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Yarden was the girl of your dreams, for you it was love at first sight, she was funny, cute and highly attractive, you couldn’t be happier that it worked out with her.

You wasted no time and after just 4 months together you’ve decided to propose and she said yes, between the two of you, you were the one with deep pockets who came from a rich family, she was mid-class but she never talked nor cared about money, you lived at about her so you just kept spoiling her in every single way you could think of and she enjoyed it.

Your wedding was crazy, every single dream she had - you fulfilled it, no matter how expensive and grotesque it was, you brought her favourite band, the most expensive decorations, and of course a very expensive wedding dress, you didn’t care about the money, you just loved seeing her smile and how happy she was with everything.

Like the wedding, you didn’t want to save money when you planned your honeymoon, Yarden kept mentioning a resort she saw on Instagram, saying it would be a dream come true to do the honeymoon there, so you went to one of the most expensive resorts in the philippines, you reached a crazy private island on a jet, the resort had the most amazing accommodation you’ve ever seen, you just checked in.

as you relaxed together in the lobby, drinking cocktails, you looked at Yarden with mesmerized eyes, you couldn’t believe this beautiful girl was actually your wife now, your heart pounded just by seeing her smile.

“This place is amazing, wow”, she exclaimed, looking around.

“Without a doubt”, you approved, drinking your cocktail.

“It’s like they have everything here, there’s no reason to leave the island, have you seen that they even have a shrinking center here? Isn’t it crazy?”

You scratched your head, it wasn’t the first time she talked about shrinking tech, she mentioned it quite a lot when you think about it.

“Yeah, not sure why they need it here…” you replied.

Yarden sighed, “yeah.. I guess”.

Then there was an awkward silence as you both drank your cocktails.

“Hmm but I mean, wouldn’t you want to try it?…” she asked with a smile, sipping with her straw.

“Try what? You mean shrinking?”

She giggled a little, “yeah well, it’s free here, might as well try it, I would really want that”, she brought her leg closer and rubbed it in yours, she smiled at you and took another sip from her cocktail.

“I.. I don’t know, don’t you think it’s risky?”

She laughed, then brought her foot to your crotch, pressing it a little, “what, afraid you might get crushed by my foot?” She teased you, you started having a boner, you blushed.

“I um.. I… Hmm”, you used a napkin to clean your mouth and coughed to clear your throat, she smiled and kept rubbing her foot, looking at you with lust in her eyes, biting her lower lip, “ok I guess, ok”, you mumbled, sweating.

“Yay”, she said and finished her cocktail, “it will be fun, don’t worry”, she said and got up.

“Wait, you mean now? Shouldn’t we enjoy our first night here first or something?”

She made her cute puppy face you could never refuse, “I’m just excited about it you know? It’s kinda my fetish”, she said and blushed.

“Oh, you never told me that”, it was awkward.

She laughed again, a cute laugh, “well, don’t you want to make your wife happy?”, she teased again, you placed your cocktail on the table and stood up as well, she held your hand.

“Ok, ok I’ll do it for you, of course I want you to be happy, but please no weird stuff ok?”

She smiled at you, then hugged and kissed you, “no weird stuff, but you’ll lick my feet”, she said and giggled, you blushed all over again, “your feet?… whatever, let’s try it”, you said with a smile, if that’s her fetish and it will be special for her then you guessed it’s ok, you are here to make her happy.

You went together to the resort’s shrinking center, you got cold feet at the entrance, you held Yarden’s hands, “But.. Yarden, I really want us to enjoy our time here when we are at the same size, maybe we save this shrinking thing for last night?”

Her smile was gone and changed with a disappointed expression, she sighed, she looked at you with her puppy face and it melted your heart, “well… I guess if you don’t want to do that for me… it’s ok..” she said slowly and it was clear she doesn’t mean it, it was your honeymoon, the last thing you wanted is to make her feel bad.

“Ok, let’s do it, but just until tomorrow ok? After that we can try again, I promise”, she hugged you again, she jumped with joy, you were happy seeing her so excited, you walked together inside and you were taken to the shrinking room, you laid over a bed and waited while they released a gas into the room, there were 2 more guys being shrunken, you looked at the inner window and saw Yarden and 2 more wives waiting, Yarden placed her hands on the window and looked at you with a huge smile, she was excited, you smiled back and waited until the shrinking process started kicking in, it took around 15 minutes and you ended up 5 inch tall.

They opened the door and Yarden walked in with the other wives, “oh my god you are so cute!” She shrieked in joy while you started wearing the tiny clothes they left on the bed, Yarden picked you up with both hands and got you closer to her face.

It was a weird feeling, you felt the warmth of her hands, her breaths were like gusts of warm wind, her smile was huge, you looked at her teeth, each of them was maybe half your size now, it was hard to digest how small and helpless you are.

Her feminine smell was significantly strong now, you liked it, it was your favourite smell in the whole world and now you can enjoy it a thousand times stronger.

“It’s going to be so much fun!” She cheered, her voice boomed so hard you felt it in your chest, you just smiled and nodded, happy she’s excited about it.

She walked out with you in her hands, and went straight to the beach bar, she laid in one of the hammocks, then suddenly placed you at the feet section and laid back, her huge smile couldn’t leave her face, you took a breath and coughed a little, the smell was pretty bad, a pair of giant feet wasn’t far from you, and it was the familiar smell of her feet that usually didn’t bother you but now was maybe thousands of times stronger.

“Hmm Yarden? What are we doing?” You called to her direction but she was probably too far off now, it was hard to stand since everything was shaking so you went to the edge and held the fabric.

Then before you could react, her colossal foot were shoved in your face, smearing you into the hammock’s fabric, her foot was sweaty, filled with grain sands who stabbed and scratched your body, the smell was so bad you felt your nose is burning, you tried to call her but she shoved too strong, you squirmed and tried to release your face from her sole, you could hear her muffled laughs from behind her sole, your pathetic squirming probably tickles her.

You could finally release your head and shove yourself upwards, your upper body hanging out of the hammock, “Yarden! Wait a second!” You shouted, but she kept laughing, smearing your lower body with her foot, then pinched your head with her toes, “come on John! Start licking hahaha”, she laughed and squeezed your head, you got your tongue out and started licking, swallowing horrible grime involuntarily.

“Ahhh… yes, that’s so good, don’t stop, harder, lick harder”, she commanded in joy, moaning with pleasure, you’ve never been so humiliated before but you kept licking and swallowing her foot sweat, grains of sand and random dirt that found its way to her foot when she walked around in flip flops all day, you squirmed and tried to tap her foot with your hand to hint that you want her to stop but she playfully continued squeezing you with her sole against the hammock’s fabric and your head with her toes, all while laughing and sometimes moaning in pleasure when you licked the right spot.

At least one of you is having fun, a lot of fun, so it seems.

“Oh my god, you are so good in it, are you sure you wasn’t a foot slave or something before?” She asked and giggled, “I would never guess it’s your first time!” She exclaimed, you didn’t know whether you should take it as a compliment or an insult, but for now you just kept licking to make her happy.

“So much better than my ex” she mumbled in joy, squeezing your head a bit harder than before, that was news to you, not only you didn’t know she had that fetish, you had no idea she experienced it with her ex, the ex that as far as you know she broke up with and he left the country. But now that you know she used him like that, you had a weird feeling about this whole thing.

“Ok, a few kisses and I’ll give you a break ok?” She released her grip over your head, causing you to fall back, then she pulled her foot away and you fell down on the hammock, her foot was now flatten in front of you, you bent over and started kissing it as she instructed, she moaned in approval.

After several minutes of kissing, she bent over and picked you up, placing you on the small wooden table next to the hammock, looking at you with a big smile, “that was fun”, she said.

You blushed, still feeling the horrible stench in your nose and the sticky gravy foot sweat on your tongue and sliding inside your throat, “yeah well… that was.. different” you said in an awkward tone, it felt so wrong to you.

She smiled with closed eyes and tongue a bit out, it was her mischievous smile, “it was fun for me, that’s all that should matter right? Honeymoon is all about the bride” She playfully teased you, you blushed again and nodded, “yes, of course”.

She sighed with a smile and closed her eyes. You figured she wanted to rest, so you just sat down and laid over a wooden bump on the table, looking around you.

Then you saw one of the wives that were also in the shrinking room, she sat down holding a phone, and it seemed like she’s arguing with her now tiny husband, you tried to listen what’s going on, but she kept whispering and obviously you couldn’t hear him, so you just watched.

It seems like their fight is heating up, and her whispers were louder enough for you to hear:

“Just give me the fucking password already, this money is mine”, she said and slammed the table next to him, you gulped, poor guy, it seems like he was finally defeated, he bowed his head down and she quickly followed his instructions tapping her phone, her angry face turned to a big smile, the poor guy sat down and watched her, she kept browsing her phone for a while and then placed it on the table next to him, “well my love, thank you for the honeymoon and all, but now I’m a bit hungry”, she said in casual tone, not even whispering.

You kept watching as she held him with her fingers, hovering him above her open mouth, you stood up, no way she’s doing it, she released her grip and he fell into her mouth, she immediately started chewing.

You freaked out, he was shrinking in the same room with you and now his wife ate him like he’s some kind of a snack? What the fuck.

“Yarden!! Yarden wake up! Wake the hell up!” You screamed and waved, but then you got scared that this woman might notice you and figure out you saw what happened, so you stopped shouting and placed both hands over your mouth. You tried to hide somehow on the table, acting like you were sleeping or something, you tried whispering loud enough for Yarden to hear you and wake up, meanwhile the fresh widow browsed her phone and giggled while some of her husband’s remains were still stuck between her teeth.


End of part 1



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