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the “USA series” is going a bunch of short stories that takes place in the US, I tried to imagine how it would look like after a shrinking virus pandemic, considering how the health system and government works there. If you live in the US - I would love to hear what you think about it.


Years after the shrinking virus outbreak, it wasn’t easy being a man in the US. Forget about the imminent risk of catching the virus and being unawarely crushed, it was extremely hard getting a decent job since all the employers saw men as a potential missing employee they will have to compensate the family for.

So when you lost your job as a salesman you didn’t have much to do, you started cleaning houses for a living, and your hot neighbor was one of your regular customers, she wanted you at her house daily for a thorough cleaning, she treated you like garbage but at least she paid well.


“I’m going out, I have an important day at work, I want the apartment spotless by the time I return, ok? I’ll leave you a bonus if you do a good job”

“Yes Natalie, of course”, you made a courtesy bow as she left and started cleaning and organizing the place, when you got to the kitchen you started feeling dizzy, an immense headache attacked you, you held your head and recognized the symptoms - it must be the shrinking virus.

You started running to your phone but before you could reach it you were already shorter than the sofa, you raised your hands but it was too far, in a few minutes you were 5 inch tall, trapped inside your neighbor’s apartment.

You panicked, started walking around the house, thinking about your options, you didn’t know how she’s going to react when she sees you.

You don't have insurance, it means you’ll have to buy the cure yourself, which costs 50k$ and you could scratch in the best case scenario perhaps 8k$.

So it means you’ll have to choose a caretaker and you have no one, you had no plans for this day, you just hoped it won’t happen to you… And besides, the whole caretaker program was breaking apart since it was proven as not effective nor safe.

Frustrated, you went to the edge of her living room and waited. You figured you’ll just have to get her attention when she gets home, you didn’t have any idea what you were going to tell her, maybe ask for a loan or something, but you knew she would never give you money for free.


You heard the door being unlocked, and Natalie stepped inside, she placed her purse on the couch, she looked around, “what the hell… he barely cleaned anything”, she sighed in anger and went to change her clothes.

Hugging the wall, you got closer, you waited outside of the room so she won’t think you peeked on her while she dressed.

As you saw her foot landing outside of the room you started shouting, waving your hands but she didn’t notice you, she went to the kitchen, “I can’t believe I paid this idiot for this, he must give me answers”, she grabbed her phone and called you.

Your phone started ringing from the salon, she walked in that direction with a confused face, again her foot landed in front of you and you tried to call her but she didn't notice anything.

“He forgot his phone here?.. what an idiot…” she sat down confused, checking out your phone, then she started looking around with a puzzled face.

“Natalie, I'm here! I got the shrinking virus!” You shouted and waved, leaving the safety of the wall and went in front of the sofa, her gaze finally met you and you had eye contact.

She gasped in surprise and shrieked, jumping on her sofa, “oh my god, fuck”.

“It’s me! It’s Steve!” You desperately waved with both hands.

She bent and looked down from her sofa, examining you, “oh shit, it’s you, you got the shrinking virus?” She asked, like it wasn’t obvious.

“Yes… it happened shortly after you left”, you explained.

She finally got down from her sofa, “Ugh, so that’s why the apartment is still dirty”, she facepalmed herself and went to the kitchen, she came back with a bottle tap filled with water and some bread crumbs, she placed it in front of you.

“Thank you so much”, you bowed and started drinking and eating.

She had an irritated face, like she is the one in a pickle here, “so what’s happening now exactly? I should take you to a shrinking center or something?” She asked in a tired tone, like it’s the last thing she needs on her mind right now, you were relieved to know that at least she knows helping you is the right thing to do.

“Thanks Natalie, the thing is I don’t have insurance and I can’t pay for the cure, I’m not sure what to do”, you explained while sipping water.

She shrugged, “sucks to be you I guess, can’t help you with that, so order you a cab or something, go to your family and figure it out”, she suggested impatiently.

“I.. I don’t have a family”, you explained miserably.

She facepalmed herself again, “a friend? I really have no time for this, I had a very long day and it seems like I need to clean my house by myself”, you noticed she started to get angry, you just slowly shook your head, you had no friends who could help you.

She blushed in anger, “so let me get this straight, you can’t buy a cure and you don’t have family or friends who can take care of you?”

You sadly nodded.

She stood up, “then I’m just going to step on you, you are a pest, and I have no time for pests”, she walked to her flip flops, you couldn’t believe she just said that, you started screaming and waving your hands, she came back and hovered her foot on top of you, you started running like crazy.


She stomped her foot behind you and you kept running until you reached safety under her sofa, “Natalie wait! Please don’t kill me!!” You screamed in panic, you just almost crushed to death like a bug.

“Ugh, stop running, it’s not easy for me to do it anyway, it’s disgusting”, her tone was impatient

“Please! Let me work for you or something! Let me earn the money I need!” You begged from below the sofa.

“What could you possibly do? You are a useless pest now, give me a break, just get out and let me step on you”, she said impatiently, you watched at her foot and saw she’s pressing the flip flop hard with her toes, she’s definitely ready to crush you.

“You.. I see you have dead skin over your foot, I can take care of that now! I can treat your feet! And… and I can clean the floor when you’re not here, I can be useful! Please! Give me a chance!” You begged, saying everything you can that might prevent her from killing you.

She sighed, sat down on the floor, “ok, come out, I won’t step on you”.

You slowly stepped out, trying to see if it’s not a trick, she removed her flip flops, “show me”, she commanded and pointed at her sole.

You slowly approached, gulped as you realize how horrible the smell is, but you knew that if you don’t do a good job she will just step on you like a bug, you shoved your face at one of her dead skin clusters at the ball of her foot and started licking it, Natalie looked at you and waited patiently, examining the process, considering letting you live, you felt her eyes stabbing your back as you licked.

When the skin got soft enough you started grinding your teeth against it, slowly scratching it off, swallowing dirt and foot sweat in the process, and eventually you chewed and swallowed her nasty foot dead skin as well, you felt miserable and humiliated.

“Hmm”, she made an approving sound, checked her skin where you just licked, caressing it with her finger, “ok then, I’ll hire you”, she said with an intrigued voice.

“Thank you Natalie! Thank you so much”, you gave her sole a kiss by instinct, trying to show gratitude, you hated her guts but at least she won’t kill you now.

“Minimum wage”, she stated, “you will work 7 days a week and do everything I tell you to, understand?”

You froze for a moment in shock, then nodded, “yes Natalie, of course”, you continued kissing her sole in gratitude, “anything you say”, you added.

“And I’m going to cut accommodations out of your salary, it means food, a place to stay, all that”.

“I.. I really don’t need much, just a bit of water and crumbs, you’ll barely notice I’m here”, you tried to explain, it shouldn’t cost more than 5$ per month.

“It doesn’t matter what you consume, it’s the hassle I’m required to take care of”.

“Ok, I understand, so how much will I earn every month?” You asked, worried about the answer, you need 42k$ it might take years as it is.

“Let’s see”, she grabbed her iPhone and started tapping it, “200$”, she stated and closed it.

“200$.. a week?…”

“A month”

You opened your eyes in surprise and gulped, trying to calculate in your head.

“Is that a problem? Should I wear my flip flops again?” She threatened.

“No.. Natalie.. it’s.. it’s just that I’ll need to work for you for 210 months, that’s almost 20 years”, you said in shock, looking at her with desperate eyes, with a slim hope she might reconsider.

It was the first time you saw Natalie smile, and then she released a giggle, “wow, that’s suck”, she said and her giggle evolved to a loud laughter.

You just stood and watched her in shock, you will be enslaved here for most of your life and you have nothing to do about it.

She placed her finger over your head and pushed it to the ball of her foot, smearing your face in her foot sweat and dirt, “as I said, sucks to be you, but at least there’s hope, right? Better than being squished by my flip flop like a random bug”, she teased playfully, you got your tongue out and started licking, accepting your new life as her miserable slave.



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