, if Annie saw you smiling she would get mad, then you slowly looked at Annie, she was chewing the beer bottle opening, stressed, then she looked at you and you had eye contact, she made an irritated face.

“What are you doing! Get back to licking! Chop chop!” She shouted, releasing steam, you jumped and shoved your face back in, licking hard a dirty crevice, pushing your tongue inside with all your powers, you knew that she takes special pleasure when you lick that specific crevice.

You counted the minutes, slowly a smile formed on your face, it’s actually happening, a tie.

But then right on minute 90, your worst nightmare came true, Annie’s team scored a goal.

“YYYYYEEEEEESSSSSS!!!!!!!!” Annie screamed her lungs out, then shaking her whole body in excitement, you tried to run and take cover but you weren’t fast enough, her foot pushing you unawarely, you tried to hold the fabric or something but you fell down on the carpet, you were just stunned from the fall but at least the soft carpet eased it, you slowly got on all fours, thinking that you must get out of here and run beneath the sofa.

“OH MY GOD YES!!!! YES!!!! GGOOOOAAALLLLL WOOHOOOOOOOO” she was standing on the sofa, raising her hands victorious, beer in her right hand, then pouring whatever remained of it down her throat, throwing the empty bottle on the floor, it landed right next to you, you cowered and screamed, almost getting crushed by the glass, the bottle started rolling away in the direction of the television, and you looked at it nervously, your hands were shaking again and your heartbeats raising to new records, you froze.

Then shadow started forming around you, you looked up and saw Annie’s sole falling on top of you, she leaped over the sofa all excited.


“Ahhh”, Annie shrieked and quickly raised her foot, her eyes widened in fear, “babe?! Oh my god I didn’t see you”

Immense pain, the only reason you haven’t died is the soft carpet you had, but you couldn’t feel your limbs, blood kept dripping down and you were stuck on her foot, probably because of all the sweat.

“Ahh.. nni…” you coughed out blood, trying to ask her for help.

“Oh god you are still alive we must get you help”, she jumped over one foot, grabbed her shirt and pants, laid over the sofa and wore it, she sat down with the foot on top of her knee, she gave you another look, she paused, looks like she froze.

You squirmed, quivering in pain, she made a sad face that turned to a small smirk, then a smug, “babe, I’m so sorry”, she said and sighed, she tried to hold off a smile but she just couldn’t, she caressed her hair back, fixing it, taking a deep breath and lowering her foot back on the floor, you saw the carpet getting close.


You couldn’t believe this is happening, she started walking towards the bedroom, every step crushing you further, when she reached it, she raised her foot up, holding it with one hand in front of the mirror and looking at you, your eyes drifted to her face, she was actually smiling, she grabbed her iPhone with her other hand, *CLICK*, taking a photo. Then giggling.

You moaned, barely emitting a sound, every bone in your body was pulverised. You didn’t even understand how come you are alive, maybe just because your head was at her arch and didn’t crush, your eyes drifted to your lower body, it was all crushed, covered in dust and dirt from that walk.

You saw her typing her phone, giggling, then she bit her lower lip, you didn’t understand what’s happening, why isn’t she helping you, blood started dripping over her sole next to your face.

She threw her phone over the desk, then checked you out closely, your eyes drifted over her.

“Oh my god, you’re still alive?” She asked, gasping and covering her mouth with her hand. Hiding a huge smile.

“Amazing durability, you impress me Mark, but I’m sorry babe, bye now, will miss our game nights”, she lowered her foot down and your eyes slowly started to close, she pressed you hard over the carpet, adding force to it, squeezing the life out of you, then twisting her foot, ripping you apart, *CRACK*, your skull popped and smeared over her foot, Annie sighed in satisfaction as she felt it, then checked herself in the mirror, fixing her hair, touching her crotch, making a sexy face and then laughing drunkenly, going to take a shower.


You can now open the attachments:

1 - WhatsApp conversation from Annie’s iPhone during the beginning of the game.

2 - WhatsApp conversation during first half

3 - WhatsApp conversation during break

4 - more WhatsApp conversation during break

5 - WhatsApp conversation during second half

6 - the photo Annie took in front of the mirror

7 - WhatsApp conversation when she sent the photo

8 - concluding.

Once you read all that, I really think you should read the story again 😅

It gives a whole different perspective.




Hey guys, creating this story was a tremendous work, before diving to similar projects (a story with many attachments and hidden gems 💎) I would like to know: 1) Did you manage using the attachments and everything work properly? 2) How did you feel about the WhatsApp conversations, were you able to connect the moments of the conversations with the parts of the story easily or would you need further indications next time? P.S I just experimented myself and looks like attachments are far easier to use in the Patreon app than normal web, so if you struggle just download it.


It was very good! Well done my friend!


Very nice story and concept! Love getting to see the other side!


Same, I’m already trying to figure more creative ways the reader can know what the giantess is thinking to herself. (I don’t want to explicitly write the thoughts, figured WhatsApp conversations can be a great way but I don’t want to abuse it)