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Inna was leading a movement to legalize shrunken slavery in Israel.

At first everyone laughed at it, saying it doesn’t make any sense, and you followed just because you thought she had a beautiful face, but as she kept with her stories, explaining the idea behind it, it was hard not to be convinced.

“It happens anyway! Where do you think all the men are disappearing to? They are licking foot sweat somewhere, someone enslaves them, you think she cares it’s not legal? No one is enforcing the law, at least make it legal so the women won’t hide it and the families would know what happened to their dear ones.

Think about all the shrunken slaves being sold on the black market, so much untaxed money, and for what? Make it legal, get tax money, let enslavers do their job and sell the slaves out in the open, not being criminals.

And men? You should want it more than anyone! This legalization is for you first! Do you want to be kept in a cage in someone’s dark apartment or do you want to be carried out in the open, enjoying the sun at least while you are being enslaved? Don’t you want to have the option to write or talk to your family? And when it’s legal, I’m sure the government will enforce some kind of a supervising system, making sure men are being enslaved with minimal dignity and still in humane conditions.

Almost anyone I know enslaves men, and you know what? I’ll admit I do that to, I have almost 20 men who I shrunk and enslaved against their will, but I’m a good owner, my slaves are lucky I’m the one who took them, they should kiss my feet and thank me for giving their life a purpose and they do that every morning. There’s no reason for it to be illegal.

If you want to join the cause, especially if you are male, PM me, let’s make slavery legal.

P.S I’m open for willing slaves as well, if you want a higher purpose.”

You watched the stories and it made you think she might be right and it needs to change, but you weren’t sure what you can do about it, so you sent her a message.

“Hi Inna, I’m a big fan, I would like to know how I can help the cause?”

“Hey Sam, we plan a big demonstration outside the government offices tomorrow, men should be shrunken, if you want I can pick you up today”

You blushed, that’s a bit direct and sudden, “but will I be able to go back home afterwards”

“If you wouldn’t want to stay as my foot slave then yes, but I find it hard to believe, my feet are irresistible 😉”

“Haha I’m sure they do… 😅”

As awkward as it is, you gave her the address, she came over. She walked in and was so beautiful you started stammering. It made her laugh.

“You are cute”, she said with a smile, and you just blushed.

You looked down at her flip flops, her feet looked amazing, “you were right they are irresistible”, you said slowly.

“Do you want to lick them before we drive to my place?” She handed over a pill.

“To be honest it would be a dream come true”, you said and swallowed the pill, waiting eagerly to shrink.

“So I’ll give you details about our plans tomorrow”, she sat down and you did the same.

“All men will be placed on a silver plate, where I’ll rest my feet, and you will kiss and lick my feet in front of the government offices, all the girls will chant ‘make it legal, make it legal’, it’s going to draw some serious attention”

“Sounds go-“, you held your stomach, feeling sick, you were shrinking down quickly to 5 inch tall.

Inna smiled and placed her feet next to you, “I’ll allow a few licks before we go”, she said with a smile.

You stormed at her feet, kissing, licking, her sweat tasted like heaven, you didn’t want to be anywhere else, you wanted to give your whole life to these feet, but then she stopped you and placed you in a cage, “don’t worry, you’ll have enough time with them”, she said with a smile and gone out to the car and back to her home.


The big day arrived and everything went like she described, group of girls gathered outside the government offices and you together with maybe 100 shrunken men were placed on a silver plate, Inna took off her flip flops and placed her feet on the plate, you all shoved each other and started kissing and licking her feet.

“Make it legal! Make it legal!” The girls chanted all around you.

It’s been a long time, and it seems like no one cares about what’s happening.

A girl approaches Inna, “plan B?”, and she nodded, standing up.

She towered above you all, you tried to understand what’s happening but then Inna raised her foot up high, the chants went on, and some girls took their phones out and started recording.


Inna stomped her foot, crushing maybe 30 men in one hit, you were horrified, shocked, everyone was screaming but the girls around Inna kept chanting, Inna twisted her foot, causing many more cracks, verifying the death of the helpless victims, she took her time, looked down smiling.

You all tried to run outside but the edges of the plate were too high, and 2 girls sat down on the pavement, making sure to throw back anyone who somehow got outside of the plate.

Then the media started arriving, a reporter stood in front of Inna, “what are your goals with this demonstration?”

“Isn’t it clear? We want shrunken slavery to be legal”, she replied casually.

Then she raised her foot up again, looking down.


She stomped again, her foot landed just in front of you, you couldn’t move, blood splattered everywhere, there were at least 20 men where her foot landed, the sound of bones pulverising to dust was soul-scarring, you couldn’t believe this is happening, it’s a massacre and the reporter camera actually caught her in the act.

The reporter gulped, “but what is the meaning of this massacre? How is that promoting legalization?”

“All the men below me gave their consent to this, they are willing to die for the cause, do you understand how important it is to them? To die underneath me like bugs, just to make shrunken slavery legal? Isn’t it enough?”

And she raised her foot up again and slammed it down, *CRACK*, killing more innocent men who tried to wave the reporter for help.

You could finally move again, you started sprinting over the edge of the plate but a colossal hand easily pushed you back near Inna’s foot, and you saw it started raising up again, body parts started detaching from her sole and fall around you, it was the most terrifying thing you’ve ever saw, you couldn’t believe she is capable of doing it.

A massacre of over 100 men who had no clue this scenario was an option, she kept talking with the reporter but you couldn’t hear it anymore, the adrenaline was too high, all you wanted was to somehow survive, her foot was really high now, blood and bodies rained down from it, you covered your head and curled up, crying out loud for help, then her foot started descending in rapid speed


You were crushed beneath her foot together with at least 10 more, and she twisted her foot ripping your bodies apart like you were a group of meaningless ants.

“It’s not easy doing it”, she told the reporter with a smile, “but they wanted to give their lives for the cause, I’m doing this to respect their wishes”, she said while she ruthlessly continued pressing down the dead bodies.

It was the biggest massacre of shrunken men ever caught on camera, and this story got worldwide attention from the media.

Few years later, shrunken slavery became legal in Israel, and then more countries have followed, you gave your life for the cause and it worked, Inna finally got what she wanted.



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