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  • that’s a very long and immersive story, make sure you have free 20 minutes to properly enjoy it.
  • Do not open the attached images yet, for now take a look at the first image only. they are hidden for now on purpose.
  • You can slowly open the attached files every time you see a *CLICK* in the story (starting pic 2)



As it wasn’t easy to find a job in a post shrinking virus world, you started working as a tiny model.

It was an honest job, relatively profitable compared to other options you had and it was on high demand.

You started working with Mor, an independent successful photographer taking photo shoots with the most famous models in the area, it was quite an amazing experience.

Every day you went with her to a shrinking center, you went through the shrinking process, then she took you to a day of photo shooting in the studio and eventually returned there and grew you back, the models were beautiful and you loved your job.

Most days, you were handheld, standing in the palm of a model and you both were making different poses, sometimes it included feet worshiping or even licking, but models were respectful and washed their feet before so you were fine with that.

The only problem was that Mor kept delaying your payments, lately it became too much to bear, you already worked for 3 months without getting a penny, you were very annoyed with it and kept complaining about it to Mor. You started thinking about suing her but was afraid to lose such a good job.

This morning she came to pick you up for another working day, you bent over her car’s window.

“Mor, I can’t continue working for free, you have to pay me for all this time”

She sighed in frustration, “Guy, I’m super stressed, we have a very important photo shooting today”

“Mor I don’t care I must pay rent I’m really squeezed out of my savings”

“Guy, it’s Bar, we are making a photoshoot with Bar today”

“B..Bar? THE Bar?

“Yes! Get in the car! We can’t be late!”

You gulped, shocked, Bar was the most famous top model in your country, even worldwide, you kept staring at Mor trying to see if she’s joking.

“Guy! Please, she’s promoting her underwear company. It's probably the most important day of my life, get in!”

You opened the door and sat inside the car, “but seriously Mor, after that session I’m getting paid”

“Ugh, of course you are! Stop treating me like some kind of a crook, I’ll pay you everything with interest, now stop mentioning it!”

She was definitely stressed and anxious, it’s not just an important day, it’s a life changing event, an instant career maker, and you couldn’t believe you are going to be in a photo shoot with Bar, a legendary top model, you are a huge fan of hers for almost your entire life.


You got to the studio, tiny inside your aquarium, Mor placed it on a desk, then went over all the photography equipment and made sure everything is ok and set properly.

Then her phone was ringing, “oh my god, she’s here”, Mor blushed and went outside quickly.

She came back with her, you couldn’t believe your eyes, it was actually Bar, they were laughing together and she slowly went to the center of the studio.

She was wearing a jacket on top of a sweater, long jeans and knee-high leather boots, you couldn’t get your eyes off of her.

“Ok Mor I better change to my underwear, I’ll do it here if it’s ok with you, just to save some time”, and she removed her jacket.

“Of course”, Mor said and nodded quickly, trying to make her feel comfortable, you gulped and watched Bar in awe.

She started removing the sweater, then removed a tank top, she remained with a beautiful white bra, then she sat on the floor and started removing her long boots, exposing perfect bare feet, then opened her jeans and slid it over, she remained with white underwear, Mor came by and picked the clothes, setting them aside, you closed your eyes and fought hard not to get a boner.

Bar remained sitting on the floor, “it’s perfect, stay like you are, let me bring Guy”, she said and started walking in the direction of your aquarium.

“Guy?” Bar asked.

“Yes, Guy is the tiny model that will take part in the photo shoot today”, she reached her hand inside the aquarium and picked you up, her hand was sweaty, you’ve never seen Mor so nervous before.

She placed you next to Bar, you looked at her giant body and gulped, she is even more perfect than you imagined.

“Hi Guy”, you heard Bar saying and immediately turned to watch her face, she was smiling and waving to you, you blushed all red, waving back, too shy to say even a single word.

Mor went behind the camera, “ok so let’s start with something simple, some foot worshiping, Bar, place your sole next to Guy”

Bar, like a professional, immediately did what she was told in a perfect manner, Bar’s sole was just in front of your face, it was sweaty, somewhat dirty, models always washed their feet before sessions but you could understand that Bar is just far above that, saying something about it didn’t even cross your mind.

She was practically a living goddess in your country, portraits of her were spreaded on almost every single billboard. Who are you to ask her to wash her feet? Just a bug, maybe even less, a speck of dust compared to her.

You took a deep breath of her foot stench and kneeled in front of her sole, then started kissing it. Bar posed to the camera, moving her head around.

“Bar you are doing great, amazing”, Mor encouraged her and took a picture *CLICK* [Pic 1], “now look at him, Guy, shove your head deeper into the ball of her foot, lick it, a long one”, she instructed you both.

Bar turned her head to look at you, you quickly obeyed and shoved your head into her sole, smearing your face in her nasty vile foot sweat, then got your tongue out and started licking.

“Perfect”, *CLICK* [Pic 2]

“Ok Guy take your shirt off, let’s make it more personal, Bar change pose, let him have your other foot”

You quickly removed your shirt, Mor came by to pick it up and threw it away from the frame, meanwhile Bar turned over, hovering her perfect legs above you and landing them at the other direction, then her left foot were shoved to your face, you quickly hugged it and started licking, swallowing a lot of sweat, you wanted to cough or puke but you fought it with everything you got, you can’t insult Bar, her sweat is divine and you should be thankful for even touching it.

Bar threw her head back and started laughing, “wow, it’s a spirited one, so devoted”, she said and laughed, Mor wasn’t behind the camera yet and you were already licking, realizing how stupid you must look like.

Mor giggled, “yes, Guy is a professional”, she said.

*CLICK* [Pic 3]

“Guy, lick harder, I still see some sweat there”

You continued licking and swallowing sweat like crazy, going on between her toes, kissing and licking, it made Bar laugh and you blushed even harder, you couldn’t believe it’s actually happening - it’s a dream come true.

You are actually swallowing a goddess’s foot sweat and grime, as disgusting as it is - it’s epic, if you could you would do it for your entire life, without even getting paid.

“Ok, I think that’s enough foot worshiping”, Mor said and paused, going over all the pictures she got so far and sorting them, “one minute break”, she announced while browsing her camera.

Meanwhile Bar pulled her foot away from you, she laid back to relax herself, you used your hand to wipe off foot sweat from around your mouth and nose, your whole face was soaked in her foot sweat.

“Is it tasty?” Bar asked and giggled, you turned your head to her and noticed she’s watching you, you had eye contact.

You nodded by instinct, blushing, bowing your head down, her giggles turned to laughter, “oh my god Mor he’s so cute”, she said and looked at her, then turned back to you, “listen, I can let you lick my feet later, would you want that?” She asked with a smile.

You nodded nervously and quickly, she laughed again, “my feet get soaked in sweat inside these boots so you’ll have a lot of tasty sweat to lick”, her smile was perfect, you’ve never seen anyone that beautiful, you nodded again in approval, frankly speaking you would go and be her foot slave for the rest of your life willingly if you could, but you knew that she has so many proposals from willing men that she never accepts, millions across the globe would give their life away in order to serve her, she couldn’t have them all.

“Ok let’s move on”, Mor said, “Bar, raise your arms, Guy is going inside your armpit next”

Bar raised her arms and fixed her hair, then made a confused face, “my armpit?”

*CLICK* [Pic 4]

You were also confused, it’s not something you’ve ever done before.

“Yes, don’t worry about it”, Mor said.

Bar paused for a moment, smelled her armpit and made a disgusted face, “Mor are you sure about it? It’s extremely sweaty, I was wearing the sweater all day”

You also quenched a little, you didn’t want to do it.

“No worries, Guy is a professional he can handle it”, Mor said walked towards you and picked you up, you gave her a confused look and she ignored it, she gestured for Bar to stand up too, “here, raise your arms” and Bar followed her instructions, then Mor shoved you upside down inside her armpit, placing your face just inside a pond of armpit sweat, you gagged into it, then Mor used her other hand to grab a transparent tape from her pocket, she used her teeth to cut it and placed it over your back and Bar’s armpit, glueing you in.

Then she stepped back to the camera, Bar remained with her arms stretched up, you tried to pull your head away from the sweat, squirming helplessly and not being able to move much, you kept swallowing more and more sweat, getting small gaps you could raise your head just a little and breath in the thick moist air.

*CLICK* [pic 5]

Bar made an awkward face, “Mor are you sure about it? He’s kinda squirming”, she said in a worried tone.

“Totally fine, close your eyes, enjoy his squirms, it’s fun”

“Hmm, ok”, Bar said and closed her eyes, you kept squirming, fighting for every single nasty breath.

*CLICK* [pic 6]

“You are doing great Bar, excellent job, you are amazing”, Mor kept encouraging her, “now listen, close your armpits”.

Bar opened her eyes, confused, “what
 but what about him?”

“He agreed to this, don’t worry I have his consent, just do it”, Mor smiled at her reassuringly.

You squirmed like crazy, you tried to scream but her sweat muffled any voice coming out of your mouth, you were just gagging bubbles of armpit sweat.

Bar shrugged, “Hmm
 ok I guess”, Bar started closing her armpits on you, you squirmed as you felt 2 warm soft walls of flesh were slowly closing in on you, shoving your face further into her center of the armpit, covering you in sweat.

*CLICK* [pic 7]

The armpit was sealed on top of you, you were squirming inside a thick layer of sweat, kicking, pushing, punching, even biting.

You tried to do anything in your powers to make Bar open her armpit.

Bar opened her eyes and had a worried face, “Mor I really think I should open it, Guy is squirming like a mad man inside”.

*CLICK* [pic 8]

“Just relax Bar, Guy is willingly giving away his life just for you and this photo shooting, honor him by taking pleasure in it, close your eyes, embrace his squirms”, she explained to her and you heard it muffingly from inside the armpit, Mor is trying to get rid of you, probably to avoid giving you your promised salary, you continued squirming like crazy, pushing both walls with your hands, sliding over the sweat and being squished even further.

Bar closed her eyes, “Hmm”, she hummed to approve Mor words.

*CLICK* [pic 9]

“You are awesome Bar, keep going, enjoy it”.

You started fainting, the armpit remained closed firmly, you couldn’t squirm anymore.

“Hmm”, Bar hummed with her eyes still closed, “I’m not feeling him squirming anymore”

“Ok bar, now listen, flex your armpit muscles hard, crush Guy, pulverise his body”, Mor instructed with a smile.

Bar made a confused gesture with her eyebrows, but she was a professional and followed photographers instructions.

She pulled her armpit muscle firmly.

*CLICK* [pic 10]

The fleshy soft walls that engulfed you suddenly became as hard as iron, the sweat squeezed out of her armpit, dripping on her skin outside below, the walls closed on you forcefully, you coughed and tried to take a breath finally that the sweat isn’t there, but your lungs were pressed too hard, you let out the last ounce of air from within your lungs and *CRACK* you felt your whole body breaking apart by the pressure, every bone shattered like mere toothpicks.

“Ah..” Bar still had closed eyes, she opened her mouth and released a small moan, surprised by the feeling of a human burst inside her armpit.

“Perfect Bar! You are perfect! Now raise your arms, let’s see Guy”, she instructed, taking photos one by one excitedly.

Bar slowly raised her arms back up, she opened her eyes and couldn’t help herself but to release an involuntary giggle.

*CLICK* [pic 11]

“It’s his blood I think, it’s mixing with my sweat, it’s so tickling”, Bar said while laughing, trying to keep it together.

“Yes, he’s completely crushed, amazing”, she kept taking pictures, then approached Bar, “I must take some closeups, unrelated to the campaign, just a personal souvenir, Guy was a very devoted employee”, she reached closer with the camera. Bar turned her face in your direction and checked you out with a smile.

*CLICK* [pic 12]

“How did he accept doing this, such an embarrassing and pathetic way to die”, Bar laughed and turned her face forward again.

“He was your biggest fan, I’m sure he died with a smile”, Mor said and took another angle.

*CLICK* [pic 13]

You were still alive, quivering with your head you tried to move, Mor noticed it and quickly grabbed a moisturized tissue from the desk, “here, let me clean it off”, she said and started wiping Bar’s armpit, soaking your blood in it then picking up your crushed body, engulfing the tissue around you.

“But I don’t understand something”, Bar said with confused tone, “why did he accept licking my feet later today if he knew he’s going to be crushed to death?”

Mor paused for a moment, then threw the tissue with you to the garbage bin, “Umm, go figure, imagine how nervous and excited he was talking to you, he would never refuse anything you say”

Bar sighed and nodded, “yeah, you are probably right, he was really nervous and shy, so cute”, she started dressing up, “I rarely accept any slaves, but I would have gladly add him to my collection, he was really adorable, slaves like him make me happy”, she told Mor with a smile.

“Without a doubt, very resourceful and smart
 anyway, thank you so much Bar, I really enjoyed working with you today, you are amazing”, Mor told her with an excited face.

“Oh you are amazing yourself, a genius! I had no idea I’ll enjoy it so much, never thought of having a shrunken slave inside my armpit, let alone crushing him like that. I’ll admit - it felt so much better than expected”.

“Wow you are being too kind, I’m so glad you enjoyed it, I’m sure Guy would be happy to know he sacrificed himself for such a high purpose”, she laughed and accompanied Bar outside.

You were left crushed and soaked in Bar’s sweat inside the garbage bin, slowly losing consciousness, the only comfort was that Bar enjoyed it, Mor was right, you truly gave your life for a much higher purpose, you would die all over again just to make Bar smile.


That’s my first Gallery Story.

It’s a concept I thought of myself (I don’t know if others do it as well).

I already have another gallery story planned, but I desperately need your feedback here, making these kinds of stories is a huge effort and I need to know you enjoyed it in order to keep making them, so let me know how you feel about it in the comments below đŸ‘‡đŸ»



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