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You’ve planned a trip to England and were looking for a cheap option to stay, you stumbled upon a very interesting Airbnb listing, it was a super host with a very high rating.

“Small and cozy, a private room, all meals included”, you checked the host’s profile and it was a beautiful young woman, looked like a top model, you chuckled, it couldn’t get any better, so you immediately booked before someone else might steal this amazing opportunity.

You sent her a message.

“Hi Daisy, I plan on working remotely during my stay, so I hope the wifi is good, also I’m vegetarian, just FYI.”

After a while she replied

“Hey Tim! 👋🏻

The Wi-Fi is excellent, and thrilled to read you are a fellow veggie 🤩

Don’t worry, all meals are 100% vegetarian.

Looking forward to your visit! 🥳”

Ok, so she’s an excited one, a bit over-thrilled but that’s fine.


As you arrived, Daisy opened the door, she was soaked in sweat, head to toe, it was a bit awkward.

You shook hands and her hand felt like it’s literally wet, and it was warm and thick in the apartment. You were wondering if there’s AC but then you were reminded it wasn’t mentioned in the listing.

“Tim! Welcome! Sorry about my smell, just came back from a jog”, she giggled, then you noticed that she indeed smelled bad, a strong smell of sweat, “please, come in!” She gestured you to go inside, you walked holding your suitcase, the apartment was amazingly small, nothing like the images, you weren’t sure what to say.

“Home sweet home”, she said and walked to the kitchen, “here, have something to drink”, she handed over a glass of water, you already started sweating, “thanks”, you took it and started drinking, she looked at you smiling.

“Care to show me around?” You asked between sips.

“Of course!” She said excitedly, “so this is the salon”, she pointed at a sofa and a TV that were just next to the kitchen, then she opened an internal door, “that’s my bedroom”, a double bed, desk, closet, random stuff thrown all over, it was messy.

Then she opened another internal door, “that’s the bathroom”, looked normal, then she went and opened another internal room, “and that’s the basement”, she concluded, you were sure the last door would be your room, you had a confused face, you looked at her, and she started giggling, placing a hand over her mouth, looks like she understands exactly what goes through your head.

“Daisy, I don’t understand, where is my room?” You continued looking at her, then you noticed a transparent tape going out of her armpit, your eyes fixated on it.

“Oh, this? That’s just the other guest”

“What?.. other guest?”

“Yes”, she raised her hand and you couldn’t believe your eyes, a shrunken man, glued to her armpit with a tape, her sweat was pouring all over him, you saw him sipping it like crazy like he’s trying not to drown.

You took a step back, terrified, you hit something that was on the floor and fell down, the glass fell from your hand and shattered, you didn’t understand why you are so clumsy, then your head started spinning.

“Oh no, look what you’ve done”, she went and brought  a broom, started sweeping the glass shards.

You tried to get up, but you were too dizzy, you tried to say something but your mouth was completely numb, you just held your forehead and tried to understand what is happening to you, then everything started getting bigger and bigger, the sounds of Daisy sweeping the floor grew louder, her steps shook the floor beneath you, by the time you realized you were shrinking you were perhaps 3 inches tall, laying on the floor like a bug, you slowly turned to sitting position, you had an annoying hangover like headache.

“Wonderful, you can now see your private room”, she said with a smiling face, holding off a laugh, she bent down and held you with her hand, you looked at her terrified, her sticky sweat from her hand smeared all over your body, she paused and examined you, then smiled again, she picked you up and went to the salon, using her teeth to cut a piece of tape, then she raised her other arm and exposed her armpit.

“No! Wait! That’s.. that’s not what I paid for! Stop!” You squirmed and screamed in her hand, then she shoved you forcefully to her armpit, using her finger to tape you just like you saw the other guy in her other armpit, just as you were smashed into the soft and wet skin her sweat started engulfing you, pouring all over, the smell was an infinite times worse than before, all your breathing system was burning like hell with every breath taken, you felt like your nose is about to drop off, you’ve never experienced pain from smell before.

“Oh why, that’s exactly what you paid for, it’s a private room, I’ll give you all the privacy you need”, she paused and giggled, “also - look at all this sweat! Vegetarian meals fresh from my skin, all for you!”

You tried to answer but your mouth and face were covered in her sweat, you struggled swallowing it in order to keep breathing.

She made a compassionate face, “it’s a little hard living here without AC so tourists like you really help me with the sweat, I hope it’s ok, please try to be as quiet as possible, Hmm, also try not to move too much ok? It might flex a muscle, and from experience - it gets nasty”, she started laughing, then her armpit started closing, you wanted to scream but just as you opened your mouth a gallon of putrid sweat started pouring inside your mouth, you were smashed between 2 walls of wet, stinky meat that just kept producing more and more disgusting sweat.

At least she made sure to raise her arms every now and then so you could somehow get some oxygen inside, but you were always in risk of drowning, it was an endless torment.

Daisy went on with her day, she laid on the sofa and took some selfies, showing off her tenants, posing to the camera with different faces, laughing.


You somehow survived like that for another day, in the morning she checked you and saw that you are breathing, when she checked the other armpit you heard her sigh, “oof”, she scoffed.

You heard the tape ripping off from her other armpit, you saw her holding a lifeless body with the tape still stuck on it, “couldn’t he survive for just one more day? What am I supposed to do now”, she complained, like it doesn’t even matters that a human being drowned in her armpit sweat and died, she threw him to the toilet and flushed the water, you watched him being washed away, you were horrified, is this how you are going to die eventually? You started squirming, trying to shout, gagging her disgusting sweat, you tried to somehow release yourself.

Then her face peeked from the side, “what do you think you are doing??? I told you not to squirm! It’s dangerous!”

You didn’t listen and kept squirming, you thought that maybe her sweat can make it easier to remove the tape.

She sighed in anger, “you are tickling me!” She shouted, you continued squirming and she made an annoyed face, “ok, suit yourself, if a muscle will flex it’s on you”, she said and closed her armpit.

You stopped, afraid it might actually happen. About an hour later a wave of armpit sweat poured over your head, you couldn’t take this torment anymore, you started kicking with everything you got.

Suddenly the walls became harder, *CRACK*, you were crushed in an instant.

Daisy quickly raised her arm, exposing your crashed body and bloodied sweat pouring out, “Ugh, oh my god what a bloody idiot!” She exclaimed in anger, then went to get a moisturized tissue and started cleaning her armpit, wiping off your remains like they were dirt stuck in her armpit, “I can’t believe this bullocks”.

She threw the tissue in the garbage, then opened a drawer and took a small towel out, “now I actually need to use a real sweat rag”, she sighed and started wiping her armpits using the towel, soaking her sweat like any other human being.



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