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Hey, that story was already published on DeviantArt before I opened my Patreon page, it’s one of my personal favourites so I’ve made it a collage and added a tiny to the image.

It won’t interfere with the regular schedule and a new story will be published in an hour like every morning, and if you still haven’t read that one - you got 2 stories today, cheers.


On your visit in Italy you stayed in an Airbnb next to Milan, a beautiful young host accommodated your stay and everything was perfect. You stayed for 2 weeks and in this time she helped you with the washing machine, gave you recommendations, even let you have her car to visit nearby attractions.

When the time came and you checked out, she opened her laptop to show you your bill, you almost blacked out.

Washing machine usage was 10k€, renting her car 60k€, getting recommendations 700€, and so on and so on, accumulating to 200,810€ that you had to pay in order to check out.

“Sofia, this is outrageous, I had no idea you would charge me for all of this stuff”.

“Really? But the prices are all mentioned in the Airbnb description”, she changed a tab and showed you that everything is written, all of the extremely overpriced services were mentioned visibly and clearly.

“Since you didn’t know I’ll give you a discount, let’s see what we can do to help you”.

You didn’t know what to do, you are in a foreign country with different laws and you knew that if you won’t pay her - problems will occur, you hoped the discount will be reasonable and you’ll be able to pay.

It might be immoral but since the prices were shown everything was legal and she had a solid case against you.

“Here, 200,000€” she said and looked at you with a smile, like the discount was significant.

“What? The sum is still unreasonable, listen I don’t even have this kind of money, can you spread it into payments or something?”, you tried to reason with her, thinking that maybe if it’s spread you can just stop paying once you get home.

“Sorry, you can’t leave Italy with this debt open, that’s a lot of money… I’m really sorry about your situation but if you can’t pay I’ll have to call the authorities, I hope you understand”, she said in a firm tone, concluding your attempt to avoid the payment.

You blushed and panicked, scratching your head, “I’ll see what I can do, I understand, no need to call the authorities”.

Sofia smiled and handed over her laptop, she wrote down her account details, “just transfer what you can to this account and then we will think of a solution ok?” She made a cute smile, like what happens now is not actually a legal robbery.

As you knew that since the shrinking virus pandemic Italy had the worst strict laws and punishments to men who breaks the law, you knew that if you won’t settle things and Sofia will call the police your punishment will be to get permanently shrunken and become a slave to the fashion industry here in Milan, so you’ve decided to do whatever is needed to close the debt and get the fuck out of this country. It’s just money, and you’ll be able to make more, but being a slave to these models - you knew that most men doesn’t survive a full day, it’s practically a death sentence.

You scratched every dime you had, sold all your stocks and opened all the savings accounts, transferring everything directly to Sofia.

You checked together and she had a gorgeous big smile, “ok so far you paid 189,438€, you are still missing 10,562€”.

“Sofia please, can the rest of the fee be waived? It’s really all I have”, you said and you opened your wallet, there were a few euros inside and you handed it over as well.

“Look, I’m willing to lower your debt to 10,000€, ok?”

“But I really have no way to pay that”, you answered in frustration.

“Well you can work for me for a while, return your debt and check out”.

Sofia was a beautiful woman, just your type, you started feeling that maybe the situation is not as bad, working for her sounded reasonable and might be an interesting experience.

“Ok, how much will I earn? And what do you want me to do?”

“I’ll pay you 2,000€ per month”, she stated.

It means you’ll work here for 5 months, and maybe another month to make enough money to buy a ticket home.

“Ok, and what should I do?”

Sofia got up and returned with a glass of water, handed it over to you, you were kind of thirsty and your mouth was dry from all the stressing situation so you immediately drank it all up.

“You will be my foot slave” she said casually.

“Foot slave?” You were confused, “what do you mean?”

“In general you’ll lick my feet most of the day, drink my foot sweat, tend to my sole’s skin, that means eating toe jam, dead skin, and all various dirt that sticks to my sole, you know, running this place ain’t easy, and my feet get sore, I really need this kind of assistance”.

You scratched your head in confusion and you felt a bit dizzy hearing all of this, “b..but.. how am I supposed to do that? Are you kidding or something I don’t understand”, the dizziness increased and you had a weird feeling of falling down, Sofia looked at you with a smirk.

“Don’t worry, you’ll do just fine, I think you are perfect for the job”, you felt like she’s growing bigger and bigger, you looked around you and realised you are shrinking, you watched the empty glass of water, she drugged you with a shrinking serum.

You tried to get up but you couldn’t, the shrinking process grew more rapid and at some point you were the size of a few inches on the chair.

Sofia placed her foot next to you, “ok so starting now you work for me”, she explained, and the smell of her foot sweat reached your nose, it was hideous and overwhelming.

“You must do everything I say, when I say it, and follow my instructions thoroughly, understand? Nod if you do”

You were shocked by the situation, watching her foot you saw a lot of dead skin clusters all around, it was dirty, she was a hard working woman and she was mostly barefoot while in the house.

You nodded in delay, letting her know you heard her.

“Good boy, now let’s see you work, start licking between my toes”.

You approached, bowed down on your knees and elbows and stuck your head inside the gap between her toes, fighting the urge to vomit, you got your tongue out and licked the putrid toe jam, swallowing it lick by lick.

“That’s perfect”, she said, “if I ever see you slacking off - it comes out of your salary, understand?”

You nodded while licking.

“I want you energized the whole time, so pick the pace up, you need to clean between all my toes and I don’t have much time for you”

You tried to ignore how hard it is to swallow and raised your pace, swallowing a lot of filthy sweat and toe jam in the process, you finished and she placed her second foot, you did the same and eventually she got up.

“Very good, you learn fast, you and I will have a lot of fun together, I’m happy I hired you”, she smiled and picked you up, going to one of the rooms in her apartment and placed you inside a very small cage.

“That’s your new home”, she explained, still with her amazing hospitality and beautiful smile.

“Wait”, you protested, “what about food and water?”

“Oh, ok this time you should know the prices so you won’t be surprised:

A bottle tap filled with water is 150€

A crumbled piece of cookie is 70€

It can come out of your salary if you want”

“Sofia, this is madness! and how come the water is more expensive than the cookie??”

Sofia started laughing, “it’s about supply and demand” she responded with glee, “and you don’t really need it, it’s a luxury, my foot sweat and dead skin should be enough nutrition”, with that she walked away.

She might have a cute smile and kind attitude but her actions are so cruel, you’ve decided to give up on the water and food and continue living off her feet, you just have to do this for 5 months and get out of here, and you can’t slack off.


Time went by slowly, you treated Sofia’s feet 4-6 times a day, when she woke up and was drinking her morning coffee, when she worked on her laptop, afternoon when she sat and relaxed watching television, and sometimes at bed before she went to sleep.

It was completely exhausting, day in and day out you worked the hardest you’ve ever worked in your life, making sure Sofia’s feet are perfectly tended, soft, smooth and cleaned of sweat, it was clear that she’s extremely satisfied with how resourceful you are at her feet.

The best times for you were when she took you to the balcony and placed you on the small glass table while she smoked a cigarette. It was refreshing to be outside for a change, and during all of the scenarios above all you’ve done was ripping off and swallowing dead skin from her foot, licking away her sweat and eating toe jam from between her toes. Practically speaking - her feet were your entire world.

Sometimes you were lucky, a piece of sugar or bread was stuck to her sole and you had the pleasure of eating it, even with all the foot sweat soaked in it, it was a special treat you literally craved for every time her feet popped in front of you.

You tried to stay energized the whole time and it wasn’t easy, in general it seems like Sofia is very satisfied with your work and it gave you motivation to continue serving her.

You counted the days in your cage, scratching the floor every night, days went by until finally 5 long months of agonizing slavery have ended.

When Sofia got to the room holding a cup of coffee, reaching her hand to pick you up, you waved your hands. She was surprised.

“Oh? What’s wrong?” She asked.

“Hi Sofia, I think I’ve worked for the full 5 months”.

“That’s right”, she responded, but it seems like she didn’t understand what that meant, “So?” she asked, confused.

“So I earned the debt I own you”, you said proudly.

“I’m not sure about that, let’s check”, she grabbed you and went to her laptop, placing you on the desk, she opened a folder with PDF files with your name-month as names, she opened the first one.

Salary: 2,000€

Fines: -34€

Cage accommodation: -1,000€

Cage maintenance: -300€

Foot sweat: -200€

Dead skin: -200€

Toe Jam: -200€

Net Salary: 66€

You couldn’t believe your eyes, you bursted into tears and sobbed quietly.

She opened the next one, net salary was 90€, “that was an excellent month, you worked really hard”, she said, the next was 70€, then 85€, and 88€. She kept sipping her coffee like what you both are watching is pretty obvious and nothing special.

“Ok so far you returned 399€ out of your 10,000€ debt”, she concluded and closed the folder.

The numbers ran inside your head, you couldn’t hold your tears asthe terrible truth started sinking in, “Sofia, but in that pace I’ll return my debt in maybe 11-12 years”, you said while crying, “please, I don’t want to be a foot slave for so long”.

Sofia giggled, she put her gorgeous perfect smile on again, “but you are doing such a good job”, she sipped her coffee, then placed her feet in front of you and turned her face back to the computer.

You wanted to ask for water first, but then you realized that taking water would actually mean your debt will grow larger.

Defeatedly, you approached the closest foot and started licking, wondering if you can even survive the entire 12 years living like that.

“Good boy, don’t miss the spot beneath my little toe again, I won’t be so forgiving with the fine this time”.

You continued licking and kissing her sole while sobbing, approaching the spot she was talking about and licked it with extra passion.

Sofia smiled with pleasure, continued working on her laptop and sipping her morning coffee.

Not only did she own every single dollar you ever made in your life, she also owned your freedom and practically owned you.


The end.

A little part of this story is actually true, a very beautiful hostess with the most perfect pair of feet I’ve seen in my life was the hostess of an Airbnb I took there.

When checking out she overcharged many weird services she provided, after a lot of arguing we settled on 50% of what she asked for.

But dear god, how I wished in my heart that what’s written here would happen in reality, it's been my fantasy for years.

If you agree with me - comment something below <3



David picard

I would definitely love to be a live-in footslave if you add shrinking to that as well HELL YES