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Gaia was a good friend of yours, a vegan but not the kind to lecture others all the time, you were a group of friends from high school who kept in touch with each other.

You all tried to meet once a week, at a bar or at someone’s place, eating together and sharing experiences, Gaia’s experiences were usually spiritual, she went to third world countries to help children, participated in interesting diets in Costa Rica, stuff you wouldn’t even think trying, but it was fun hearing it about it from her, she was beautiful and her smile always lightened up your day.

One day you invited everyone to your place for a BBQ, you bought a lot of expensive steaks, lamb parts, big ribs, but you also thought of Gaia so you bought mushrooms, eggplants and stuff you can roast next to the meat.

When you all met and were eating next to each other, you could see that Gaia is upset looking at everyone eating that meat, she made sad faces and sometimes disgusted, to her - you are eating dead bodies and talking about how good it is, she ate maybe half a mushroom and that’s it, you approached to her.

“Hey Gaia, why aren’t you eating?”

“Sorry, it’s hard to have appetite like that”

You knew what she meant, “sorry about it”, you made an apologetic face, the rest of the group seemed like they really didn't care about that, they probably all thought “suit herself”.

Gaia just nodded and you went back to the BBQ checking on the next batch of meat, after a while you could hear Gaia from behind.

“Guys! I’m inviting you all to my place next week, I’m going to prepare a vegan feast and you’re all going to just love it”, she smiled and waved her hands.

“Oh I gotta see this”, someone said and giggled. It was inappropriate.

After the BBQ you sent everyone messages, saying we must be there for Gaia and what happened at your place was very disappointing.

A girl in the group, Natasha, the one who giggled, kept arguing with you that it’s her choice to be vegan and you can’t all be considerate, but eventually everyone agreed that you should give her the courtesy and try a vegan meal with her.


The day arrived and you all came to Gaia’s apartment, she prepared a long table with many different kind of chairs around, the whole apartment’s furniture looks like random stuff she picked up, she was “save the planet” kind of girl, doing what she could so stuff won’t be thrown to the garbage.

After she finished greeting everyone she started serving the vegan food, you all started eating and chattering, and the food was actually quite tasty.

“I mean, it’s not bad, but I would rather have a steak” Natasha said and part of the group started laughing. You felt bad for Gaia but it didn't look like she cared, she just sat at the head of the table with a smile and watched how everyone was eating.

You started feeling your belly itching, but you kept eating thinking it’s just because of the new kind of food you are trying, but then you noticed more people are holding their belly.

“What the fuck this food su-“ Natasha started saying but then she suddenly disappeared, you saw blurry, you started rubbing your eyes and you noticed that more guests are starting to disappear, you thought you are in a dream or something, you turned to Gaia and she just looked at you with a smile, and a moment later you were standing on your chair, your clothes were around you, the guests weren’t disappearing you were all shrinking, but how come the girls shrunk too? And why was the shrinking so rapidly? Something wasn’t right.

Gaia stood on the long table and started walking on it, you looked up and saw her walking to where Natasha sat.

“So dear guests, today you are all getting a lesson in humility”, you could hear faint squeaks from around, “you are going to feel like all the animals you killed lately, Natasha - starting with you”, she bent over Natasha's chair and picked her up.

You could see her squirming in her hand and Gaia just stood casually and smiled, then she slowly brought her to her mouth, “you enjoy eating others so much, right? So let’s see how you taste”, she screamed and Gaia placed her head between her teeth.


She crushed her head between her teeth, blood was spilling on her lip and chin, you couldn’t believe your eyes, she moved on to chew her head and swallow it, “eww, that’s disgusting, how you guys think it’s tasty?” She opened her mouth again and threw in the rest of Natasha’s lifeless body.

You froze in terror, is she going to do the same with you? You are… going to be eaten by Gaia?…

She cleaned her mouth with a napkin and giggled, then went to another chair and picked another one up, she threw him in her mouth and *GULP*, you saw the bump in her throat go down, he was still alive, that’s horrible, you panicked and looked around you, trying to find a way down but there were none.

She lowered her foot over one of the chairs and you could hear a *CRACK* followed by Gaia’s giggles, someone just crushed to death like a bug, it didn’t make any sense, it’s like she lost every single bit of sanity she had, it’s a sick massacre.

She went over another chair and just sat on it, twisting her but and then stood up again with a blood stain on her butt cheek, to think about the terrible deaths all your friends are going through made you sick… you just sat down and started praying, trying to accept what’s about to happen, after a while it was quiet and you felt eyes staring at you, you opened them and saw Gaia is sitting on the chair in front of you and just looking at you.

“My favorite little carnivore, I’m not going to kill you, you were the only one who at least tried to treat me decently”

You were relieved to hear this, but something in her aura still sent chills down your spine.

“But we are going to change your diet”, she said with a smile.

“Ok, yes, I’ll be vegan I’ll be whatever you want, please don’t kill me”, you mumbled.

She raised her foot and you were scared you were going to be crushed like the others, “from now on you are eating only foot sweat”, she giggled and placed her foot in front of you.

You slowly approached her foot and started licking, swallowing the sweat, couldn’t believe that this is going to be your life now.


Just a short story to remind you to be nice to your vegan friends, especially if they are hot like Gaia 😂



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